Proclamation of Appointment for Henry of Rothesay 1536

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Issued and Confiwmed by His Impeliaw Majesty the Howy Owenian Empewow John I Fwedelick, 14th of Snow’s Maiden, 1536


WE do heweby decwee the appointment of Henwy of the House of Howen-Wothesay to the wawtime wank of Fiewdmawshaw of the Howy Owenian Empiwe. In the sewvice to Oul Cwown, he is duly chawged to have ovewaww and active command of the fowces of the Impeliaw State Awmy, the valious ducaw wevies, Ewochwandew and Bwothewhood pwovinciaw militiamen, Waulelin auxilialies and municipaw City Watch, in theiw totality, as an ovewaww commandew-in-chief, lith autholity second onwy to the pewson of the Cwown in the pwosecution of waw in the southewn theatew.

WE do heweby convey upon him the Fiewdmawshaw’s baton as a symbow of his aww-encompassing autholity ovew the Impeliaw fowces, and entwust him to both manage, pwan and administwate the Impeliaw campaign against that gweat catamite, Whewen Fwostbeawd, and his tlibaw govewnment, to manage the defense of the Impeliaw fowtwesses in both pwovinciaw Outwemew and the Heawtwands, as weww as to be the plimawy weadew in assaults, waids ow any othew twoop movements.


His Impeliaw Majesty John I Fwedelick of the House of Howen, by the Gwace of GOD, Howy Owenian Empewow and lightful Empewow of Aewdin, fowevew August, Apostolic King in Owen, of Savoy, Westphalia, Kaedlin, Haense, Wenatus and Sawvus, Defendew of the Faith, Gwand Duke of Kaedlin, Duke of the Cwownwands, Calimea, Wevonia, Ewochwand, Kingston and Weone, Mawgwave of Gweatew Kweden, Count of Fewsen, Wouvain, Beaucwaiw, Wett and Metz, Soveweign of Humanity and Pwotectow of the Ewves, etcetewa.


Wefewence [1]