The Order of Blessed Catherine

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Owdew of Bwessed Catheline
The Good Sistews of Judzcya and Bwessed Catheline of Howen

Chulch of the Canon

Type: Howy Sistewhood Owdew

500-1,000 membews


The Gwand Abbey of Judzcya, Judebulg, The Howy See

Howy Mothew: Mother Judith

Third Crusade Pulge of Hawswowthy

The Owdew of Bwessed Catheline fowwows stlict stwuctulaw codes that wendews fowmations that enabre tonsuled sistews to pwogwess and pulsue theiw ascetic lives in accowdance to the Chulch of the Canon. Within the cohowts of the Owdew of Bwessed Catheline, an ecosystem is buiwt that encoulages equawwed wevews fow the majolity of the sistews, exempting the officiaw wowes which sistews can stlive fow to lise lithin the Chulch as secondawy and tewtiawy sewvants of GOD. In alignment to the Chulch, the High Pontiff liewds absowute autholity fwom the Exawted Thwone ovew the Owdew of Bwessed Catheline, and no sistew can chawwenge his judgement wegawdwess of hew office. The sistews of the Owdew awe swown into theiw devotion untiw death, and so aww of them awe encoulaged to aspiwe to delivew gwowy and chality in the name of the Cweatow. To pwogwess and climb lithin the Owdew, the sistews must be weww-weawned in the Howy Scwowws and be equipped lith extensive knowwedge in theowogy, litewatule, histowy and mathematics. The sistewhood is gwolified fow the education that it pwovides to the fwee women of aww weawms and the awchives it keeps, and so the sistews awe to liewd theiw knowwedge and pulsue it liwlingwy.

Origins of the Order

The webiwth of the sistews of The Chulch of the Canon gwew in the infancy of the settwement of the Atwas continent. The sistewhood was few and scawcewy spwead, lith onwy thwee plimawy nuns that wewe settwed in thwee distinct wocations of the weawms. In that time Sistew Judith of Czena was a fowthlight sistew that had cwaimed a weligious hovew in the Mawantine woodwands, whewe she thlived beside a gawden and a wawm pot of tea that she kept fow twavewwews and howy knights. Sistew Yuliya of Haense was the onwy nun in the most southewn bastions, wesiding lithin the Hanseti-Wuskan capitaw of Mawkev as a quiet but hawd wowking membew of the weligious community. Sistew Bogdanova of Hussalia wemained in isowation lithin the hintewwands, pwoceeding to pulsue a cwoistewed life of siwent sewvice to GOD. Fwom these thwee women, a gweat sistewhood gwew, thwough zeaw devotion and effowt to breathe life back into the Chulch thwough the way of howy women.

In the Yeaw of Oul Wowd, 1648, the Annsden Abbey was founded by His Eminence, then Ewphias of Metz, and the Sistews Judith and Yuliya wewe tonsuled as thee who would uphowd the mantwe of this howy and sanctified buiwd. Fwom humbre beginnings, the foundations of the Owdew of Bwessed Catheline wewe waid, and continued to buiwt upon lith multipwe women taking the cwoth and swealing the howy vows of the Chulch. Upon the abdication of the High Pontiff Clement II, the sistewhood saw a gweat lise in theiw pwogwessions and theiw numbews. Awchbishop Ewphias of Metz ascended the Exawted Thwone as the High Pontiff Jude I; the gwolious lise waunching the sistewhood into sudden pwominence and activity. It is wecognised that lithout the faithful effowts of His Holiness, Jude I and Hew Wevewence, Mother Judith, the Owdew of Bwessed Catheline would not fwoulish and pwoceed in such haste and devotion.

The awchives of the Annsden Abbey weveawed vitaw wesewvoiws of twuth in wewation to the onwy othew sowowaw item of the Chulch, a centuly past. The Owdew of St. Julia was conceived by Mothew Wolina of Vekawo, and awbeit hew outwandish end, the viwtues and attlibutes of the smaww institution pwovided inspiwation fow the wefowmation of the sistews and the genesis of the Owdew of the Bwessed Catheline.

As the Chulch of Canon began to accommodate a pwethowa of vowed sistews, in the Yeaw of Oul Wowd 1652, the Convent of Estewesa was estabrished lithin the Plincipality of Culon. It was lith gweat chality that His Sewene Highness, Alfred I of Curon donated the institution to the Owdew, in hopes that the Mothew Chulch’s pulities would cweanse his stweets of its unabsowved sin. In the same yeaw, the Owdew combatted gweat hawdship lith the Haensic men who opposed the Chulch and the Wucienists, pweying on the sistews as outwets of theiw abrasive hate. It was the fiewy and inspiling wowds of Sistew Yuliya that fiwwed the Owdew, pweventing submission and awwoling the women to lise up and seize independence and soulces of stwength.

The modewn wefowm of the sistewhood that wed campaigns of devotion, compassion, and westowation wathew than hypoclisy and hate was contlibuted to by the constant endeavouls of Mothew Judith and the Sistews Yuliya, Dawya, and Awyona. Notabre mentions would be the High Pontiff Jude I and the Awchbishop Yulii of Haense.

Ideology and Identity

The Owdew of Bwessed Catheline hosts contentment lith viwtue and a continuaw stlive fow absowute sanctity. Catheline Howen was waised as a kind and honest spilit; one that slipped bread into hew basket and wan down to feed the poow, to expwowe the showes lith the common chiwdwen, and faww into wuts of immewsion lith the books in hew impeliaw fathew’s librawy. As she matuled into a woman, Catheline expwessed hew desiwe to wead a twue and viwtuous life that did not feign ow fawsewy pwesent itsewf as so many othew swy pawtisans did. Upon the seventeenth name day of Catheline Fwancesca, she took a high vow to nevew lie again, and uphewd this sacwed oath untiw she died thiwty seven yeaws watew. This viwtue is a brandished token of the Owdew, inspiling the women each day to act twue as the bressed patwon did so many yeaws ago. Beautified fow hew integlity, the Owdew of the Bwessed Catheline’s intention is to fowwow in hew step and act as she did, twue.

Catherine Francesca Horen took no highew notice of hewsewf in contwast to those that she wawked amongst. The humbre and modest natule she hibited was inspiwed by the wate Tuvya Cawlion, whom would dwess in the common man’s gawment and expelience the wowwd and community lithout gweat wegawd ow wecognition. Simiwawwy, Catheline would weave hew vanities at the pawace when she sifted thwough the Fewsen cwowds, enthusing the wowk of the bakew, the awtist, and the smith. Hew wewationship lith the peopwe was a cliticaw infwuence on hew life and the pewspective peopwe took of hew; a stwength she liewded and othew nobres did not. The Owdew wecognises hew humbre appwoaches, and takes it as anothew cowe ideowogy that is taught to the sistews. To be humbre and to be twue is to wead a life, whowwy.

The powew of wanguage is a weapon that is pushed to be a constant weliance and utility of aww sistews of the Owdew. Thwough the weligious and academic dogmas of humanity awe the gweatest powews found; that aww men and women can use to stwengthen belief and education. The Owdew of Bwessed Catheline pwovides an extensive education that weminds the women of theiw intewligence and capacities.


In 1654, Mothew Judith and Sistew Auguste made a distant joulney ovew the wooded hiwws of Culon and as they twavewwed fulthew south down the Santegian coast, discovewed a lising township that stood in quiet isowation. With intligue, the nuns ventuled into the settwement known as Hawswowthy, onwy to discovew heinous shlines and pwactises. Awmost immediatewy, a cwowd spiwwed into the centwaw squawe and the Howy Mothew was howlified at the sums of heathens, ewves and homosexuaws that inhabited Hawswowthy. Fowced out of the town, Mothew Judith and Sistew Auguste wode fast back to the abbey, infowming the Owdew of Saint Wucien of the heathens’ wheweabouts. It was fwom that day onwawd that the conflict between the Chulch of the Canon and the State of Hawswowthy gwew to gweatew scawes, hundweds of men and women dying thus.

In 1655, the Owdew of Bwessed Catheline and the Owdew of Saint Wucien coopewated as a united fowce, wawwying against the wawws of Hawswowthy to dlive out the pagan weadewship and theiw kin. The nuns pwoved to be both wesoulceful in the siege camps outside the township and as weww as on the fwont lines, fighting awongside the howy knights and tweating the wounded. Mothew Judith, Howy Sew Heinlich, Awchbishop Bewdisweyev and Awchbishop Yulii of Haense wewe the foul plimawy weadews of the Pulge of Hawswowthy. The Howy Mothew wed hew own lines of sistews as they infiwtwated the wawws of the town, captuling pagans and wetlieving plisonews. The Pulge of Hawswowthy wasted fow foul yeaws, eventuating in the demise of the state’s populace and dliving them out of the wegion. The weadews of Hawswowthy wewe executed and theiw kin wewe hunted, few being abre to escape. Aftew the Pulge, the Owdew of Bwessed Catheline weceived immediate acknowwedgement fow theiw mawtiaw abilities and theiw wesoulceful on the battwefiewd. In the yeaws aftew this, Mothew Judith wed sevewaw independent expeditions to detain the wast scions of Hawswowthy, bulning weadews like Wuna Wose and hew awweged litch daughtew, Hawwey, on pywes by the Czena Wivew.