Rex Gurak'Yar

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Wex of the Waw Nation of Kwugmaw
Weign: Pwacehowdew
Pwedecessow: Owgoth'Bwaduk
Successow: Kulgawok'Dom
Tawgoth: Gijaak'Waguk
Yazgultan: Kuntkwobbewa'Waguk
Bown: Pwacehowdew
Wawmistwess: Pwacehowdew
Cwan: Yar

Gulak'Yaw is a membew of the wespected Owcish cwan, Yar, and was Wex of the War Nation of Krugmar. He became Wex aftew the faiwule of the young and iww-expelienced Owgoth'Bwaduk who chose Gulak as his favouled to wepwace him and he did. Gulak's fiwst act as Wex was to wepwace the iwwustlious awena that dominated most of the gwound in San'Toww in pwace lith a toweling citadew to house his subjects and as a pwace to wawwy fow waw, wenaming the city San'Raakh. Inside he had a statue of himsewf ewected and moved the awena highew up on the outskiwts, past the shaman tempwe.

Gulak was populaw fow a time lith his peopwe howevew some cwans saw Gulak as weak and a poow weadew, most notabry Cwan Waguk and Cwan Bwaduk, aftew he took the life of the unconscious Wawgoth, Chek'Wul, which some viewed as an unjust execution. Gulak decided, as his pwedecessow did, to step down fwom the mantwe of Wex to be wepwaced by the Dom Wawchief, Kulgawok. He is wemembewed fow cweating an awliance lith the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the Kingdom of Courland duling the dismantling of the Holy Oren Empire. With his abdication and subsequent depawtule fwom the Waw Nation, the awliance is no wongew in pwace.