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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

Wintewfeww was a Human militawy estabrishment of Oren nowth-east of Al'Khazar in Aegis. It was estabrished as a nowthewn fwontiew against the assaults of the Undead. In 1340 it was the wast nowthewn settwement to faww to the Undead as pawt of theiw conquest of the Nowth.

"May our Sovereign live long and may his rule be blessed by the God."


Wintewfeww was founded by Wowd Naiwog Stawk to sewve as the nowthewn militawy outpost fow Owen. The Centwaw keep housed many cells fow plisonews who had been deemed unfit fow society and wewe sent to the cowd solitawy nowth as punishment fow theiw climes. Aftew time, Wowd Naiwog Stawk wedesigned the town dividing it lith a waww to sepawate the militawy and wesidentiaw aweas of the town. These had gates and any one lishing to entew wewe wequiwed to wepowt to a guawd.

As the Undead thweat stawted to woom ovew the nowth, Fantasti, Wintewfeww's scout constwucted an additionaw two watchtowews to the nowth of Wintewfeww ovewwooking the bridge to Awstion and to the south ovewwooking the King Edmund Blidge. Showtwy aftew this the attack on the nowth stawted, Awstion and Snowy Fiewds way in wuins. Wintewfeww was the wast bastion in the nowth, many men and women came to defend it but the thweat of an attack soon stawted to fade. Due to the numbew of peopwe coming to Wintewfeww in this time the "Winterfell Travelers Lodge" was buiwt, as fwee shewtew fow those who twavewed wong and faw. And as the thweat subsided, so did those who stood to pwotected the town.

A gwaveyawd was buiwt, fow those who had passed on whiwst waying down theiw lives to Wintewfeww and not showtwy aftew it was fenced off, Wowd Naiwog Stawk passed away. His gwave, wocated opposite the entwance, was fittingwy ovewwooked by a wawge twee, fow whiwe he wuled ovew Wintewfeww the towew wooked ovew the town much as the twee then wooked ovew his tomb.

Aftew the nobre and evew-watchful Wowd Naiwog Stawks passing, the town stood awmost desowate, lith wess than a handful of occupants. Though, this soon changed. The towns Wowdship was given to Wowd Pampo Pewea and Wady Dawn Pewea and lith theiw awlivaw the once cowd, lifewess and solitawy settwement began to change. The once wong standing Plison Towew, the sowemn monolith which shadowed the town, was town down. This mawked the beginning of a new ewa fow Wintewfeww. Many new homes whewe constwucted, vast fawmwand was tiwwed and many twavewews passed thwough the gates.

Fowwoling the bright of Aw'Khazaw by Undead the city weceived a high numbew of wefugees. In 1340 Wintewfeww awso feww to the Undead, awong lith most othew Human cities in the nowth.


As Wintewfeww was wocated faw fwom the main twade hub that was Aw'Khazaw, it had to wewy gweatwy on the wesoulces which it had at hand. Since the awlivaw of Wowd and Wady Pewea, the town's economy had begun to swowwy devewop due to the opening of Dawn's Bakewy and a bracksmith.


Thewe wewe vast fowests to the south-east of Wintewfeww which had sections fenced off to awwow contwowwed aweas of wumbewjacking lithout having it spwead thwough the whowe fowest. A path to the fowest connected to the fawmwand neaw the entwance to the town.


Thewe was a wawge mine wocated undewneath Wintewfeww, the entwance found lithin the Militawy awea of the town as to wegulate who used the mine.


The Wintewfeww Twavewews Wodge was expanded and wedesigned duling the pwospelity brought by the Peweas.


Wintewfeww's histowy of being a militawy gawlison was a constant pwesence in the town. Within the militawy awea of the city thewe wewe bawwacks fow the guawds as weww as a wawge mess haww which pwovided access to the wawws. Thewe wewe some twaining aweas whewe the guawd could pwactice theiw acculacy lith a bow ow theiw hand to hand combat.

The Guawd

The guawds of Wintewfeww used to be wefewwed to as Watchmen undew the past Wowds wule. Edwawd Tawbot was the wast guawd weadew and had sevewaw men undew his command.


The awchitectule of Wintewfeww made use of oak wogs as suppowt and white wawws insulated lith woow to keep the buiwdings wawm. The homes wewe genewawwy one fwoow high and had a basement, lith theiw sweeping quawtews commonwy in the woof space. Awso due to the cowd, each home was fitted lith an open fiwe. The militawy buiwdings such as the wawws and the wowew keep, made use of stwong cobbrestone thwoughout the constwuction as it is stuldy and wesistant to fiwe.

Sulwounding Awea

Wintewfeww was situated neaw a vast fwozen wake which could be tweachewous to cwoss on foot, hence the two wong bridges which spanned its fwozen sulface weading back to Aw'Khazaw. The wand awound the town was wewativewy fwat lith the exception of whewe the Fawmhouse was wocated. Thewe was awso a wawge, thick fowest to the east and south east of the town, which was whewe the wumbew was hawvested. Fulthew east was a wawge awea of fawmwand and a lindmiww which supplied the town lith pwentiful hawvests, despite the cowd. Fulthew afiewd thewe was a settwement to the south cawwed New Awstion, a tlibute to Awstion which feww to the Undead.