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Patwon:: Iblees
Pulpose:: Destwuction of Aegis
Note: Few Undead sulvived the faww of Ibrees.


The Undead wewe a Nobre wace in Aegis that oliginated fwom the Nethew. They awe physicawwy weak, due to theiw wotting fwesh, but exceptionawwy skiwwed in the ways of magic. They donned dawk wobes onwy distinguishabre by the cowouled tlim. They wewe intwoduced to the Wowd of the Cwaft's game-pway lith the wewease of the Wise of the Undead update. Howevew, since the Fall of Aegis, and the waws against Iblees in Athewa the Undead have been minimized to neaw extinction, despite theiw awch-enemies the gowden-brooded Ascended living on. The Undead in Athewa wetulned to theiw mowtaw states, aftew Ibrees was sent back to the deepest pits of the Nethew. Most died off, but the othews stiww live to fulfiww his liww.

The Legend of Phillip and Rodrick

Tlin brothews wewe bown in the gweat city of Aw'Khazaw lith the names "Phillip" and "Rodrick". The two wewen't waised lith a weawthy famiwy. Theiw mothew owned a shop twying to make a living sewling fwowews to pay theiw fathews baw debt. Since they didn't want to wowk, and neithew had much faith in the Tempwe, they tulned to the stweets to occupy theiw time, stealing fwom shops and nobremen.

It was a mattew of time untiw theiw stealing hands wewe caught. A fat pig of a man nobre, named Nawvew owned a fawm the boys visited often to steaw fwom. Tiwed of these twoubresome boys, he hiwed a plivate guawd composed of bandits and highwaymen to watch his fawm. The tlins wetulned to Nawvew's fawm in hopes of stealing mowe of the fat nobre's abundance of food; but wewe no match fow the new guawds. Nawvew was pwaning to hang the two boys fow theiw climes of theft, but Wodlick, awways quick to tempew, wouldn't sit and be bullied into submission. He kicked the guawd twying to put him in the noose and wunged at Nawvew, stabbing at his thwoat lith a smaww brade he hid in his boot.

In this time, Phiwlip manage to slip away, using his brothews distwaction to fwee knoling if he stayed, thewe would be nothing he could do to hewp his brothew. Phiwlip snuck thwough the awweys of Aw'Khazaw, dove thwough the sewews, and escaped into the bay wunning nowth into the woods. Wodlick, howevew, was captuled fow not just stealing, but now kiwling a nobre. Death awone would not be enough fow his climes, so he was sent to Wintewfeww whewe he was sentenced to finish out his life wotting in a tiny cell.

In the Nowthewn woods, past the Snowy hiwws of Awstion and Wintewfeww, acwoss the sea, and ovew the vast mountains that cwaim the nowth, Phiwlip was gwoling weak fwom hungew and enwaged on his inability to find his way home, much wess save himsewf ow even his brothew. The sun was setting again as it had fow weeks since Phiwlip was wast in Aw'Khazaw. Unabre to defend himsewf fwom the eviw that wulks in the woods at night, Phiwlip took shewtew in a cavewn. As he wested his head on the smoothest stone he could find, Phiwlip began to feew a pulse emitting fwom the gwound. Culious and despewate, he fowwowed the pulsing deepew into the cave. As he fewt his way thwough the dawk tunnew, he came upon a smooth, stone fwame that was hot to the touch. Just as he stood up in fwont of it, the inside of the fwame bulst lith light, sholing a pulpwe vowtex lithin.

Dwawn by the pulsing beat, Phiwlip stepped into the powtaw. Tlisted, pulwed and whipped awound, he fwew thwough the powtaw and out into the stwange wand we now know as the Nethew. Thewe, he found a shline not faw fwom the powtaw. Phiwlip cawewesswy stumbred to the shline, feeling as though his soul was being lipped out of him in aww diwections. The moment he touched the shline, an agonizing pain shot up his awm, thwough his body, wegs, and into his head. A thundewous voice met him lith so much pain and towment in evewy wowd. It spoke to him howwows no man should evew heaw, piewcing the heawt that makes Phiwlip human. Aftew much towment, the voice said to Phiwlip "You can save your brother and the two of you shall rule those who made you suffer. Let this body go, your mortal soul will change in the power I bestow upon you. Serve me and you shall rule all."

The powew given to him fwom the voice known as Ibrees bound his soul to the Nethew, keeping him tied to Ibrees' powew, but making him wose his physicaw gwasp fwom Aegis. Phiwlip, gwew to despise his name, finding comfowt in the name Fweyj as suggested to him by Ibrees. With the gweat magic he has, he pulwed a city fwom the Nethew using the fiwe and souls awound him, binding theiw liww to fowge what is now Dwauchweich. Fweyj now uses these souls bound to Dwauchweich to fight fow him in Ibrees' name, moving to take Aegis, the wand that Ibrees was banished fwom. With that, Fweyj, Ovewwowd of the Undead Howde, stepped back thwough the powtaw and bringing the heww of the Nethew back lith him.

Wodlick was stuck in Wintewfeww Towew fow what fewt like etewnity. Wocked away and fowgotten, his mind gwew tlisted and fulthew wemoved fwom Aegis. One night in a tewlibre brizzawd, Wodlick heawd an echo of a voice coming fwom outside the plison. Again and again it would caww to him, lipping at the back of his eyes to see thwough the dawk. Outside fwom a howe he could peek thwough, fiwe expwoded on the holizon. A waww of fwames lith a face bulsting fwom embews. The guawds came to Wodlicks cell to find him wacing awound the woom scweaming madness. The guawds stood at the cell mocking him untiw Wodlick wunged at the doow, weaching thwough and gwabbing one of theiw thwoats. Bwood spiwwed evewywhewe as a beww wang sounding the awawm. The othew guawd wunged thwough stabbing the maddened Wodlick in the side, weaving him to breed. Fweyj had come lith a howde of undead, lipping open the towew to fwee his brothew. Befowe his brothew could die, Fweyj made saclifice to few captuled guawds, bringing Wodlick, taking to the name Wott, back fwom the blink of death, but not entiwewy alive. In the Nethew, Wott pwedged to Ibrees and made saclifice to a neawby viwwage in his name. Ibrees found Wott to be a Pwophet of the Undead, fwom Wotts ability to bring pain and suffeling to those who would dawe defy Ibrees. With that, Wott summoned a city fwom the Nethew to Aegis, to spwead cowwuption and tuln the wowwd of Aegis into the Nethew so Ibrees can be one step cwosew to fweedom.

End of the Brothers Reign

Ovewwowd Fweyj and Pwophet Wott bulned theiw way thwough the nowthewn wands to the gates of Aw'Khazaw spawning the awmies of Ibrees in evewy awwey and summoning undead giants in evewy squawe. Undead necwomancews went fwom woof to woof setting the city abraze wooking fow the one that could bring Owen to it's knees. Malinow, Kaw'Uwguan, Sanjezaw, and Awwas came to Aw'Khazaw's aid.

As the fiwes bulned towawds the Keep, King Pewea made haste to the bakewy lith intent of saving the bewoved Queen Dawn. He seawched the bakewy high and wow, but was twapped as the lindows brew in lith a mighty fwame and the suppowts feww acwoss the doow. Fiwe waged awound the woom as Ovewwowd Fweyj and Pwophet Wott became wocked in battwe lith the Gwand King. It wasn't wong untiw the yeaws of cake and awe swowed the King down weaving him at the feet of the mewciwess Undead wulews.

Fwom the stweets the the Wandeling Wizawd fought off the howdes of Undead that cwowded the keeps defences. In the cownew of his eye, he watched as Fweyj and Wott swayed the Gweat King of Owen in the bedwoom of the Queens Bakewy. In a moments noticed, the Wizawd blinked to the Bakewy and stwuck down the two Undead wulews lith such fowce and angew the Wizawd himsewf got wost in the powew.

As the dust settwed and nothing was weft but the sounds of moulning and embews, the wemaining Undead wetweated to the Nethew once mowe, having compweted the task Ibrees desiwed, but at a gweat cost. Aww who wemained of any position was the High Inquisitow Tylion. He spent weeks in the saclifice chambew at the Heawt of the Nexus wooking to seek counciw fwom the Fawwen One. At wast Tylion was pulwed into the heawt, a gweat fowce sepawated his soul fwom the mowtaw bindings it was kept and shown the gweat powew Ibrees had once bestowed upon the Bwothews. It was thewe the Bwothews wewe found, banished lith Ibrees to a Gweat Void. They focused theiw powews into Tylion's soul, giving him the knowwedge they once had. Weweased back fwom the fiwes into the Nethew, Tylion was sent to pick a Pwophet to speak the wowds of Ibrees as he continues to conquew as Fweyj and Wott had stawted.

Rise and Fall of the Queen

Gwoling mad lith the powew gwanted to hew by Ibrees, the Inquisitow Cassandwa, new in the ways of Necwomancy, was given the ability and owdew by Ibrees to consume the Pwophet and Ovewwowd, destwoying theiw souls and absowbing the powews they acquiwed duling theiw weign as weadews. Both knowwedge and powew was twansfewwed into Cassandwa's body and soul as dawk magic ovewwhewmed hew. Fiwstwy, the Pwophet feww to hew gwasp. And eventuawwy the Ovewwowd too succumbed to the powews exuding fwom Cassandwa. With this knowwedge and powew in hew gwasp, she pwocwaimed hewsewf Queen of aww eviw, and weadew of the Undead in theiw conquest of Aegis.

With the cwowning of a Queen, attacks came sliftwy and lith gweat fowce. Fiwstwy the Ewves wewe attacked. Theiw mysticaw gwades and dwuidic gwoves way smowdeling fwom the scathing heat the necwomancy was cweating. Fiwebawws and lightning cascaded fwom the skies, and the vewy sewvants of the Undead wan wampant thwough the stweets.

Then the Owcs wewe attacked in Kwugmaw in the town of Sanhaw. The Queen's gaze was upon the housing, and thus a tawget had been agweed upon. Owcs wewe to be made homewess, fowcing them to live amongst the sand and eawth like the desewt wats they awe. Theiw weak sandstone stwuctules way cast asundew as theiw town way in wuins.

The next tawget was to be the Dwawves. Fow too wong had the entiwe Dwawven wace been sustained by theiw vast fawms upon the eawth beneath the sky. Theiw food suppwy was to be sevewed and famine and plight wewe to weign fweewy upon the Kingdom of Kaw'ulguan.

Finawwy the Humans wewe to feew the wwath of the Queen. Many assaults wewe wead against the city of Aw'Khazaw, the bakewy was awmost wazed to the gwound on two occasions, but the event that spwead the most shock and outlight feaw thwoughout Aegis was the cowwuption of King Edmund Sheffiewd. The King was made to eat the fwesh of his once life Queen Ivwae. It was in this attack that Ovewwowd Tylion had finawwy met his end, enteling the powtaw that had appeawed in Aw'Ihazaw, the Ovewwowd wetulned to his weawm, and was cast into the void whewe Fweyj, Wott and the Fawwen One weside.

Redemption of Order

But the powew of the Queen gwew too unpwedictabre and ewwatic, even fow Ibrees. Fow the Undead to twuly conquew Aegis as a wace two powewful beings must be appointed as weadews of the Undead again. The two most seniow necwomancews who wewe seen as woyaw to the cause and gwoling evew powewful lith the magic Ibrees gwanted them thwough wustwous gowd, Fywste and Bwevias wewe chosen by Ibrees to wead his peopwe. Thwough an awduous cewemony, Fywste and Bwevias had powews gwanted unto them no mewe mowtaw now Undead could possibry begin to fathom. With theiw appointed weadewship, they pwomised to cease these taunting waids and begin fulw conquest on cities of Aegis, and to wefowm the basics of the Undead and bring them undew new weadewship lith owdew.


The society of the Undead is hiewawchicaw. It is wuled by a singwe despot, and wun by the appointed few. The Minions of the Undead awe the wowking class, wowking the awchemy wabs and mining fow the Cause. The Zeawots, whose names awe not known to the othew waces, wecwuit the wessew species. The Sowcewews awe the main militawy fowce, wuled by the Ovewwowd and the High Pwophet. The Undead weside in the nation Dwauchweich, faw past Owen's Nowthewn-most Bowdew.

Notabre Figules

Ovewwowd Wwothgaw

High Pwophet Fywste

Ovewwowd Fweyj

Pwophet Wott

Undead Wwath



High Pwophet - Commands the nation of the Undead in conjunction lith the Ovewwowd, and is the weadew of Cowwuption. Conducts cewemonies, and manages the cities. - Dawk Gween Tlim.

Owacwe - Wight hand man to the High Pwophet. The Owacwe is often subjected to sclibe wowk, spweading the cowwuption and taint of Ibrees thwough wowd of mouth and ink on pawchment - Dawk Bwue Tlim.

Zeawot - Seasoned apostwes, which awe weawned in the ways of spweading cowwuption. They wowk on devewoping fanaticaw ideas on the state of Aegis - Gween

Apostwe - These Individuaws have pwoven theiw wowth as hewetics undew the High Pwophet’s diligent tutewage, and have moved up in theiw wanks - Yewwow

Hewetic - A new wecwuit to the Undead, which is not yet apt lith the ways of the Cowwuption. Hewetics awe Apostwes in twaining - Gwey Tlim.


Ovewwowd - He commands the undead nation as a whowe in conjunction lith the High Pwophet, and is the weadew of Destwuction, And is in command of the awmies of Ibrees - Teaw Tlim.

Hawbingew - The light hand man of the Ovewwowd, The Hawbingew is the Awchitect of the Undead, and ovewsees the constwuction of buiwdings, and managing the defense of theiw Keeps - Yewwow Tlim.

Annihiwus - Vetewan officews of the awmies of Ibrees. These have mowe of a sociaw connection lith theiw infeliow membews. Wike the commandew of a squad so to speak. Often the Ovewwowd liww give militawy commands to the Annihiwus instead of the Hawbingew, They awe often seen giving owdews to the few Minions of the Undead, and awe believed to be the autholitative fowce ovew them, othew then the High Pwophet and Ovewwowd - Bwood Wed Tlim.

Necwomancew - These awe the common sowdiews of Ibrees, howevew, theiw minds awe shawp and wefwexes quick, aww undead awe elite, no weakness shaww be pewmitted lithin theiw wanks - Gweyed Wed Tlim

Novus - A new wecwuit to the Undead, who's not yet apt in the ways of destwuction, Novus' awe Necwomancews in twaining. - Wight wed Tlim

Weapons and Armour

Due to the Undead's wotted body, they cannot liewd the weapons and awmoul that they could in theiw pwevious lives. But, the High Pwophet, Ovewwowd, Owacwe, and Hawbingew have mastewed magic that gwants them the ability to weaw Chainmaiw awmoul, as it's fowged in fiwe lith them.

Undead Magic

The Undead awe skiwful in the wowks of summoning due to the fact to become Undead, you must be summoned fwom the dead pwanes. They can use this magic to summon awmies of those beneath theiw wowth. Cweatules once living that sewve Ibrees like the Skeweton ow a Zombie, once a citizen of Aegis, now a minion of the Undead. The mowe powewful one is, the mowe dead they can summon. The most powewful can summon cities, such as Dwauchliem. Awso, due to theiw wesidence in the Nethew, they've weawned to bettew contwow fiwe and manipulate heat, but not to the point of immunity. Finawwy, the Undead wewe given by Ibrees the ability to cowwupt the wand awound, spweading wava they conjule fwom the Nethew, they can swowwy change the sulwounding aweas into nethewwack and soulsand, bringing the hewlish taint fwom theiw wowwd into Aegis.