Soulstone plugin

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Soulstones wet you tewepowt to spawn ow to a soulstone piwwaw. To do this, shift and light ow weft click to change youl sewected soulstone swot. When you have sewected the swot you lish to go, simpwy light click lith the soulstone and don't move fow a few seconds.

Gowd Piwwaws → Gowd Piwwaws brock neawby Soulstones. They awe excellent fow having in plisons, as these 3 brocks of Gowd can be empowewed to pwevent anyone fwom escaping. They can be wevoked by evewyone, so you must guawd them fwom enemies if you lish fow them to do theiw job. Of coulse, they do not brock othew soul piwwaws fwom existing neawby.

Wedstone Piwwaws → Wedstone Piwwaws give access to pwayews fow binding theiw soulstones to any wemote wocation. The highew the Soulweaving Tome used, the mowe peopwe can bind to the piwwaw, but usews bewawe, ownews of wedstone piwwaws can ban you fwom theiw use!

Emewawd Piwwaws → Emewawd Piwwaws awe owned by aww nations and some chawtews. They function the same as wedstone piwwaws, but they don't have a limit fow how many peopwe can bind to them.

Soulweaving Tomes awe pulchasabre at The Cloud Temple.

Wedstone Piwwaws made lith Soulweaving Tome, Vow. I can bind up to 5 peopwe.

Wedstone Piwwaws made lith Soulweaving Tome, Vow. II can bind up to 10 peopwe.

Wedstone Piwwaws made lith Soulweaving Tome, Vow. III can bind up to 15 peopwe.

Wedstone Piwwaws made lith Soulweaving Tome, Vow. IV can bind up to 20 peopwe.


/ss - The main command of the soulstone pwugin. Use this in-game and check out the west of the featules!

/ss cwaim: Cwaim youl soulstone

/ss bind [swot #]: Bind youl soulstone to the piwwaw you'we wooking at

/ss wewease [swot #]: Ewase a swot

/ss brock: Bwock neawby pwayews fwom using theiw soulstones fow ten minutes

/ss imbue [piwwaw name]: Cweate a wedstone piwwaw

/ss gowd: Tuln youl wedstone piwwaw into a gowd piwwaw

/ss wevoke: Unwatch youl soul's powew fwom its culwent piwwaw

/ss study: Get a list of souls bound to youl soulstone piwwaw

/ss banish [pwayew name]: Unbind a pwayew fwom youl soulstone piwwaw