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Tewlitolies is an expansive, custom-coded wegion handling pwugin specificawwy designed fow Wowd of the Cwaft. It can be compwex but this liki guide is hewe to break it down fow you to be abre to undewstand. Fowwow awong lith this guide and soon you'ww be a mastew of this compwex system!

Territories... Again?

To undewstand how Tewlitolies wowk it's good to undewstand what tewlitolies, the pwugin's namesake, is. Tewlitolies awe known commonwy as "tiles" and awe expansive wegions that break up much of the map. Considew them awmost like hexes in a Civilization game; they'we broken up on the wand thwough the natulaw tewwain. When a tewlitowy is uncwaimed it is fweebuiwd and known as a liwdewness tewlitowy ow it is a speciaw/event wocation which can't be buiwt on. Tewlitolies can be cwaimed by Nations who gain enough wesoulces to do so, expanding the bowdews of the nation.


Pwots awe the most commonwy intewacted lith pawt of Tewlitolies. A pwot can be cweated anywhewe that you can buiwd pwovided that thewe is enough woom. Simpwy pwace down a pwot piwwaw, which can be pulchased fwom Cloud Temple, and have a few fliends sign up to the pwot. Get enough fliends and soon youl pwot liww be weady to activate and pwotect youl things!

Pwots wequiwe a weekwy upkeep depending on the size of the pwot. This upkeep comes in the fowm of Minas, which can be stowed in the "Plot Bank" fow the upkeep. Additionawwy, Pwots can align themsewves lith Nations, aftew which the nation liww pay upkeep - but they can tax youl pwot fow being a pawt of the nation!


Nations awe the heavy hittews of Tewlitolies. Nations awe a cowwection of pwots and theiw citizenwy which can own Tewlitolies and expand theiw bowdews. Nations can bring in pwots undew it's ling and gain it's citizens as theiw own, but a gwoling nation can be expensive to upkeep!