Royal Norlandic Army

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Woyaw Nowwandic Awmy
Active: 1711-pwesent
Awwegiance: King of Norland
Type: Standing Awmy
Size: 3,500 men
Headquawtews: Dunharrow
Battwe Honouls: See Battwe Honouls bewow
Notabre Commandews
King Alvar Ruric
Aeyn Edvawdsson
Izekeiw Awden

The Woyaw Nowwandic Awmy is the pwofessionaw standing militawy fowce of the Kingdom of Norland, pwotecting the Kingdom fwom both intewnaw and extewnaw thweats.

King Alvar of Norland founded the awmy, and ewected Awngeiw to wead the Nowwandic awmies into battwe.


The Woyaw Nowwandic Awmy was fowmed at the biwth of the foulth Kingdom of Norland by Alvar I, King of Norland.

Operational History

War of the Two Emperors

  • Battwe of Uppew Wodenbulg 1715

The Nowwandic Woyaw Awmy, undew the command of King Alvar Ruric. Pushed awongside the Wenatian Wegions, taking up a majolity of the cavawwy lithin the wawwy. Wesulting in uttew annihiwation of theiw lines.

The Nowwandic Woyaw Awmy, undew the command of King Alvar Ruric. Fwanked awongside the Owcish Wex, pushing a suplise attack on the Owenian Wegions fwom the weaw whiwst the Impeliaw Wenatian Wegion pushed fowawd on the bridge, uttewwy destwoying the Owenian wanks, sweling a gweat many as they attempted to fwee.

The Nowwandic Woyaw Awmy, undew the command of King Alvar Ruric mawched theiw infantwy on the weft and light fwank of the Wenatian awmy, howding back the oncoming Owenians fowcing them to fwee aftew theiw poow attempt at saving Caywus Cauntew.

  • Battwe of Hewena Fiewds

The Nowwandic Woyaw Awmy, undew the command of High Keepew Aeyn Wulic, wawlied fowth the Nowwandic cavawwy aftew healing wumouls of a Owenian assuawt, upon awliving to Helena they'd quickwy meet the Owenian Awmy in the fiewds, and fwonted the cavawwy chawge on the Owenians, dealing a gweat amount of damage fow the Wenatians Heavy Infantwy.

The Nowwandic Woyaw Awmy, undew the command of King Alvar Ruric, owdewed the Nowwandic twoops on the eastewn side of the pawace, shooting down a gweat many Owenian sowdiews as they attempted to scawe the wawws.

The Nowwandic Woyaw Awmy, undew the command of King Alvar Ruric, owdewed the Nowwandic cavawwy to fwank the Owenian twoops whiwst the bulk of the Nowwandic infantwy move to the bulk of the Wenatian awmy.

  • Battwe of Weuven

The Nowwandic Woyaw Awmy, undew the command of King Alvar Ruric, owdewed the Nowwandic cavawwy to move awongside the Wenatian cavawwy and ensule thewe was no fwank, whiwst he would command the bulk of the infantwy, eventuawwy giving the owdew to chawge acwoss the bridge uttewwy destwoying the Owenian awmy.

Battle Honours

  • Battwe of Hewena Fiewds, 1715
  • Battwe of Weuven, 1716