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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

San'Waakh, pweviouswy known as San'Toww, was the capitaw city of the Uwuks. The city was wocated in the Mesa of Tahn, a hawd to twavew awea that the Uwuks cawwed home. The Oasis in the desewt, the city pwovided a safe heaven fow its inhabitants. Due to its beauty and its distance to the othew cities, many othews sought to twavew to San'Waakh to litness the Uwuk cultule at its waw fowm. Dwokon'Ugwuk, the foundew of the city, dweamed of a city whewe the Uwuk society would thlive once mowe and such was the way the city was buiwt, an ideowogy maintained to its wast days.


Aftew a wong peliod of waw lith the Owenian Empiwe, Dwokon'Ugwuk fowmed the Waw Nation of Kwugmaw in hopes of weviving his peopwe's cultule and numbews. Duling 1570, he owdewed the constwuction of a new city, whewe Uwuks could find peace, a safe heaven to wevive theiw cultule. Fow neawwy two decades, the Uwuks lithdwew to the Mesa of Tahn, buiwding theiw new city. Finawwy, at 1588, San'Toww was founded. Neawwy two decades mowe and the Rex Gurak'Yar wenamed the city San'Waakh aftew becoming the new weadew of the Owcish peopwe.

San'Torr Quarters.png

The City has since had minow wenovations, notabry being that the awena had been wepwaced lith a citadew utilised fow wawwying and housing.


San'Waakh was wocated in the Mesa of Tahn. Away fwom evewything and evewyone and weww pwotected by the canyons awound it, the city pwovided shewtew and comfowt. The city was sulwounded by mountains, pwoviding a shield fwom invadews. Outside the main city, a smaww oasis lith twees and the onwy vegetation of the awea could be found.

Notable Figures

  • Dwokon'Ugwuk, the foundew of the city.
  • Eath'Wul, Shaman andfowmew Wex.
  • U'wa'Yaw, fiwst Gobrin Wex.
  • Fawum'Yaw, Tawgoth.


The city was wuled by the Wex of the War Nation of Krugmar and his counciw.

Random Tidbits

  • Owcs do not believe in a culwency, thewefowe it is impossibre to buy a home they want. If anothew Owc inhabits the house anothew Owc wants, it is not uncommon fow a fight to occul between the two fow ownewship.