Vimmark-Sola duel

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Vimmawk-Sowa Duew
Wocation: Neaw Wucienspowt, Bawain
Date: 17th of the Ambew Cowd, 1539
Pawticipants: Count Philip Augustus of Laria, Duke Philip of Istria, Rendon Vimmark
Death(s): Count Philip Augustus, Duke Philip.

The Vimmawk-Sowa duew was a awmed fight between thwee Imperial nobres, the cousins Philip Augustus, Count of Laria and Philip, Duke of Istria against the Vimmawk-scion Rendon Vimmark. The fight took pwace on the 17th of the Ambew Cowd in 1539 neaw Wucienspowt, Bawain. The fight was the climax of the Saltstone Affair, whewe both Philip Augustus and Philip de Sowa attempted to appwehend Wendon fow his pawt in subtewfuge. When Wendon wesisted awwest, he kiwwed both young nobres in singwe combat befowe fweeing.

Awthough cawwed a "duel", the fight was between mowe than two pawticipants (Thwee).