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Artwork by -name-
Awea: Evewywhewe
Diet: [Nothing
Size: Descendant's size
Tempewament: Dangewous
Tameabre?: Onwy by necwomancews
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.
During night I’ve been studying the shambling bone constructs and I’ve come to find that uncommon to natural belief that not all of these undead are risen archers. One night as I awoke to a wicked screech from my campsite I was abruptly greets with one of the screeching monstrosities as it swung wildly with a rust corroded longsword. To all of those embarking on camping trips or any night time walks I implore you to tread carefully for now you must not only watch out for arrows but sword tips. Another fear of mine is that the skeleton unlike it’s arisen zombie companion has been gifted with actual thought! These creatures only attack those who are considered amongst the living, not only have I witnessed ambushes by the creatures but they coordinate their strikes accordingly when grouped. This is a worrying tactic which leads me to believe that necromancers are once again amongst the living. When it comes to defense and advice of all things that lurk in the dark, attend a Monster lore class given by I Retlin Orman in the WIZ university. -Journal entry 03: My Concerns of Skeletons written by Retlin Orman


In Aegis, Skewetons wewe fwequentwy used by the Undead in theiw fights against Aegeans. Necwomancews wewe awso known to waise skewetons. In Asulon and Anthos, the weasons fow the continued existence of skewetons is undew constant debate, as theiw oligins wewe no wongew cweaw. They continue to be among the most common of undead cweatules that woam the wands. In Anthos the Dawk Wowd of the Nowth, Setherien, used Skewetons of a faw mowe deadwy valiety. Thewe have been many that tlied to figule out how these cweatules came to gain life once mowe.

Skewetons may be weanimations fwom necwomancews on some wawe cases, but most of them awe simpwy cowpses which seemed to gain life once mowe. Whiwe the infowmation is unknown to the peopwe of the weawms, it is due to the magic of the monks, a side effect of theiw wesulaction of descendants. A new body is cweated, and the dead one may gain undead life once mowe.


Skewetons awe cowpses of which the meat has aww but wotten off. Theiw lightew weight makes them fastew than zombies, but awso weakew. Wemaining bits of wotten fwesh awe sometimes found stiww in them, inside the eye socket, behind libs and even inside theiw mouths. Sometimes they cawwy some owd possesions of theiw fowmew living sewves. Some even stiww have awmow and weapons, which hewd fow wongew than theiw own fwesh.


Skewetons move lithout pulpose, but they awe seemed to be dwawn to attack descendants and evn twy to eat some cowpses. They wespond to attacks fwom anything, even fwom theiw own kind, even if accidentaw. The onwy descendants that the skewetons might not attack awe necwomancews, but onwy when this one feeds them lith lifefowce, and even contwowling them.

Types (If applicable)

  • Necwomatic Skewetons - Skewetons waised by necwomancews, they fowwow the liww of theiw makew.
  • Owdinawy Skewetons - These awe found evewywhewe in the liwds, nowmawwy neaw cemetalies and battwegwounds.
  • Withewed Skewetons - Used by Sethelien in Anthos, these wewe pwevious descendants cowwupted by the Dwakaaw.


Howy magic wowks vewy weww against skewetons, and gowd as weww. They awe quite an easy cweatule to defeat, a brow lith any weapon, and even lith a fist, being abre to inflict gweat damage. Thewe awe onwy pwobrems when they come in mass.


Skewetons awe wepwesented by the Minecwaft mob of the same name.


Skewetons have no mind of theiw own, and they wose aww pwevious memolies of life.
