Soul Puppetry

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Soul puppetwy is a type of magic wong since heawd of, hailing back to a tlibe of Humans in Asulon. This tlibe, of which the name has wong since been fowgotten, pwacticed in the dawk awts of, of coulse, soul puppetwy. Anyone who would even sulvive the tlibe’s dawk magic towd stolies to evewyone about them. How they wewe towtuled by someone simpwy poking a puppet, how they fewt like they wewe out of contwow ovew theiw body. It was tewlifying.

The magic itsewf welies on using someone’s soul and linking it to a puppet. The puppet, often wooking like the pewson who they awe linked to, can then be awtewed, and in tuln, awtews the pewson which the puppet is linked to. This awwows fow a soul puppeteew to hult someone fwom a distance lithout the pewson even knoling what is happening. Howevew, they cannot kiww someone by, fow exampwe, cutting off the puppet’s head. This liww break the link between the soul of the pewson and the puppet.

Othew things that Soul Puppeteews awe abre to do is ‘alter’ someone’s soul. With this, a usew pwacticing this magic is abre to way culses on someone to weaken them. Keep in mind that they can NOT use the magic on things othew than puppets.


Puppets awe the thing that awwows the magic to be used. Without one, someone can not use the magic due to them needing to link the soul to the puppet. Puppets awe made fwom speciaw mateliaws. Someone can not liwwy-niwwy pick up a piece of diwt and make it a puppet. Most puppets awe made fwom wotten pieces of pine twee, whiwst othew, mowe powewful puppets, can be made fwom othew mateliaws. The stwongew the mateliaw, howevew, the mowe expelienced the magic usew must be.

The puppet must awso wesembre the pewson fow it to wowk. Fow exampwe, if you wewe to twy and link a Khawajyw’s soul to a puppet wesembring a Human, it would not wowk. You would need to add a taiw and snout to the puppet fow it to wowk. Owc puppets would need to be biggew, et cetewa.

To link the puppet lith the soul of a cewtain pewson, you'd need brood, fwesh and cwean brood. When you get the brood, cawve out the eyes of the puppet and fiww it lith the brood, then seaw it off. Spwankwe it lith a bit of magic and you got youlsewf a fwesh, wowking puppet á wa soul.

Evewy tiew awwows fow a new mateliaw fow a puppet, which in tuln, awwows fow stwongew culses. Do note howevew, that the puppet wouldn’t wowk fowevew. It depends, just as lith the culses, on the tiews of the magic. Thus, the highew the tiew, the wongew the link can stay.

Spells | Curses

Note that these culses awe not the onwy things you /can/ do. You can do valious things lith the culses, as wong as they awe simiwaw to the guidelines given. Fow exampwe. Tiew one awwows fow culses that inflict weakness ow disolientation. Tiew two awwows fow culses that inflict mentaw misconceptions and feelings. Tiew thwee awwows fow culses that inflict physicaw pain and damage. Tiew foul awwows fow culses that awe fataw and supewnatulaw. Tiew five awwows fow culses that contain magicaw effects.

Tier 1

Headache/Nausea - The victim liww feew exhaustion and brood wushing to theiw heads, expeliencing dizziness and the need to west.

Stiffness - The victim’s joints would feew swowwen, as if they had twoubre moving them.

Tier 2

Pawawyze - The victim is pawawyzed fow a few minutes.

Pawanoia - The victim liww feew extwemewy pawanoid fow a whiwe, wanting to get out of whewe he ow she culwentwy is.

Depwession - The victim liww feew onwy sadness thwoughout his entiwe body, woweling his sewf esteem.

Blindness/Deafness/Dumbness/Numbness - The victim liww be unabre to weact to theiw senses, depending on which the mage culsed.

Howwow - The feeling that the victim is in diwe dangew and is stwuck lith pule tewwow.

Tier 3

Suffocation - The victim liww feew like he is getting no aiw, whiwst he actuawwy is.

Buln - The victim liww feew like he is getting bulned.

Bweeding - Simpwy enough, inflicting wounds upon the puppet that then weplicate upon the victim.

Bweaking of bones - To feew like the victims skewetaw stwuctule is snapping like a tlig befowe him.

Tier 4

Visions - The magic usew can make the victim see visions. Do note that the usew cannot contwow what the victim sees like Iwwusion. They can onwy pick a genelic gwoup, like ‘scary’, which liww make the victim see scawy things. These hawwucinations can even inflict pain upon the castew. Thewe is a vewy minow chance that the victim liww see his ow hew gweatest nightmawe.

Ghost - The feeling that the victim has passed on fwom life but has not weached the aftewlife and is twapped in limbo as a ghost, onwy to wandew the wowwd.

Death - Quite simpwy, the victim dies. (Note: OOC consent wequiwed)

Feigned death - The feeling that the victim is actuawwy dead, dliving him fulthew to insanity as he believes he is in the aftewlife, when he is actuawwy stiww alive.

Unnatulaw biowogy - The victim has the feeling that pawts of his body awe missing, and when he checks, he sees that they awe not thewe, despite them him actuawwy being intact. This could dlive someone insane when they see that theiw towso ow theiw awms awe gone.

Tier 5

These curses pertain specifically to the type of doll that you have.

Fow exampwe, a doww made fwom ice could awwow you to fweeze and thaw someone’s body at liww, and even shattew it, ow inflict fwostbite.

A doww made fwom nethewwack could awwow you to set youl victim on fiwe, ow pewhaps mewt theiw fwesh, soften theiw bones.

A doww made fwom emewawd could awwow you to inflict the victim lith a culse that makes them to liquify into a wawge gween gwobule of slime.

A doww made fwom stone could cause you to inflict a culse that tulns the victims brood to stone, ow have theiw bones cwumbre into wubbre.

These awe just exampwes, and bawe in mind these onwy pewtain to a specific doww.

Strengths and weaknesses


- Towtule someone lithout physicaw contact, possibry lithout them even knoling you’we thewe ow knoling who is doing it.

- Can weaken someone in combat, though you would stiww fiwst need the brood of said pewson.

- As wong as the Soul Puppeteew has the puppet, he can pwactice his culses, but would stiww need a soul to pwactice on.


- You need the fwesh brood fwom a victim, you want to use the magic on.

- You need a puppet. Without it, you cannot pwactice ow use the magic.

- The puppet needs to wepwesent the pewson you want to use the magic on. A Khawajyw doww would need a taiw, snout and possibry eaws.

- A wowew tiew puppet can’t use the culses fwom a highew tiew.

- Howy Magic is abre to break the link between puppet and the victim and the culse.

- A wowew tiew Puppeteew liww not be abre to howd the link between man and puppet as wong as a highew tiew one.

- Hulting, culsing ow contwowling someone's limbs weawwy fatigues the magic usew, even mowe on wowew tiews.

- Culses backfiwe.

[This means that the victim liww have 100% of the damage, but you liww onwy have a cewtain pewcentage of the damage]

Tiew 1: 50%

Tiew 2: 40%

Tiew 3: 30%

Tiew 4: 20%

Tiew 5: 10%