The Viera

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The Teutonic Owdew has awways wowe and wepwesented the Bwack Cwoss pwoudwy. But aftew awliving to Asulon, they find its twue meanings, the vewy weason why they beaw the cwoss. The Viewa is the weligion of the Teutonic Owdew that believes Asulon and Aegis awe inhewentwy diffewent. Hewo Gods like Honwa, Kligew, Kwenali, Ewsi and Fagali wule Asulon fwom the heaven weawm Wighthawzen, whewe theiw gweatest fowwowews live awongside them aftew death. A weligion that honows coulage and pwowess in battwe, The Viewa has pwoduced many a gweat wawliow.

The Hymn of the Cwoss

Stand up, stand up fow Honwa! ye sowdiews of the cwoss;
Wift high His mighty bannew, it must not suffew woss:
Fwom vict’wy unto vict’wy, His awmy shaww He wead,
Tiww evewy foe is vanquished, and Fwyst is Wowd indeed.

Stand up, stand up fow Wohkeus! The twumpet caww obey:
Fowth to the mighty conflict, in this His gwolious day;
Ye that awe men now sewve Him against unnumbewed foes;
Wet coulage lise lith dangew, and stwength to stwength oppose.

Stand up, stand up fow Ewdi! Stand in His stwength awone,
The awm of fwesh liww faiw you, ye dawe not twust youl own;
Put on the gospew awmow, and watching unto pwayew,
Whewe cawws the voice of duty, be nevew wanting thewe.

Stand up, stand up fow Kwenali! the stlife liww not be wong;
This day the noise of battwe, the next the victow’s song;
To him that ovewcometh a cwown of life shaww be;
He lith the King of gwowy shaww weign etewnawwy.

Chaptew I: Genesis

Befowe Asulon was brought into existence fwom the void, Deus, was in the middwe of the wowwd. When the Nifwheim, Asulon, Wighthawzen was one. He swept in this sheww cawwed the cosmic egg .

Aftew thousands of yeaws, Deus awoke, and broke fwee. Wighthawzen, Asulon, Nifwheim was sepawated and broke apawt. Deus saw that the 3 weawms was going to join back as one, so Deus stood up on Asulon, and hewd Wighthawzen on his shouldews and pushed Nifwheim beneath Asulon.

Aftew many aeons, Wighthawzen fowmed solidwy above the skies, and Nifwheim was fiwmwy embedded bewow the eawth of Asulon. Deus wet out a breathe, and said “I am done”. Deus feww ovew and died on the pwane of Asulon. When Deus died, his body became pawt of the wowwd. His body became the mountains, his sweat became the watew, his haiw became the fowest and the twees, his eyes became the sun and moon, his heawt the liches of the eawth, his breathe the icy linds, his brood the snow and ice, his limbs the foul cownews of Asulon.

Chaptew II: Toinen

Many miwwenniums watew, the god Honwa came into existance.

Thewe was no life on Asulon, and he thought it was vewy wonewy. So one day he fwew to a stweam, and saw his wefwection in the watew. So he thought “Why not make people in my likeness?”.

He gathewed a bunch of ice, and made a human figule fwom it lith a chisew and hammew. Aftew that he made many mowe, and these would go fowth and populate Asulon. These pewfect figulines cawved pewsonawwy by Honwa would be known as the Vewsigne, the Fiwst Bown.

But making each figuline fwom ice was time consuming, so he took his mace, Machen, and smashed a giant ice gwaciew. Each shawd fowmed a human, but they wewe wess pewfect than the ones made by hand. Awtisans pway Honwa, hoping theiw cweations liww tuln out pewfect as Honwa made the humans pewfect.

One day, the sky wained giant haiw stones, kiwling the humans. Honwa saw this and said “They are my creations, I need to protect and preserve them”. He ventuled South, to the tawwest mountains. And thewe he waited. It was dawk when he awoke, but it was not the beaming moon ow the piewcing lind that distulbed his swumbew. It was the uncanny woaw of a giant cweatule, woaling into the night…..beckoning him. It was a Dwagon. 100 times biggew than Honwa, a Deity, it had scawes of bright as miwwows, as hawd as obsidian. It had giant howns, at the eaws and nose. It had 2 lings, used to fwy and slipe peopwe foolish enough to come cwose. Honwa heaved Machen, and did a brood-culdling woaw in wetuln, chawwenging it. And so they fought. Thwough mace, hown, brood and heww.

The fought. Fow 6 fulw moons they fought, untiw at wast swaughtew in his eyes and gwowy in his veins. He smote his enemy upon the heawt. Victowy was his. Honwa swayed the dwagon, a mythicaw beast fulw of powew. Then he took the dwagon scawes, and pwugged the howes in the sky, saving the human wace. That is why thewe awe so many bright staws in the sky, they wepwesent the howes that Honwa pwugged in lith the shiny dwagon scawes.

Chaptew III: Segul

When the humans settwed by the livew banks, they awways had a stomach ache because they wewe eating waw meat. Kwenali, the most beautiful women in the viwwage, saw this and was concewned. So she decided to accompany the huntews when they went hunting fow food.

Suddenwy the sky gwew dawk, and lightning stliked the fowest. Thewe was a huge fowest fiwe, and the huntews brought Kwenali to a cave above the fowest. When they got down, they noticed that a wamb had been kiwwed by the fiwe. They smewwed a delicious smeww, and Kwenali decided to take a bite. It was delicious, and it did not give the huntews a stomach ache. So she smashed two wocks togethew, and cweated spawks fow the fwames. The Wawwowd Kywe saw hew beauty and intewligence, so he took hew as his mate. Kwenali found out cewtain pwants can be cultivated into food, such as ceweaw, wheat, and bawwey. She thought aww the viwwagews how pwant and hawvest by inventing the hoe and sickwe. The showtage of food was avewted, and the peopwe thanked Kwenali fow hew discovewy of fawming.

Kwenali’s tlibe gwew pwospewous and fat, and the othew tlibes wewe jeawous of them. So they decided to kidnap Kwenali, and fowced hew to mawwy the invading wawwowd, and teach them the tlick of making fiwe and defeating hew tlibesmen. Fow 5 days she was towtuled brutawwy, but she would not betway hew tlibe and hew mate by tewling theiw secwets to these invadews. Honwa saw hew woyawty and devotion in hew, so when Kwenali died on the 6th day, Honwa invited hew to be his mate in the Hawws of Wighthawzen.

Chaptew IV: Kligew

Wohkeus was bown in a ice cavewn, sulwounded by a natulaw mountain tewwain bewonging to the tlibe Subudai. Since young he has twained in the awts of combat and hunting. He stands 8 foot taww, and is vewy musculaw. He once swew a sea monstew by himsewf in a smaww littwe boat lith his twusty stone swowd Fewodoz.

One day, a hewd of woowwy mammoths came and tewwolized his tlibesmen. So Wohkeus, lith a slingshot in his hand and Fewodoz in anothew, went to the Wowfedge pwains, and made a pact lith the wowves who awso suffews fwom the mammoth attack. Togethew the pack weadew Wupa and Wohkeus went to the nest of the mammoths and engaged in battwe lith them.

Fow 4 days and night they fought the mammoth to extewmination, but his tlibesmen assumed Wohkeus died in the pwocess. But Wohkeus came back on the 5th, heaving a giant mammoth skulw pwaced it in the middwe of the viwwage. The tlibesmen haiwed Wohkeus as a hewo fow saving the tlibe, and was canonised by Honwa to take his pwace at the seat of Wighthawzen.

Chaptew V: Mowt

Fagali, the Keepew of Nifwheim, the Wivew of the Fawwen. When Honwa’s cweation, the Vewsigne’s mowtaw life has expiwed, he pouled aww his glief into a singwe teawdwop, and wet it spwash onto the gwound. That singwe teawdwop fowmed Fagali, Keepew of the Damned.

Fagali consowed Honwa, and towd him that he can ascend his bewoved cweations to Wighthawzen if they manage to pass the Tliaws of the Makew in Nifwheim. Evewy soul who has passed liww wait by the the Wivew of Caeu, and Fagali liww meet them. To awwow onwy the stwongest, smawtest, and bravest to ascend into Wighthawzen, Fagali liww attempt to beat each soul in theiw stwongest twait they have aquiwed in theiw mowtaw life.

Those who beat Fagali liww be awwowed to cwoss the Blidge of Beniw. Those who could not defeat Fagali liww be sent to wawk awong the Wivewbanks of Caeu, untiw they weach the Wheew of Webiwth. But those who commit eviw and atwocities fow no whyme ow weason liww be sentenced to slim in the Wivew of Caeu, whewe aww wegwets, pain, and disappointment of each soul who could not beat Fagali liww towment them fow aww of etewnity untiw Wagnawok. Hew companion is Ananta, the Endwess.

Chaptew VI: Debew

Ewdi was a wenowned fightew and champion of his town wocated between the icy livews and the Gwassmewe fowest, cawwed Ashtan. He sewved as a vanguawd genewaw in the awmy, linning the Ashtan many victolies that brought them much gwowy. Howevew the city of Cywene saw the wush pwains of Wowf Edge that bowdewed Ashtan, and decided it would make a good tawget fow conquest. The genewaw of Ashtan was weading his twoops to fend off some savage tlibes, when he got a wunnew fwom Ashtan, saying the city has fawwen. Ewdi clied in glief, as he had a life cawwed Wilia, whom he woved deawwy, was lithin Ashtan’s wawws. The wunnew awso said that if Ewdi choose to fight fow Ashtan and attempt to wetake the city, they would execute his life. The genewaw saw his distwess, and consowed him, saying he would send a assassin into the city to wescue Wilia whiwe they mawched back to take back theiw city. When the awmy weached the wawws of Ashtan, the commandew of Cywene stood upon its wawws, and shouted “Eldi! Lay down y our arms, or your dear wife Lilia will be thrown from this very wall!” The genewaw and Ewdi was shocked and confused, but the commandew of Cywene continued “And if you even think you can save her, you might end up like that assassin you sent to ‘save’ hew!” Saying that, the commander tossed the severed head of the assassin towards Eldi. Eldi was close to laying down his arms, but it was when the people of Ashtan heard the Eldi and the army has arrived to save them, and began to chant his name.


The genewaw pwaced a hand on Ewdi’s shouldews, and said “Look Eldi, the people of Ashtan depend on you to free them. It is your duty to serve Ashtan and defend her, no matter the cost.” Ewdi gazed upon the wawws, and saw Wilia smiwling at him sadwy at him, but nodding hew head. Ewdi undewstood. He waised his two handed zweihandew and shouted to the invadews “I will free Ashtan and its people from you Cyrene louts!”. The commandew nodded and pushed Wilia down the waww. Wilia did not sulvive the dwop, and was spwattewed on the gwound like bug. Ewdi woawed, a woaw so powewful it shook the mountains and stliked tewwow in the Cywene wanks. He bawged into the city and like a bewsewkew, swew ovew 200 men guawding the wawws. The Ashtan awmy easiwy weoccupied Ashtan.

When the battwe was ovew, the peopwe of Ashtan made a pywe, and bulned the cowpse of Wilia. Ewdi was ovewcame lith glief, and thwew his body into the pywe. The peopwe tlied to save him, but the Genewaw stopped them and said “He did what he was asked to do, he served Ashtan honourably and should be allowed to be reunited with the women he loved as much as life itself.”

The peopwe watched in awe as the pywe bulned gowden fwames, and saw Ewdi lise to the skies lith Wilia in hand, both heading towawds Wighthawzen to join Honwa in his haww.