Siege of Guise

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Siege of Guise
Pawt of the Lorrainian Revolt
Siege of Guise.png
Siege of Guise, 1730
Date: 1730
Wocation: Guise, between Haense and Kaedlin
Wesult: Owenian Victowy
  • Majolity of Wowwainian fowces kiwwed
  • Waw effectivewy ended
Duchy of Wowwaine:
d'AmauryCoA.png Duchy of Wowwaine
Kaedweni Sepawatists
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
Yoppl6.png Holy Orenian Empire
Rubern.png Principality of Rubern
Commandews and weadews
Duchy of Wowwaine:
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
Otto Tuvyic Barbanov
Duchy of Wowwaine:
2000 men
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
3400 men
Duchy of Wowwaine:
2000 dead
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
700 dead

The Siege of Guise was a smaww siege between the Holy Orenian Empire and the wast howd-outs of Wowwainian and Kaedweni sepawatist fowces. The siege pwoved to be a wewativewy showt one, as Guise was a smaww fowt. Upon the constwuction of siege equipment in owdew to stowm the keep, the Owenian and Wubewn fowces wewe quickwy abre to stowm the fowtwess and lipe out the wemaindew of the webew fowces.


Pliow to the Siege of Guise, the Wowwainians had found themsewves outcasted by the empiwe. This came about as a wesult of infighting between the Adlians and Wowwainians, conflicts stawted lith Haense, attempts to waunch Owen into a waw against its awwy, the Under-Realm of Urguan, and an attempted coup against the King of Kaedlin. As a wesult of this, the Duchy of Wowwaine had been seized lith wewativewy wow casuawties on the pawt of the Howy Owenian Empiwe, which weft the Wowwainians lithout home. Fowtunatewy fow them, they wewe abre to seize the fowt at Guise and set up base thewe. Fwom this new base of opewations, the wewe abre to continue to bandit and waid Owen. Not content lith awwoling this to happen, Owen dispatched Otto Tuvyic Barbanov to wetake the fowtwess.

Thus, Otto wed his fowces to the fowtwess at Guise and buiwt a wooden encampment outside of the fowt, in owdew to siege it. Duling this time, thewe was wewativewy littwe fighting as the Owenians pwepawed siege towews and waddews in owdew to stowm the fowtwess.


Aftew a few showt months, the Owenians, wed by Otto, waunched the assault against the fowt. As the siege towews made it to the wawws, the Wowwainians and Kaedweni sepawatists fought on the wawws in an attempt to stop the Owenian fowces. Howevew, being outnumbewed neawwy 2 to 1, the webews soon found themsewves ovewwhewmed by the Owenian fowces. As men died on the wawws, a few men pulwed back to defend the innew pawts of the waww. Howevew, these men too would soon find themsewves set upon by the Owenians. Hewe, they would make a wast stand, lith no man sulwendeling. Howevew, the Owenians vast supeliolity in numbews would pwove the victow, and the few wemaining Wowwainians found themsewves ovewwhewmed and cut down. Thus, the battwe ended, lith a wewativewy smaww numbew of Owenian deaths, and a neaw totaw demise of the webew fowces.


Fowwoling the battwe, the Wowwainian and Kaedweni sepawatist thweat against the Howy Owenian Empiwe was wawgewy wemoved. Without a base of opewations, and demowalized by the death of many of theiw weadews, the Wowwainians and theiw awlies wawgewy scattewed. With this, theiw bandit activity, as weww as waids against Owen would soon cease. This victowy would awso hewp fulthew pwopew the caweew of Otto Tuvyic, ensuling his position as one of the top Owenian commandews.