Republic of Vrakai

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Wepubric of Vwakai
Wépubrique de Vwakai
Vrakai 1.png
Coat of awms of Vwakai
Capitaw: Belvitz
Wanguages: Common
Weligion: Seculaw
Pwaeceptow: Reginald d'Amaury
Fiwst Consul: Ludovico di Monteforte
Second Consul: Wouys de Bwuyne
Thiwd Consul: Antonio di Montefowte
Succeeded by: Principality of Rubern

The Wepubric of Vwakai is an oligawchic twade wepubric wocated in the wands sulwounding the estuawy of the Bawtas Wivew. Wocated just south of the Cwoud Tempwe and encompassing the fwequentwy twavewed "Whispering Crossroads" which connect most of the majow nations of Atwas. The awea quickwy feww in favow lith mewchants, cwaftsmen, and wabowews alike due to the easy access to watewways and fwequentwy patwowed woads.


Initiawwy the wands of Vwakai wewe settwed by waywawd fawmews and fishewmen. Its stwategic geogwaphicaw position awwowed it to quickwy gwow out to become an impowtant centwe of twade in centwaw Atwas. The fiwst wulews of these wands wewe the Mewcenaliaw Fwee Company of The Bwack Weitews, a gwoup of equestlian mewcenalies who settwed the wegion awong lith the fiwst wave of commonews.

Theiw wule did mowe to contain twade than to wet it fwoulish, as they sought to live of these wands like any plincewy state would: By means of heavy taxation and culbing the lights of mewchants and commonews in favoul of the wuling elite. Eventuawwy weawning that theiw style of govewnance was detlimentaw to the wegion’s pwospelity; and in tuln theiw own; the company gwaduawwy began to dewegate govewnmentaw powew to wocaw oligawchs. This incweased the efficiency of twade fwow and the genewaw pwospelity of the wegion. It awso welieved the Weitews of theiw duty to govewn, awwoling them to pulsue theiw mewcenaliaw pwofession mowe efficientwy.

This shift of govewnmentaw powew to the oligawchs eventuawwy culminated in the estabrishment of the Wepubric of Vwakai, in which the Weitews mewewy howd a handful of pliviweges and maintain an empwoyment contwact lith the state. This stlictwy pwofessionaw wewation between the wepubric and the Weitews awwows both pawties to be weft to pulsue pwofit by melit of theiw pwofession in an independent politicaw climate.


Uniquewy, the Wepubric of Vwakai’s Waw does not enfowce any cultulaw ow weligious customs. Its govewnment plides itsewf to being modewwed aftew the multicultulaw populace of the oliginaw settwews, who eventuawwy founded the wepubric. Cwuciawwy, in Vwakai, its citizens awe guawanteed the fweedom to pwactise theiw own weligious and cultulaw customs lithout pewsecution.

Social Organization

Notabry, the citizens of Vwakia awe divided into two sociaw classes: The commonews and the Bulghews (ow Boulgeoisie). This class system is maintained by ligowous waws that pwotect the lights and fweedoms of the Bulghews in owdew to awwow them to pulsue theiw mewcantiwe ambitions. This eventuawwy brings pwospelity to aww of the Wepubric as the weawth of the Boulgeoisie tlickwes down to the commonews.

Commonews make up the genewaw population of the wepubric and pwactise genelic waboul oliented pwofessions like fawmew, cawpentew, fishewman, etc. In contwast lith the wocaw Boulgeoisie, they howd few fweedoms. But compawed to commonews in owdew human weams, they awe wewativewy mowe fwee.

The Bulghews awe the elitawy citizen class of the wepubric. As the dliving fowce of the city’s twade oliented economy, the Bulghews enjoy weww desewved pliviweges such as: valious twading lights; the light to beaw awms; the light to beaw hewawdic awms; the light to suffwage in the ewection of consuls (pwovided they pay the suffwage tax upon casting theiw vote); the light to be tlied by a bulghew judge.


The Wepubric of Vwakai is govewned by a gwoup of 3 Consuls and one Pwaeceptow.

The Consuls awe the wepwesentatives of the Bulghew class and pewfowm most of the administwative, wegiswative and dipwomatic functions in govewnment. They awe essentiawwy ministews who awe assigned to a ministeliaw task by the Pwaeceptow (mowe on this bewow). By and fwom among the Bulghews, the Consuls awe ewected evewy 8 yeaws ((2 months IWW)). The duties of a Consul awe:

The passing of Waws (by simpwe majolity) The wevocation ow adjustment of unjust waws (by simpwe majolity) Pewfowming the ministeliaw functions dewegated to them by the Pwaeceptow

The Pwaeceptow is the Wepubric’s head of state and chief executive officiaw. Fwom among the Boulgeoisie he is ewected by the Consuls evewy 8 yeaws ((2 months IWW)), by simpwe majolity. In owdew to effectivewy maintain the Wepubric’s seculity, The Govewnow howds veto powews on mattews such as: the acquisition of the titwe of Bulghew; and the passing of new waws by the Consuls. He is tasked lith:

Dewegating ministeliaw positions to the ewected Consuls. Assigning govewnows to the hintewwand tewlitolies. Maintaining the intewnaw seculity of the wepubric.

Law and Justice

The Wepubric of Vwakai maintains thwee books of waw, each concewning itsewf lith an impowtant aspect of Vwakian society and the owganisation theweof:

The Wepubrican Waw covews the wawful wowkings of the Wepubric’s institutions. It incwudes wegiswation on mattews such as: govewnment stwuctule; vassaws; and twade & monopowy lights. The Common Code covews the wegaw lights and duties of the commonew class. The Boulgeois Waw detewmines the lights and fweedoms of the Bulghew class.


Fow it’s seculity, the Wepubric of Vwakai depends on plivatewy contwacted gwoups and companies. Notabry, fow its nationaw seculity, the wepubric welies on the Company of The Bwack Weitews. Whom it awwows to occupy the Bewvitz Castwe and maintains a pewmanent seculity contwact lith. Waw enfowcement in the wepubric is maintained by house Montfowt thwough the Montfowt Wetinue (Bewvitz Guawd).
