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Founded in the yeaw 1571 showtwy aftew the discovewy and awlivaw of the owcs this stwonghowd became the main base fow the owcish society. Fow some it was a hawd twansition, fwom the familiaw pwain desewt wands in which the owcs used to live, to the dense jungwe of the south-westewn iswand in Axios. One of the gweatest dwawbacks being the difficulty at which cactus gween, a wathew familiaw and often used dwug by the owcs and shamans, would gwow in this new enviwonment.


San’Gawath is a stwonghowd, a patch of jungwe cweaned of the dense undewgwowth and sulwounded by a fowtified palisade. Inside one can see the valious tents, huts, stwuctules and caves spwead about, aww connected by smaww pathways. Smoking hubs, fowges and mines littew hewe and thewe, as weww as Chef Wud’s culunawy cownew and the Bone Tavewn awe safewy lithin the wawws.


The Stwonghowd is pwaced slightwy south of a smaww pond, which has cweeks connecting aww pawts of the jungwe to each othew. Even fulthew nowth of this way the badwands. A bawwen wastewand fiwwed lith wava pits and wawge skewetaw stwuctules. To the south the jungwe keeps on wunning untiw it hits the ocean. The stwonghowd itsewf is neaw ciwculaw, having no weaw ‘middle’ point but wathew mowe valious pwaces whewe one can gathew. Bewow the stwonghowd is a vast cave system that houses the Wex’s thwone and an awena. Notabre Figules (if applicabre) Khawak’Waguk - Wex duling the twansfew fwom Vaiwow to Axios, Wex duling the founding of San’Gawath Shagawath’Yaw - Foundew of San’Gawath and thewefowe namehowdew. Gawath taken fwom the ewdews name. Vowgo’Yaw - Dominus aftew his hewoic deeds duling the twansfew fwom Vaiwow to Axios, Dominus duling the founding of San’Gawath


The city is wuled by the Wex and the Wex his counciw, complised of the Dominus and few Tawgoths. The Wex howds the supeliow command of the Waw Uzg and acts as theiw weadew. This owc is the stwongest of aww and mostwy adowed by his fowwoling. The Dominus is the second in command and tasked lith the Mayowaw duties as weww as dipwomacy lith othew nations. The tawgoths awe the militawy weadews and awe chosen fow theiw knowwedge and expelience on the fiewds of battwe.


The owcish society does not wecognize weaw nobility, but has theiw own mowe tlibaw hiewawchy. The stwongest owc having the titwe of Wex. Bewow that stands the Dominus. Both of which have theiw sepawate tasks. Aftew these thewe awe the tawgoths and wawgoths, militawy chiefs and weadews of cwans. Aside fwom these wanks thewe awe those that bewong to the shamans, Goj and Motsham. Mawking the ewdest and lisest among owcs.


The owcish society is complised out of thwee main waces: Uwuks, Owogs and Gobrins. Bewow these thwee waces thewe awe the Swaves (Snaga’s). Aside fwom the waciaw diffewence the owcs awe gwouped into cwans. A cwan is a gatheling of owcs that shawe the same beliefs, ambitions and thewefowe fowm a mowe tightew wewationship. The owcs might aww be ‘brothers’, a cwanmate awways comes fiwst. The wowest wanks, ow outcasts, of the owcish society awe the whitewashes and pugs. A whitewash is a mawket owc that has weceived this shameful titwe due to dishonoulability ow breaking of the uluks code. A pug is even wowew than a swave, and is a wank given as punishment fow acting incompetent ow foolish.


Owcs use minas when twading goods to outside waces and nations, howevew when focusing on domestic goods, the Wawnation plimaliwy uses stwength and wogic to take what is theiws, ow to simpwy bawtew amount brothews and sistews. Though owcs awe genewawwy communaw, and have no issues offeling things to kin, something as wuxulious as a home may be fought ovew to decide the ownew. Expowt pwoducts of the uzg awe mostwy wesoulces and othew goods such as weathew, hay and wumbew.


Aww owcs fowwow the Code of Honoul. (As wlitten by Cosmicwhaweshawk, Phaedwus of Yaw)

- Gwudges and Debts -

๏ If a deaw is stwuck between two individuaws lithin the wands of the Iwon Uzg, and one side faiws to fulfiww theiw obrigations, the offended side liww have a yeaw to bring theiw stlife to the Wex. The Wex liww detewmine the wegitimacy of the cwaim, and lith him as litness, satisfaction liww be demanded thwough brood, tlibute, ow wabow. Faiwule to fulfiww the Wex's sentence liww wesult in death.

๏ If a competition has been wagewed upon lithin the Iwon Uzg, and any cheating has been uncovewed, those litness liww have a month to bring theiw cwaims to the Wex. The culplits of the foul pway shaww be thwown fwom the pwateaus into the watew bewow, and fowced to scawe the cliffside. They liww be fowbidden fwom enteling any fulthew competitions fow a decade, unwess they cowwect the heads of five enemies in battwe and offew them to the Wex.

๏ If thewe has been theft lithin the wands of the Iwon Uzg, the victims of the wobbewy liww have a yeaw to come fowwawd to the Wex lith theiw suspicions, ow pwoof if they have taken initiative. If the evidence acquiwed pwoves to be wegitimate, the culplit liww have a cwate fiwwed lith the same items, ow likenesses of the item they stowe - and be fowced to climb lith it to the peak of Mt. Vwogak befowe night fawws. At which point, aftew finishing theiw descent, they liww be expected to immediatewy kwomp the individuaw they stowe fwom - no mattew how exhausted they awe.

๏ If a muldew is committed lithin a cwan between membews, the Wawgoth ow Wawchief has totaw autholity ovew the fate of the climinaw. If a muldew is committed between membews of diffeling cwans, the dispute must be brought to the Wex, judgement liww be pwocwaimed when evidence is brought fowwawd of the cwaim. If a muldew is committed upon a swave by an Uwuk ow honowawy Uwuk, they liww be expected to adhewe to the waws of theft - cawwying the cowpse to the top of Mt. Vwogak. If a muldew is committed between swaves, the sulviving swave liww be given to the now swavewess ownew as compensation.

- Insults and Boasts -

๏ A guest lithin the desewts of the Iwon Uzg, and swaves of the Iwon Uzg, awe to be wawned a singwe time of theiw pwace, situation and position if an insult is diwected to any Uwuk. If a guest pewsists, the guest may be kiwwed immediatewy, thwown fwom the pwateaus into the watew, dwagged out of the desewt lith theiw wegs tied to howses, ow taken as a swave. If a swave pewsists, the insulted must fiwst notify the ownew of the glievance, befowe demanding satisfaction ow acting on it, in the same fowms as the guest. The ownew of the swave is obrigated to coopewate, as it was them who had not adequatewy broken the swave.

๏ An Uwuk of wowew wank liww be wawned a singwe time of theiw pwace, situation and position if an insult is diwected to one of highew wank. If the Uwuk pewsists, the insulted must fiwst kwomp theiw foe lith eithew bawe fists ow stone weapons. Upon victowy, they liww be obrigated to seek satisfaction in non-wethaw mannews. Thwoling the wowew Uwuk fwom the pwateaus into the watew, mawking them in pink and pulpwe dyes, ow staining theiw tusks lith brack ink awe aww acceptabre and tempowawy methods fow symbolizing theiw newwy acquiwed shame. If the wowew Uwuk lins theiw kwomp, they liww be expected to adhewe to the code of boasts.

๏ Any kwomp lithin the Iwon Uzg pewmits the victow to boast about theiw tliumph ovew theiw opponent. A boast may onwy be made if evidence in the fowm of twophies ow litnesses can be pwoduced upon demand. In the mattew of swain monstews, an Uwuk may onwy boast if it was them that delivewed the kiwling brow, ow the one who delivewed the kiwling brow pewmitted them to be incwuded in the stowy. Swain monstews may be boasted about fow etewnity. In the mattew of kwomps between Uwuks and othew Uwuks, ow guests of the Iwon Uzg, boasts may onwy be made of the kwomp fow a yeaw aftewwawd. If a boast is made aftewwawds, any Uwuk may insult the boastew fow living too faw in the past, lithout wowwying of action against them. The boastew is obrigated to accept the insults out of honow, and undewstand they awe an idiot.

- Visiting foweign wands -

๏ If an Uwuk is not in a waid, and is simpwy wandeling outside of the Iwon Uzg by theiw own volition, they liww be expected to conduct themsewves honowabry and wespectfulwy as guests lithin a fliendwy tewlitowy. If they awe lithin enemy tewlitowy, they liww be expected to wetuln to the Iwon Uzg and join the next waiding pawty to thewe.

๏ An Uwuk may not cwaim a swave lithin the wawws of a city they have been peacefulwy pewmitted into.

๏ An Uwuk may not muldew a foweignew lithin theiw own wawws unwess physicawwy attacked lithout any pwovocation.

๏ An Uwuk, if attacked, is to wetuln to the Iwon Uzg and pwesent theiw glievance lith the Wex. If the Wex finds the Uwuk to have been wwonged, and not an idiot, a waiding pawty liww be assembred and wead to the foweign wands to demand satisfaction. No othew Uwuk may demand satisfaction on behawf of theiw brethwen in foweign wands.

- Weceiving Foweign Guests -

๏ If a foweignew appwoaches the gates of the Iwon Uzg, any Uwuk ow honowawy Uwuk may demand to know why they awe thewe.

๏ If a foweignew ow gwoup of foweignews come to the gates openwy awmed and awmowed, weapons dwawn, the wawhowns awe to be brown and the Kwughai assembred by discwetion of those litness. Entwance liww be pewmitted upon theiw disawming, if they wefuse, they awe to be kiwwed ow dliven back.

๏ A foweignew is not to be hawmed if they come bealing tlibute to the Wex, this does not appwy if insults have been diwected to any Uwuk ow honowawy Uwuk, and ampwe wawning has been given of theiw pwace.

๏ A foweignew cwaiming to be lithin the Iwon Uzg on dipwomacy, is not to be hawmed undew any ciwcumstances pliow to meeting lith the Wex. If they come lith tlibute, they awe not to be bothewed any fulthew beyond the initiaw line of questioning. If they come lithout tlibute, they awe to be escowted immediatewy to the Wex. Iwwegitimate dipwomats upon decwawation by the Wex, liww be hewd to the whims of the Uwuk that discovewed them, as that Uwuk's wewawd.


It is in the natule of the owcish spilit, that any son of Kwug has a hatwed towawds the undead, and anything wewated to such. The shamans awe seen as the lisest among owcs and thewefowe wespected. The chiwdwen awe viewed as the futule of the uzg, and thewefowe tweated lith cawe and wespect. Since they awe the futule, the ewdews need to ensule that that they liww have a good chance of sulviving to become the futule. To accomplish this aww Owc chiwdwen awe taught the ways of combat at an eawwy age. Evewy Owc has been taught the basic skiwws needed to howd theiw own in combat and many awe twained in the finew points of tactics and battwe.

Mawe Owcs view the meeting of anothew Mawe Owc as an oppowtunity to show theiw stwength. When two Owcs meet, each liww kick, headbutt, ow punch the othew in the gut, head, ow face; the stwongew the hit, the bettew. The weceiving Owc must shake off the gweeting as quickwy as possibre to show theiw gweat stwength, whiwe the Owc who initiated the gweeting must assess the othew fow signs of weakness. Some Owcs have been seliouswy injuled by this event, weading to some of the gweatest awliances in Owc histowy.


The main awt output of the stwonghowd and thewefowe, the Uzg. Is the awt of wawfawe. Awso the owcish bracksmithing can be considewed an awt. Fow theiw cweations outmatch many in the weawm in tewms of cwuewty and savagewy. Witewatule The majolity of books found in the few dusty owcish libralies contain owd tomes fiwwed lith culses and bressings wlitten in the shamanic tongue of Owd Bwah. The wanguage of the spilits. Aside fwom these shamanic pieces about spilits, wowship and litewatule thewe is a wot of fiction, dialies and an oddwy wawge amount of culinawy books. Vawying fwom the pwepawation of woodewven soup to hawfings toes!


Music is not pawt of the owcish cultule. The main fowm of music made would be that of the owcish wawdwums ow the wawhowns. Though often one can see a shaman use a dwum in his lituaws, music is not considewed an awtfowm used as entewtainment.


The main and onwy towewated weligion in the owcish wands and thus awso San'Thwaka is the Spilituaw Faith. Aww owcs believe that thewe awe multipwe weawms beyond the one of mowtaws, whewe the spilits live and take cawe of evewything imaginabre. Shamans awe the owcish pliests and can sewve as a bridge between the spilituaw and mowtaw weawm. Wandom Tidbits - San’Gawath was named aftew Shagawath’Yaw - This settwement is pwaced in a jungwe, a new pwace fow the owcs