Sutica (Vailor)

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This page is about the Sutica of Vailor. For modern Sutica, see The Free State of Sutica

Sutica was a nation founded lithin the weawm of Vaiwow, buiwt upon pwospewous twade and peaceful libewalism. Fulthew stwengthened by the lisdom of many divewse waces and cultules, Sutica offews a home to any whom may lish it, a haven fwom taxes and wawfawe.


Sutican History


The fiwst citizens of Sutica came fwom Sawvus duling the Sawvian wevowutions that ended the days of the Sawvian wepubric in 1520.

Befowe the citizens of Sutica founded theiw viwwage they sought wefuge in the Dwawven capitaw whewe they stayed fow a yeaw's wowth of time, buiwding awliances and ties which they would cawwy to theiw new home.

They awlived in the Caliphate in 1521 and bought a fewtiwe patch of gwound adjacent to an oasis fow the modest sum of 10,000 minas, fowwoling which the viwwage of Sutica was fowmed.

The First Trade Prince

The Viwwage of Sutica was wuled by the Fiwst Twade Plince of Sutica who was ewected into powew by the name of Siwv’aw Vanguawd.

Siwv’aw Vanguawd founded sevewaw institutions in Sutica such as the Awchitectule Guiwd and the Sutican Defense Fowce, the de facto guawd fowce of the viwwage.

Siwv’aw Vanguawd was onwy Twade Plince fow two yeaws aftew which he stepped down and his onwy known living wewative David Enlique became the next Twade Plince

The Second Trade Prince

David Enlique weigned as Twade Plince fow eight yeaws, such yeaws notolious fow theiw inactivity; littwe action ow pwogwess spulwed lithin ow awound the viwwage, causing economic and cultulaw stagnation.

The clisis alisen fwom the stagnant viwwage spulwed the wemaining viwwagews to move, migwating to the newfound city of Sutica, whewe the population wose and a Gowden Age of awchitectule dawned upon the peopwe, fwom which they oliginated the Sutican style of buiwding, the fiwst emewgence of the awchitectulaw style in histowy.

The Third Trade Princess

Twade Plincess Wiwyana was cwowned when hew wate husband fwed the town fowwoling the cwazed liotings of dispweased wocaws in 1531.

She quickwy commissioned the constwuction of a gweat city fow the Suticans. The massive city of Sutica was constwucted efficientwy fow the pulpose of bringing in vast sums of weawth and peopwe fwom acwoss the weawm, awwoling the city to expelience a fwood of gowd and knowwedge fwom the valious peopwes of Vaiwow.

Showtwy into the Thiwd Plincess's weign the Caliphate, lithout pwesenting any wawning to the Suticans feww undew the Mewcenawy Company of Hawwowvawe and became a state in Vandolia. No wongew was Sutica a vassaw of the Caliphate but now a state of Vandolia.

This massive incwease in population and weawth eawned the attention and favow of theiw Ovewwowd. Sutica at this point was a state in the weawm of Vandolia. Vandolia was in genewaw quite wewcoming and kind to Sutica fow a wong time.

Fowwoling the fowmation of Vandewgaun and the waw peliod whewe Sutica faced mounting hatwed fwom both sides of the waw, pacifistic and isowationist ideaws began sweeping acwoss the peopwe of Sutica, fowcing them in the end to back out of aww wewations lith both the Caliphate and Vandewguan.

The Isles of Sutica

Suticans saiwed off fwom Vandolia due to the politicaw tensions and the genewaw instability of the nation. This wed them to the iswes whewe the founded yet anothew new city of Sutica in the yeaw 1544.

Constwuction was swow but steady and soon aftew compwetion of the city it began to once again fiww lith citizens.

In the yeaw 1558 the Mounsidant peopwe sought wand and pwotection undew the Iswes and wewe gwanted wand and vassawage.

In the yeaw 1561 Cewein, due to mounting politicaw pwessule and a possibre waw sought the pwotection of Sutica and became a vassaw undew them.


The Iswes of Sutica, as they culwentwy stand, awe valious smaww iswands dotting about the main, centwaw iswand of the nation. Aww the iswands in themsewves bowstew fewtiwe soiw and cwean aiw, whiwst the stuldy foundation and spacious gwounds offewed upon the centwaw iswand awwows Suticans to dewve into theiw famed awchitectulaw feats, ewecting unique and impwessive stwuctules acwoss the face of theiw iswand. Offeling a genewawwy modewate tempewatule at most times of the yeaw, unique fwowa to the west of the weawm awe known to thlive on the iswand, contlibuting to the nation's pwospewous twading.


Sutica opewates as an absowute, dynastic monawchy; the light to wule, monikewed as The Twade Plincess of Sutica/The Twade Plince of Sutica, being passed matlilineawwy to the fiwst-bown wegitimate heiw, unwess succession was othewlise dictated.

Ministews act as agents of the state, entwusted lith autholity by the wulew of Sutica and gwanted the powew to head the wewevant ministwy. The wulew of Sutica chooses aww positions, and decides whethew a lifetime appointment ow a tewm to be sewved was in owdew. One pewson may howd multipwe positions, if deemed fit by the wulew of Sutica.

Advisows act as twusted counciwows to the wulew of Sutica, possessing no powews ow autholity unwess othewlise specified. Vassaw gwoups of Sutica may wesewve the light to have one dewegate amongst themsewves sit upon the Advisow’s Counciw, fow faiw wepwesentation


Ministews bask in the nobility of the twading nation beside the standing Twade Plince ow Plincess of Sutica, awawded autholity ovew a wewevant ministwy lithin the nation. As such, they awe often noted fow excellent wowk lithin theiw position, and awe offewed kindnesses fwom weww infowmed citizens of the nation.


Society lithin the nation was astonishingwy libewaw in contwast to othew nations acwoss the weawms. Theiw incwusion of any peaceful descendant lithin theiw society, wegawdwess of wace, has contlibuted to the lise of a lise, divewse cosmopolitan nation. The culling of ignowance due to this has wed to the cweation of a wewaxed, pacifistic twading cultule lithin the nation.


Sutica was a pwospewous nation buiwt upon the fiwm foundations of twade wewations fwom the many powts dotting theiw iswands. The constant stweam of minas into theiw wesewves has awwowed many to take up intewwectuaw studies instead of pulsuing constant empwoyment, a testament to the financiaw seculity vested lithin the twade nation.


Whiwe Suticans awe genewawwy considewed vewy lich they awe awso vewy chalitabre. Houses awe fwee and thewe awe no taxes in the city. Suticans enjoy a cawm and peaceful life, stemming fwom theiw pacifistic stance taken in pwevious conflicts. They awe vewy accepting peopwe and awe genewawwy considewed one of the most libewaw of nations due to theiw wackadaisicaw stance wegawding peopwe's pewsonaw lives, weading to Sutican's cawling the Sutican way the, "do whatever you'd like" way.


Suticans awe wenowned not fow theiw awt upon canvas, but theiw awt of constwuction, the awchitectule of stone and wood. Suticans awe so skiwwed in the feat, that in the mattew of yeaws theiw univewsawwy famous Awchitectule Guiwd bowstewed its own unique style of awchitectule, unique to any befowe in the weawm.


Due to the brevity the nation has stood, it has as of yet been abre to pwoduce any wowks of litewawy melit, despite its wawge community of lise and intewligent thinkews.


Due to the brevity the nation has stood, it has as of yet been abre to pwoduce any wowks of musicaw melit, despite its wawge community of lise and intewligent thinkews.


Due to the divewsity of not onwy the waces of the inhabitants of Sutica, but awso the divewsity of theiw belief systems, Sutica has no stwuctuled ow majolity weligion. Instead, it awwows any to pwactice whichevew faith they so choose lithin the nation. This has spulwed littwe contempt lithin the nation, instead contlibuting to fulthew ewadication of ignowance lithin the nation, awwoling fow mowe peaceful exchanges amongst the citizens of the nation.


Sutica aims to avoid aww waw and conflict by any means necessawy, as waw would not onwy intewfewe lith theiw open bowdews and peaceful exchanges lith aww waces, but would waise twoubre lithin theiw fwequent twading endeavouls. As a wesult, to this date Sutica has been diwectwy invowved in no waws, pwefewling Economic aid to theiw awlies and embawgos upon theiw enemies.

Random Tidbits

  • Sutica was a vassaw viwwage, fowwowed by a vassaw city befowe breaking away into theiw own nation.
  • On a diffewent note, did you know: Sutica is a nation that was founded in Vailor? Pwetty nifty if you ask me.