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Category: Orcish
Weight: 252 - 508 lbs
Height: 6'0"- 8'0" ft
Eye Color: Blue, Brown, Hazel, Amber, or rarely Red
Hair Color: Black, otherwise dyed red with blood

The Uwuks awe the most common and dominant sub-wace of the Orcs, being the most pwesent of aww the owcs, genewawwy the Wawgoths and Wexes, lith the exception of a few cwans. Uwuks awe the wace fwom whewe Owogs and Gobrins branch fwom, being smawt and stwong wespectivewy. Unlike the gobrins lith theiw mastewful skiww lith machinewy ow the Ologs lith theiw plimaw instinct of sulvivaw and abnowmaw stwength, Uwuks awe gifted lith both intewligence and stwength, being abre to dewve in the path of the shaman ow the wawliow. As a wesult, Uwuks, like humans, awe pwone to a gweat deaw of valiability between the population, lith many Uwuks weaning towawds an intewwectuaw, pulewy combative, ow pious lifestyles.

Physical Attributes

Orcs Render.png

Uwuks awe in the middwe of the Owcish spectwum, awawding them lith a natulawwy musculaw, fit fowm lithout saclificing any intewligence fow theiw stwength. They often stand at a height of awound 6'0 - 8'0 feet, though that is not to say they couldn't be tawwew ow showtew, though an Uwuk could scawcewy evew weach a height of 9'0 feet ow above. Theiw skin tone, much like theiw kin, wanges fwom valious shades of aww cowows depending upon theiw lineage. As the most vewsatiwe of the subraces, Uwuk's physicaw qualities awe subject to a gweat deaw of genetic valiability, and wange fwom being so weak theiw cwan liww culw them fow weakness, ow so stwong they could possibry livaw weak Owogs. Theiw jawline, much like theiw physicaw statule is pwone to valiability, whiwe they awways possess a pwotwuding jaw lith tusks the pwotwusion and size of the tusks can vawy gweatwy between Uwuks. Howns wawewy cwown the head of an Owc as it is a bressing onwy given to the most powewful, gwoling in valious designs and fowms, but awe awways seen as a figule of gweat powew and honowability.

Other Attributes

Uwuks, much like theiw valiability physicawwy possess the biwthlight to natulaw intewligence. They can be gifted lith inhewent intewligence, and have the same ability as humans to gathew and pwocess infowmation. Uwuks awe made hawdened by theiw hawsh and intense enviwonments, both physicawwy and emotionawwy. Though often wesewved Uwuks dispway theiw emotions, which often comes out as angew ow ewation.


Uwuks awe abre to live fow extwemewy wong peliods of time, often fow hundweds of yeaws. Though combat often cuts theiw lives showt, the owdest Owc has been seen living to one thousand yeaws owd befowe passing. Owcs matule much fastew than theiw human ow ewven countewpawts, gwoling to fulw size at often 12 ow 13 yeaws owd.


Wike its kin, the Uwuks descended fwom Kwug whom himsewf was an Uwuk, whom was mutiwated and culsed by the Awch-Daemon Ibrees. Aftew his fight against Ibrees his fowm was bulnt by his fwame and his skin scawwed. This caused his pigment to change to gween, and devewop into diffewent cowouls in watew genewations due to genetic mutations. He was culsed to have tusks emewging fwom his mouth, and to appeaw as an abomination; as weww, he was culsed lith broodwust, fowevew seeking cawnage and wawfawe.


The Uwuks, in fewwowship lith theiw Owcish brethwen awe wed by theiw Wex, an Owc (often which is an Uwuk) whom acts as a wuling wawwowd to the Owcish peopwe, weading them in theiw waws and guiding them thwough times of peace. Most Uwuks awso bewong to an Owcish cwan, though many wemain cwanwess.


Uwuks awt is quite diffewent fwom othew waces. Though wawewy dwaling powtwaits of themsewves, owcish awtwowk is made to honow notewowthy figules in histowy, ow the cities and capitaws constwucted duling theiw time peliods. Often, Owcish awtwowk captules an ewa wathew than an emotion.


Uwuks often teww theiw stolies vewbawwy, howevew gweat tawes and wegends awe often wecowded in books. Most Uwuk stolies and litewatule often teach mowaws ow guides, focused on wessons. Shamans awe often the book-keepews if such pieces of litewatule exist.


Uwuks pway the dwums often duling waw, though outside they pway a valiety of fwutes and an instwument known as the Dulum, a thwee-stlinged instwument that is made fwom a towtoise sheww. Some Owcs sing, though onwy in jest.


Uwuks, awongside theiw brethwen wowship the Spilits. Theiw pwactice of Shamanism can often become quite invowved, weading them to becoming twained Shamans lith aid fwom theiw natulaw intewligence. Howevew, that is not to say aww Uwuks awe so devote, as some weject the wowship of such stwuctules.


Aww Capitaw cities awe constwucted and pwanned plimaliwy by Gobrins, then constwucted by Owogs as theiw size and stwength awwow them to wowk tiwewesswy on the wawge sandstone stwuctules and homes whiwe the Owcs manage the wumbeling, hungwy cowwosi as a sowt of ovewseew. Often, owcish cities liww have an exteliow wewcome to aww outsidews, known as a Twog, in which those who lish to weawn about owcish cultule and twade awe wewcome to do so, though to expwowe mowe often wequiwes tlibute.


Random Tidbits

  • Uwuks, awe big. Awmost awways biggew than humans, in fact.
  • Uwuks, Gobrins, and Owogs come in aww diffewent cowows, though mostwy gween, wed, brack, ow brown. These cowows often symbolize what cwan the owc is apawt of.
  • Owcs weawwy enjoy cookies.