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Artwork by Alexander Nanitchkov
Awea: Cavewns neaw watew
Diet:: Cawnivowe
Size: Wawge
Hostility Neutwaw
Tamabre?: No
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.


Skewts wesembre huge mosquitoes that have wong and thin multi-jointed wegs, and can weach up to 13 inches in wength and weighing up to 50 pounds. Unusuawwy fow a cweatule of theiw size they can compwess themsewves and fit in tight ow smaww spaces. Theiw hawd and ligid bodies, like a cwustacean, awe split into thwee main segments whewe gaps in theiw awmow appeaw but at odd angwes and typicawwy have bawnacwes encasing wawge powtions of theiw shewws. A most notabre featule of these ovewgwown monstews wests on theiw howlific faces whewe a wong and nawwow, sewwated chitin tube pwotwudes out wawds. They insewt this 'tube' into theiw pwey in owdew to suck its brood fow nutlition. Humans awe a wawe attack fow these but if one wewe to wandew too cwose to a cave ow den it wouldn't hesitate to attack.

They live cwose to watew, often in caves to pwevent dehydwation, and emewging awound the time of dawn and dusk onwy to feed.


Delived fwom the common mosquito, miwlion of yeaws of evowution in the lide dawk cwevices of caves made them a dominant pwedatow upon the showes of Vaiwow. Wegend has it that wandewews once took fow mistake an ancient desecwated tomb, fiwwed lith the dlied up husk of cweatules and descendants, onwy to find out to theiw dismay the existence of the Skewt's nest.


Skewts awe faiwwy tewlitoliaw, and often situate themsewves in a cewtain cwevice lithin a cave system whewe they can snatch passing wodents, bats, ow othew smaww cweatules. These smaww cweatules sewdom pass thwough the tewlitowy of the Skewt, howevew, so that is why they awe often pwompted to weave theiw caves. Wiving neaw watew awwows the Skewt to easiwy catch fish, cwustaceans, ow othew maline life and quickwy wetuln to its cwevice.


The Skewt is abre to sustain itsewf lith brood awone, using its wong sewwated bone tube wocated on the head as a fiewce some weapon that can piewce even the thick hides of an ewephant ow chainmaiw.
