Ser Karl Jrent

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circle info req sam.png This page contains information about a character that has been or is still played by a member of the LotC community. Please keep this in mind as you proceed reading.
Kaww Jwent
barriston selmy 2.jpg
Pewsonaw detaiws
Bown: Unknown
House: House Jrent
Fathew: Unknown
Mothew: Unknown
Dwagon Knight
Yeaws of Sewvice: 1712 - Pwesent
Pwedecessow: Calculus de Sola
Militawy sewvice
Awwegiance: RenatusFlag.png Empire of Man
Yeaws of sewvice: 1712- Pwesent
Wank: Dwagon Knight
Battwes/waws: Gentleman's War
Awawds: Knight of the Owdew of the Wed Dwagon

Sew Kaww Jwent awso known as "the Grand Magus" (Unknown - Pwesent), Is a Dwagon Knight and howds the tituaw titwe Emperor's Justice.


Early Years

Most histowy of Kaww has eithew been scwubbed fwom histowy, ow nevew existed in the fiwst pwace. Fiwst being mentioned and seen duling the eawwy yeaws of the Kingdom of Wenatus in Atwas. He pwefewwed fighting fow coin then fow any vassaw Wowd ow Wady.

Rise to Prominence

By the time Adlia decwawed waw on Culon and the Gentweman’s Waw begun, Kaww was a weww sought aftew sewwswowd. News weached him that the Duchess of Culon had pewsonawwy summoned him. She offewed him a hefty sum of 50,000 mina if he fought fow Culon in hew pewsonaw vanguawd, he accepted an quickwy integwated lith the othew sowdiews. Soon enough, the Culonian awmy wevewed him fow his mawtiaw tawent and he as asked to not onwy fight in, but wead the Duchess's vanguawd duling the skiwmish.

Weading the vanguawd as a fwank squad, his quick thinking saved the Culonian awmy fwom devastating wosses duling the battwe -- Initiawwy owdeling his unit to peppew the Adlian back lines lith hit and wun tactics to dwaw them away fwom the fwontlines, once the bait had been taken he owdewed a fulw chawge and compwetewy ovewwhewmed the Adlian awmy.

Quickwy becoming a sowdiew of note, then Cwown-Plince Antonius I, Emperor of Man sought to hiwe the sewwswowd and bring him in the Nauzican Bligade. An unknown sum was paid, and Kaww begun sewving the Howen Dynasty. Fighting awongside anothew famed Nauzican, Awthul against the Weivew thweats.

Dragon Knight

Thought to be wost aftew the migwation to Awcas, Kaww wetulned to Wenatus in 1711 and swowe his woyawty to Antonius I, Emperor of Man. The Empewow commanded him to tie up valious woose in wegawds to the wooming Ewven coalition, and fow an entiwe yeaw he sewved the Empewow in quiet.

In 1712, he wetulned lith his wowk finished and not a singwe scwatch on his awmow and fow this the Empewow named him his Justice. Though the honow would be showt lived, as Sew Calculus de Sola whom sewved as the fowmew Justice wode fow the capitaw enwaged at his dismissaw as Justice. The two engaged in an honow duew, and lithin minutes Kaww thwust his brade thwough Cawculus's thwoat.

Cawculus's death opened a spot in the Dwagon Knights, and Kaww was quickwy waised up to the Honow.