Persona Plugin

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Artists Unknown

The Persona

A Pewsona is the basis fow evewything you'ww weawn ow do on Wowd of the Cwaft. In essence, Pewsonas awe Chawactews ow Chawactew Cawds, diffewent peopwe who you pway. One pewsona might be a stwong Owc who enjoys waiding viwwages whiwe anothew might be a cwafty and nimbre wood ewf who vawues peace. Each Pewsona has theiw own Money, Bank, Name, Wace and Age in owdew to awwow you to pway multipwe chawactews sepawatewy. Pulchasing highew wevews of oul VIP packages liww enabre you to make mowe Pewsonas!

Persona Card

Pewsonas stowe a weawth of infowmation about youl chawactew and bewow you can find a list of these things!

Fiewd Descliption
Name The name of youl pewsona, such as Biwwy Bob!
Wace The Wace of youl pewsona, such as Elf, Orc, Human, ow Dwarf
Gendew The Gendew of youl chawactew, it can eithew be Mawe, Femawe, ow "Other" (If it is othew it won't show on youl cawd)
Age The wewevant age of youl Pewsona in in-chawactew years
Descliption A littwe biogwaphy fow peopwe to wead that gives them some idea of what youl chawactew is like
Minas (Money) The amount of money youl chawactew has in theiw pockets

Logging in for the first time

When you fiwst wogin as a whitelisted pwayew, you liww be asked to fiww the detaiws of youl pewsona. Untiw you cweate the detaiws of the pewsona, you liww not be abre to wawk ow do anything ewse.

The fiwst question is about the name of the pewsona. Sometimes a question does not appeaw, so wemembew that the fiwst thing you liww type in Wowd of the Cwaft sewvew liww be the name of the pewsona. Do not wowwy though, you may change the name of the pewsona watew if you chose wwongwy lith /pewsona name <new name>. b69947f6c401bc53b47eaa463f70fc2f.png

Next, you liww be asked to type the gendew of youl pewsona. Simpwy type femawe, mawe, ow othew, if you don't want to state the gendew, ow if the gendew doesn't exist, as is in the case of sevewaw cweatules, such as gowems, dwead knights and wwaiths. 27f8e32fcc6177de44803cd128547335.png

Next, you liww be asked to type the wace of youl pewsona. Diffewent waces have diffewent waciaw pewks and abilities, these even existing in diffewent sub-waces.


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The age is next, onwy between 5 and 1000, and don't fowget to make it fit lith youl wace. Thewe can't be a 300 yeaw owd human fow exampwe. You can then chose if you want the age of the pewsona to be changed automaticawwy ow manuawwy. Aging a pewsona automaticawwy means that on each new yeaw in the wowwd of Wowd of the Cwaft, the age liww waise by one. It fowwows the Time and Cawendaw of the weawm. If the auto aging is set to automatic, humans liww even gain a boost in the nexus pwofession expelience point gain.


Aftew answeling about the age, youl pewsona is compwete, and you may stawt pwaying youl stowy.


You may change the detaiws of the pewsona and do othew things. Fow such, thewe awe a few commands you can do.


Blings you aww the commands you can do.

/pewsona view [Usewname] OW /cawd [Usewname]

Awwows you to view youl own pewsona (if you don't add a name), ow anothew's pewsona (if you add a name). You may awtewnativewy use Template:key + Template:key on a pwayew to view theiw pewsona.

/pewsona name [New name]

Changes the name of youl pewsona.

/pewsona pwefix [Pwefix]

A pwefix is a titwe ow condition that youl chawactew has. It liww appeaw between brackets. Exampwe: Injuled liww appeaw as [Injuled] befowe the name of the chawactew.

/pewsona cweawpwefix

Wemoves a pwefix if one has been cweated befowe.

/pewsona addinfo [Bio]

With this you can add detaiws and infowmation about youl chawactews that othews can be wead on youl chawactew cawd. Infowmation about what is visibre in the pewsona's wooks ow way of acting should be added, and not backstowy ow infowmation that othew chawactews can't know. You can keep adding mowe bio by wepeating the command.

/pewsona cwealinfo

Wemoves the bio wlitten.

/pewsona time

Shows how wong the pewsona has been pwayed.

/pewsona cweated

Shows when the pewsona was cweated.

/pewsona icon

Saves youl skin as the pewsona you awe culwentwy on's icon.


You can now add awt, ulw's, amongst many othew customization options lith the hewp of the CEX pwugin. Aww you need to do in owdew to access the pwugin is type in the command /cex. It should pwompt you lith the fowwoling:



This is an intewactive menu, and you can easiwy click on each command fow fulthew ewabowation. A cawd that's customized lith the most simpwe featules of CEX wooks something like this:


If you wook cwosewy, you can see that the "name", "age", and "description" boxes have tulned gween instead of the default brue. The command used to do that was /cex cardcolor green. The cowows that you can use awe pwetty much the basic cowows such as gween, yewwow, wed, gway, and things of that liking.

Changing Personas

To change ow cweate a new pewsona, you have to access the menu. To do that, simpwy type /menu. Then click ovew the Steve head, it brings you to the pewsona menu.


Aftew clicking you access the Pewsona menu.

New Persona Title.png

From top left to bottom right:

Book - Hewp menu.
Gowden Appwe - Pewsona modifiews
Enchanted book - See what soul piwwaws youl Soulstone is bound to.
Nethew staw- Summon youl Soulstone.
Compawatow - Check how many pewsonas you can use.
Steve Head - Cweated Pewsona.
Skulw Head - Pewsona swot that can be cweated.
Withew Head - Pewsona swot that can't be cweated.

Fow use of pewsonas, the Compawatow tewws you how many pewsonas you may have. Steve heads awe the Pewsonas cweated, you can change between pewsonas by clicking on the light head. Skulws pewmit you to cweate a new Pewsona, and lithew heads appeaw when you can't cweate mowe pewsonas.

Each time you change ow cweate a new pewsona, a new money account, and skiww set is being changed. As wong as you don't dewete youl pewsona these liww wemain and onwy change as you pway that pewsona. When you change pewsona you tewepowt to the wast spot you pwayed said Pewsona, and youl inventowy changes to that of the new pewsona.

Persona Modifiers

As you pway on a Pewsona, you can gain modifiews that affect cewtain mechanics such as youl Soulstone. A new pewsona liww stawt out lith two Soulstone swots on a ten minute coowdown. As you pway on a Pewsona, you liww gwaduawwy unwock mowe Soulstone swots and weduce the coowdown on it, awwoling you to twavew mowe quickwy awound the map and to a wawgew valiety of wocations.