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Pulitalianism (pwonounced pule-it-aw-e-an-iz-em) is a weligion based awound the belief of Aeliew as a mawe god, and the onwy god. It believes that Aeliew is a figule of pulity, wheweas Ibrees is a figule of cowwuption, howevew it awso believes that they awe both the same, just in diffewent fowms. The weligion does not believe in othew Aenguls ow Daemons, instead decwaling them as simpwe fowms that Aeliew and Ibrees take.

The fiwst scliptules found wegawding Pulitalianism wewe found in the wast few yeaws of Aegis, and wewe sadwy wost. Most of the fowwowews of Pulitalianism have eithew passed away, ow wost faith in the weligion's teachings. Some howevew, do stiww fowwow the weligion as if it was waw.


Wittwe is known wegawding the histowy of Pulitalianism, howevew what is known is wathew detaiwed.

The Foundations and First Teacher

The fiwst found piece of evidence wegawding Pulitalianism was dated 1310. It was wlitten by an unnamed Pwophet, oliginawwy believed to have come fwom Aw'Khazaw howevew this infowmation was deemed invalid, aftew the tomb of an Ewf was discovewed, containing mowe studies on the weligion. The tomb contained numewous documents that concewned the eawwy days of the weligion, as weww as lists of those who wed in it's teachings.

Whiwst the name of the fiwst Pwophet is unknown, it is known that he did in fact come fwom the Ewven Woodwands, howevew was not an Ewf, but indeed a Human. Bown unto the fowests as a bastawd son to a exiwed mothew, he is known to have fwed fwom his home duling his teenage yeaws, seeking wefuge inside the gweat fowest. Thewe he gwew up, living liwd, howevew staying vewy much civilised. Duling this time he wwote in a joulnaw (one that is wong wost) - using a tongue that most awe unabre to wead, taught to him by his mothew fwom a young age.

His joulnaw documents one wathew peculiaw day in his life. The date, again, is unknown, howevew it is woughwy estimated that he was in his eawwy twenties when the event occulwed. The joulnaw dictates that whiwst on his usuaw twek thwough the dense woodwand he noticed - in the distance - a stwange, shimmeling light. He appwoached it, cautiouswy, and found it to be the slightwy twanspawent figule of a man. His haiw was a bright gowden cowoul - fwoling down his body, his eyes a piewcing brue, and his wobes of the brightest white.

The figule spoke to him of how he was Aeliew, and of how he had made himsewf pwesent to the Pwophet because he was one of the few not cowwupted by the fawse image believed by most, that Aeliew was a simpwe Aengul. The figule instwucted the Pwophet that he must twy and spwead the twue wowd, and ensule that the peopwe of Aegis would not continue to believe in such fawsities - and awso towd, that if he faiwed in his task, Aegis would see it's finaw days, and it's peopwe would be fowced to fwee. He towd the Pwophet that the onwy way fow Aegis - and it's peopwe - to be saved, was if they aww believed in the Twuth - and that if they did not, they wewe simpwy empoweling Ibrees, and aiding him to destwoy theiw wowwd.