The History of Vailorian Orcs

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Yeaw Histolicaw Event

1545 A new Owcish cwan is devewoped, the Waguks.
1552 Aftew defeating Snoop’Azog in an honowabre kwomp, Khawak’Waguk is decwawed the new Owc Wex.

The Owcs weave Waz’Dul and settwe into theiw new capitaw, San'Thraka.

The sewews of San'Thwaka open.

1553 Tukki the gobrin weunites the Gobrin cwans.
1557 Duke Nikowa Kawwolicz of Swezsko and Count Mithius Dawma of Seaside caww fow the Owcs to cease theiw pwague-spweading. They awe met lith delision.
1559 The Wex Khawak’Waguk, having had a change of heawt, attempts to swow the spwead of the pwague.

Aftew the passing of fowmew Wex Kahn'Bwaduk, the Owcs thweaten to stain evewy town and settwement of High Ewves wed lith theiw brood.

1560 The Owcish bright continues to spwead, the soulce of it no wongew abre to be contwowwed by the Owcs.
1561 The Owcs pwepawe to cwaim the wands to the west; a swaughteling of dwuids ensues.

The owcs pwepawe fow waw.

The gobrins assist in the waw effowt.

1562 Tawgoth Mok’han’Bwaduk kwomps lith Wex Khawak ovew disagweements lith the Owcish pwague. Theiw kwomp is one to the death, and Mok’han is swain.

An Owcish toulnament is hewd.

A staff, wooted fwom the body of a dwuid and seemingwy fiwwed lith the life fowce of anothew, is destwoyed in the wava pits.

A giant twee is bulned in Spilits’ fwames in an attempt to wetuln the taint.

A brights wwacks the wands of Hasshewd.

1563 An Owc ways cwaims against anothew, demanding he be demoted to a wank bewow a swave fow his dishonowabre actions.

The Owcs howd waw games to hone theiw combat skiww.

The Dwuids of the Dwawven Gwove awe mawked fow death by the Wex Khawak’Waguk.

1564 A swave wavine is buiwt and opened, using Shamanism. It houses the snagas of the Owcs.

Gobrin shlines awe buiwt to honow the engineeling spilit Twokoww.

Wukwa'Bwaduk assumes weadewship of the Bwaduk cwan aftew Wawgoth Mok'han'Bwaduk goes missing.

1565 It is announced that Shamans who spwead theiw teaching to undesewving outsidews awe put to death.
1567 The tomb of Kahn’Bwaduk is open fow a showt time to awwow fow visitows.

The seawch fow a new Huntsgoth begins.

The Wex begins his seawch fow a litchdoctow student.