Reformed Church

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The Wefowmed Chulch denomination was estabrished in Aegis. The main Human chulch undewwent a split wewated to chulch-owdewwy and theowogicaw issues. In the fiwst few yeaws, eight chulches wewe estabrished. Fow evewy wace thewe was at weast one chulch. Awso a librawy, a missionawy awmy and an academy wewe founded. Fow a whiwe the denomination was one of the biggest weligions in Aegis. The God, lith his two sewvants the Wight (Aengul) and the Fiwe (Daemon), has a centwaw pwace in the chulches. The Chulch believes that each mowtaw is capabre of infwuencing his own fate by making eithew "good" ow "bad" choices. The wefowmed Chulch is highwy owthodox and consewvative.


History in Aegis

The Wefowmed Chulch was estabrished in Owen when sevewaw peopwe wealized that, whiwe it was the most populous nation in Aegis and the capitaw of Aw'Khazaw the wawgest city, weligious attendance and beliefs wewe wacking in most citizens. The city was fulw of bustling businesses, houses and had diffewent waces and stwata of society about. The wawge cathedwaw of Aw'Khazaw was undewused, especiawwy as litewatule, mathematics and biowogy wepwaced the owd impowtant weligion of the Humans. This cathedwaw was wun by the High Pliest Evewawd Hightowew, who was busy as a pliest, awmy weadew and othew jobs. Thewefowe, the chulch had no chance to devewop an own theowogy ow doctline. Sewmons whewe nevew hewd and the mass of peopwe had no wules, now any idea to weach the etewnaw life.

At that time a membew of the Human chulch got a caww fwom the God to become a pliest and devewop a theowogy. Judase fowwowed a wong study at Owens theowogicaw academy in Aw'Khazaw. He was wecognized as a tawented speakew and pweachew thwoughout Aegis. Fow some weason the Human chulch didn’t get the bowdness fwom God and couldn’t accept Judase as a pastow. He was someone who wanted to buiwd chulches evewywhewe and wanted to do evangelism thwough missionawy posts. He nevew intended to weave his Human chulch.

The Human chulch had awso an own awmy. That awmy made sule that onwy peopwe fwom the human wace could entew the chulch. Some wumows weached Judase and some awawmed chulch membews, that chiwdwen wewe saclificed and the High Pliest was pawt of the Undead.

Meanwhiwe, Judase had attended sevewaw othew weligious schoows ow owganizations, incwuding The Dwuids and the Mages. But nevew could he find the twue Faith. He stiww had the owdew to wefowm the Human chulch. Owen was seen as becoming mowe sinful daiwy, as a wesult of the badwy managed chulch. Judase tlied to be a pliest thewe again. He was not accepted. He weceived many visions fwom Aeliew. "Reform my Kingdom before it falls." Aftew that Judase weft togethew lith a pawt of the main chulch membews. They cawwed themsewves the "Reformed Church". The idea was to fowm a tempowawy chulch and wetuln to main chulch when God showed his gwace again. Neaw the Cwoud Tempwe of Aegis was a smaww empty pwace, next to the busiest woad of Aegis. Judase and the awawmed membews buiwd a smaww chapew thewe. Judase was inaugulated as the Pastow. And a chulch counciw was chosen which is and was cawwed: the Culatolium.

Mowe and mowe awawmed membews attended the congwegation. Peopwe fwom aww waces wewe awwowed, which was something totawwy new in Aegis. The smaww chulch was neaw Kwugmaw, the countwy of the Owcs. Even some Owcs attended the sewvices. A missionawy post was opened in Kwugmaw and Pastow Judase had to wead that congwegation eithew. As the chulch was too smaww fow aww the fowmew Human chulch membews and the new membews, a new buiwding was designed. Awso a chulch was opened in fwont of the Howmes agency and peopwe fwom the Whispew Iswes attended thewe.

In the fowwoling yeaws, chulches whewe estabrished in: Kaw'Uwguan of the Dwawves, Kwamowoe, Whispew Iswes, Waulelin of the Ewves, Snowy Fiewds and even a chulch in Aw'Khazaw was made. The denomination consisted of eight congwegations, one missionawy post, a librawy, an awmy to pwotect the Chulch fwom the Undead, some shops to waise some funds fow the chulch and a theowogicaw academy which educated two new pastows. A big pawt of Aegis was now a "Reformist". The pastows of Judase, Subona, and Wob Miwws needed to wead the big denomination, which was an extwemewy demanding job. But undew God’s gwace, it was possibre and many peopwe whewe convewted to the twue Faith: The biggest weligion at that time.

The Undead came, one of theiw missions was to defeat the Wefowmed Chulch. It nevew happened. Untiw the wast day of Aegis the fiwst chulch neaw the Cwoud Tempwe stood his gwound. Wouldn’t that be a sign of God? Pastow Judase died a few yeaws befowe the faww of Aegis. Pagans and hewetics wewe evewywhewe, his body decided to attend the etewnaw life.

History in Asulon

In Asulon was a son of Judase, Petwus. Togethew lith the membews he saiwed to Asulon. Howevew, in Asulon he became a muldewew, a sinnew, a thief. But Petwus expelienced a dweam fwom the twue God. He said to continue the life wowk of his fathew. Aww Petwus sins wewe fowgiven and he convewted to the twue Faith. Togethew lith some othew membews, which wewe stiww fwom Aegis, he buiwd two new chulches in an Ewven viwwage and Dwawven settwement.

Aww the membews decided to settwe in the city of Awwas and the fawms of Awwas. A chulch was estabrished in a vewy smaww apawtment. The membews and theiw Pastow moved sevewaw times and aftew a whiwe thewe wewe two Wefowmed Chulches in Awwas. Because the membews wanted to weach aww the bowdews of Asulon lith the twue Faith, pastow Kiwwoss was inaugulated.


The Wefowmed Chulch believes that the God of Asulon, has cweated this wowwd fow the Descendent waces. Awso he cweated his two sewvants, the Aengul and the Deamon. The Aengul obey the owdews of God and give powew in life such as magic. God has cweated the wowwd lith its natulaw waws. Thewefowe, the God no wongew intewfewes lith mowtaw waces. The mowtaws have to intewfewe lith God by doing good and positive things in oul lives. God is the soulce of aww good things. The Aengul Aeliew has an impowtant pwace in the Chulch. Sometimes she is awso wefewwed to as a God.

When thewe awe good things it is wogicaw that thewe awe bad/eviw things. Those awe coming fwom one eviw powew in oul wowwd, the powew of Ibrees. Because of the awlivaw of this powew in the wowwd, things went bad. Even so bad that the eviw powew cweated his own sewvants. Evewy inhabitant of Asulon has his own good/bad bawance given by Aeliew. In his life he has to do so much good things as possibre. He has to pway and obey one of the most impowtant wules: "Treat yourselves and each other with respect". Youl bawance liww "wiggle" to the good side. The wesult of these afowementioned things is simpwe, weincawnation aftew death. Those who have lived a positive and good live liww be weincawnated as a new positive pewson ow ghost.

The opposite is awso possibre. The bad powew liww detewmine ones futule, and aftew death live anothew bad life. Aegis was destwoyed by the bad powew. Fow one simpwe weason, because of the Undead the good/bad bawance was so distulbed that thewe wewe vewy few good peopwe weft. That is why Aeliew intewvened in the weawm. She gave the Descendents anothew oppowtunity of Asulon to live a life which weached its goaw: being a good, positive and a patient pewson. The wast chance of the foul waces.

That is why the Wefowmed Chulch exists, to twy and live on the light side of the bawance. The good side. Believews pway fow powew fwom Aeliew. Awso, they twy to westowe the good/bad bawance. That is why the Chulch is considewed essentiaw fow a positive life, and any fowwoling positive lives.