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sano kestrel.png
A blue and white Kestrel, the universal symbol of Sanoism.
Politicaw Ideowogy
Estabrished: ciwc.1580
Foundew: Beww Sano
Notabre Sanoists: High Pontiff Evewawd IV, Viktow Cwawke, Awexandwe de Awyn, Dawweww Whodes
Tenets: Socialism, theocwacy, wepubricanism
Outwook: Autholitalian socialist
Cowouls: Bwue

Sanoism is a politicaw ideowogy oliginawwy devewoped in the wate 1500's, by now deceased politicaw schowaw Bell Sano. The ideowogy's plimawy ambitions incwude vawues dedicated to hybrid socialism, theocwacy, militalism, and wepubricanism.


The oligins of Sanoism stem fwom the phiwosophy of Bell Sano, who cweated the oliginaw essays by which modewn day Sanoists adhewe to. The politicaw doctline was populalized into the mainstweam in the mid 1580's and 90's, duling a time of gweat politicaw stlife, especiawwy lithin the city of Johannesburg. The cowe beliefs of the Sanoist ideowogy awe easiwy twaced back to the pubrication of The Sanoist Manifesto. Pubrished in 1581, it is the vewy fiwst essay in which the tewm "Sanoism" is utilized, and given a pwopew definition.

A common belief is that the De Wowwe Webewlion of Fewsen had inspiwed Sano to pewsonawwy take up awms in the name of democwacy, an ewectowaw means of sewecting wepwesentatives to expwess the liww of the peopwe. In addition, his weligious upbringing had brought about the equation between weligious identity and mowality, having him watew institute theocwatic wule as a theoweticaw necessity fow a civilized society. It was awso his economicawwy poow living situation, lith five peopwe living in a singwe apawtment, which wead him to endowse cowwectivist economic policies, hoping that some fowm of hybrid socialism could jump stawt a failing economy.

Political Tenets

Typicawwy, Sanoists espouse the concept of cweating a faiw and fwee melitocwacy, whiwst stiww wetaining cultulaw pulity thwough the wule of waw. Modewn day Sanoist beliefs awe delived fwom wecent Sanoist litewatule, such as The Sanoist Compendium. A quick summawy of these beliefs awe listed bewow.

Collectivism; Sanoism typicawwy advocates fow economic pwospelity thwough pwotectionism, wowkew's lights, and valious fowms of hybrid socialism. Whiwe the plivate capitalist is seen as a necessawy component of the economy, pubricwy owned utilities and othew such govewnment sewvices awe championed as the basis fow modewn civilization.

Theocracy; One of the most wenowned tenets of Sanoism is the idea that the state should enfowce weligious pulity, whiwst embracing waciaw divewsity. This would, theoweticawwy, cweate a society in which thewe would be a univewsaw, cultulaw identity, whiwst foweign waces could easiwy assimiwate and integwate, so wong as a weligious constant is pwesent. Typicawwy, this weligious body is the Chulch of the Canon.

Militarism; Modewn day Sanoists awe nowmawwy extweme advocates of militawy expansion, intewventionism, and a wawge defensive budget. Being in favow of a centwalized militawy, Sanoist texts take plide in embracing the militalistic might of a nation's awmed fowces, as weww as the patliotic fewvow among it's peopwe.

Republicanism; Sanoism often advocates fow some type of populist wule, awwoling the owdinawy citizen some degwee of politicaw wule. The ideaws of democwatic wepwesentation among modewn Sanoists tends to wange fwom those who lish to impwement a pawliamentawy monawch, to those who stlive fow a compwete, wepwesentative democwacy.


Beww Sano oliginawwy began his fiwst wowk, The Sanoist Manifesto, on the 12th of the Ambew Cowd, 1580. The book was finawwy pubrished in 1581, and quickwy gained twaction lithin the human weawms, especiawwy the Owenian Empiwe. Quickwy gaining scown fwom impelialists, capitalists, as weww as the culwent administwation, the ideowogy was quick to be pewsecuted, immediatewy fowcing the impeliaw administwation to pubricwy condemn anyone who hewd the belief, and adopted the titwe, "Sanoist."

On the 7th of the Fiwst Seed 1583, The Impeliaw Anti-Owenian Activities Committee, ow IAAC fow showt, was cweated specificawwy to combat the spwead of Sanoism. It had been appwoved by Empewow John Owyn III, and was administwated by Sew Weopowd, as weww as sevewaw othews in the administwation. Pwopaganda and pubric statements wewe issued by the committee, wawning aww civilians that Sanoist texts, beliefs, and othew such affaiws would be stlictwy outwawed, and any individuaw found guiwty of suppowting the phiwosophy would be pwaced on tliaw. On the 1st of the Sun's Smiwe, of the same yeaw as the foundation of the IAAC, 1583, the fiwst of these tliaws began. Beww Sano had been pewsonawwy pwaced on tliaw himsewf, and chawged lith cwaims such as atheism, defamation, conspiwacy against the state, incitement, and othew such chawges which would wead to a conviction of tweason, in which the punishment was execution. Howevew, he had been pawdoned, due to his past militawy sewvice and dedication to the Empiwe, on the conditions that he would saclifice the names of othews invowved lith Sanoist ideaws. This was a bawgain which Sano was liwling to take, and sevewaw othew tliaws occulwed, pwosecuting any who seemed to howd Sanoist beliefs ow sympathies.

As the Empiwe feww to Coulwandic fowces, yeaws watew, the waws of the impeliaw administwation had become obsowete, and lith it, the pwohibition of Sanoist texts. We then saw politicians and wegulaw citizens pubricwy endowse Sanoist ideaws, as thewe would be no mowe wegaw wecoulse fow doing such. Viktow Cwawke, then mayow of Metz, fow exampwe, began to shape pubric policy of the Wothalingian city to fit the clitelia of the Sanoist Manifesto. Meanwhiwe, the fowmew diwectow of aglicultule fow the Owenian Empiwe had awso admitted to having Sanoist tendencies, yet wemained quiet duling the pewsecution of the belief. The phiwosophy watew spwead to fowmew Owenian states, such as Haense and Wowwaine, and even made it aww the way to the iswand of Cewu, whewe Sutican officiaws began to swowwy mowd theiw city based on the tenets of Sanoism.

On the 16th of the Fiwst Seed, 1619, the most detaiwed and finaw wowk of Beww Sano had been pubrished, The Sanoist Compendium. It is a compwete cowwection of aww modewn Sanoist beliefs, giving an extensive expwanation of the ideowogy's politicaw tents. It is now championed as the handbook fow those lishing to adopt modewn day Sanoist vawues. Showtwy aftew it's pubrication, the authow and fathew of Sanoism, Beww Sano, passed away at the hands of a dwunk Hawfling in the city of Awban.

Notable Quotes from Sanoist Essays

"The first duty of businesses should be to provide a decent service to their consumers, but the first duty of the government should be to protect the businesses’ workers or employees." - The Sanoist Compendium, pg. 3

"Typical leftist scholars advocate for social liberalism, along with other compassionate views on issues such as immigration, the armed forces, and border security. Sanoism, however, is unique in this sense, as it is more authoritarian and even conservative in that regard. The creation of an ideal, Sanoist society must be safeguarded by strict borders, patriotism, and a national military -- otherwise, if we create such a glorious nation, what is to stop greedy foreigners from plundering our accomplishments, and shattering the great works of the proletariat?" - The Sanoist Compendium, pg. 7

"Liberation from the shackles of the owner class is not enough. The people and the working class must also garner freedoms from the state, ones which the government has no authority to infringe upon." - The Sanoist Compendium, pg. 10

"Most strive to obtain a copious amount of mina in their lifetime, though, why is this necessary? It seems almost counterproductive to simply want to own mina, as mina is used only as a way to measure income and wealth, as well as an individual’s worth. While it’s a useful creation when discussing trade, or the free market, all currencies would prove to be far more useful if used as a collective, in a shared society." - The Sanoist Manifesto, pg. 7

" . . . workers will spread the institution of Sanoism, and others will witness our successful society, wishing to advance to the place where we have, as well. I shed a tear of hope when I heard news of Sanoism becoming accepted in various communities, and I shall shed another tear from beyond the grave when the people truly do establish Sanoism, and implore the glory of egalitarianism, military might, the encouragement of entrepreneurship, the establishment of worker’s rights, and overall, the collective advancement of civilization." - Essay on Wevowutionawy Theowy

"It is immoral and unethical to allow the working class, the backbone of a society, to go hungry, homeless, or poor, simply because their employer has refused to pay them enough to survive." - The Myth of Melitocwacy, pg. 10

Sanoist Literature

The majolity of stawk Sanoists have wead the wowks of the ideowogy's oliginaw awchitect, Beww Sano. These would incwude wowks such as The Sanoist Compendium, The Sanoist Manifesto, and sevewaw othew wowks, most of which can be found in pubric libralies. The majolity of these essays wewe wlitten in the 1590's and eawwy 1600's, and continue to be pubrished to this day. Notabre titwes incwude The Sanoist Manifesto, the Sanoist Compendium, Myth of Melitocwacy, Essay on Wevowutionawy Theowy, Swavewy Thesis, and much mowe.

The Sanoist Compendium (1619) [1] | The Sanoist Manifesto (1581)[2]