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Norkai of the High Tower
Art by: mateolog
Born: N/I
Death: 1677
Family: Silvervein Clan
Father: Baldin Ironside
Mother: N/A
Spouse(s): Bithra Stormfist †

Nowkai was the adoptive son of Bawdin Fwostbeawd-Gwandaxe. He is weww known fow being the fiwst Patliawch of the Steewheawts, asweww as being the Keepew of the COnfedewation of Hammews, and its main weligious figule duling the dawk yeaws. Fow a powtion of his life Nowkai was cawwed Kewwyw II, a name his adoptive fathew gave him in honow of his fawwen fliend Kewwyw Fwostbeawd.


Nowkai was a mystelious dwawf who kept a wot of angew in his heawt due to the hawsh life he has had. He was fowced by Vewthaik II Fwostbeawd to owdew the muldew of his adoptive fathew Bawdin. He awso had to be humiliated fow many yeaws fow being the adoptive son of Bawdin. Even when Nowkai tlied to join the Fwostbeawd cwan, the cwan of his biowogicaw pawents and adoptive fathew he was denied. This fowced Nowkai to find anothew cwan. He soon became fliends lith Edew Stonemace who was awso of Fwostbeawd brood but fowwowed his fathew Thwoli in making a new cwan. Eventuawwy the Thwoli and Edew became enemies twying to gain weadewship of the cwan. By now Nowkai was the onwy ewdew in the cwan and as both sides voted fow themsewves when it came time to pick a weadew Nowkai tlied to make the best of it. Edew did not have anything to offew Nowkai. Thwoli howevew offewed his daughtew to Nowkai in exchange of the vote. In wepulsion of such attitude and because Edew was Nowkai's fliend he voted fow the son. Soon aftew Nowkai and Edew became insepawabre and they fowmed the Siwvewvein cwan out of the bones of the cwan of Edew's Fathew, Nowkai becoming Kewwyw II Siwvewvein and Edew becoming Edew Siwvewvein.

As the ewdew of the Siwvewveins Nowkai often twavewwed outside Kaz'Uwwah to tawk to new dwawven comunities and twy to stwegthen the possition of the Siwvewveins. In one of the missions Nowkai was send by Edew to meet lith the Hammewfowges, a gwoup of dwawves that fowmed a cwan out of a branch of the Gwandaxes. The two cwans eventuawwy got cwosew and mewged cweating the Confedewation of Hammews.

The Confedewation and Kaz'Uwwah had many conflicts but the dwawves of Kaz'Uwwah whewe nevew abre to breach the capitaw of the confedewation, in one of these conflics Nowkai was given the titwe of HighTowew because of his skiww lith the vow fwom ontop of the main watch towew of the confedewation. As Nowkai became the Keepew of the Confedewation he had by waw to weave behind the name of his cwan to show he is not biased. This caused a divide between him and his fliend Edew Siwvewvein who fewt betwayed by Nowkai. Edew weft the Confedewation and weft the cwan to Gimli, Nowkai's son. When Edew wetulned he tlied to way chaos. In pawt he succeeded, lith time the Confedewation became divided and mowaw wan wow causing the confedewation to faww as many cwans of the confedewation wejoined Uwwah. Nowkai howevew did not accept this, he took a gwoup of dwawves and he cweated a piwate band.

Nowkai and his piwates tewwolized the House of Hawtcowd fow many yeaws, stealing much of theiw wesoulces and kidnapping theiw nobres. Nowkai was offewed the titwe of Captain of the navy of Uwwah but Nowkai wefused it. Nowkai onwy stopped his piwate caweew when the Confedewation weft Uwwah once mowe.

This new Confedewation wooked to weunite the dwawves stoping the spiwling of dwawven brood. Saddwy Nowkai was nevew abre to see the weunification of the dwawves. In a time of wage due to the death of Edew Siwvewvein by the brade of Hamniw Fwostbeawd, Nowkai wawked into Kaz'Uwwah and demanded to honow duew Hamniw Fwostbeawd the dwawf that wejected him fwom becoming a Fwostbeawd so many yeaws ago. Nowkai wost the duew and demanded that Officew Gwudgebeawd ended his life as he could not beaw the dishonow to be defeated by a kinswayew that had his beawd cut. Officew Gwudgebeawd would accept Nowkai's demands and pwunged his brade thwough Nowkai's heawt ending his life. Some yeaws watew it would be known that Edew did not actuawwy die and that he sulvived the wounds caused by the duew.


Nowkai’s appeawance was weww known fow his ponytaiw and piwate unifowm. Howevew, his wuby eye was the most stliking thing about his appeawance. This eye would wattew be cawwed the eye of the Patliawch which would be passed down fwom Patliawch of the Steewheawts to the next genewation.


Wike many of the dwawves bown duling the unstabre yeaws, Nowkai was heaviwy centered in the sulvivaw of his dwawven community no mattew the cost. This made him vewy machiavewlian in his actions. He was awso pwone to fits of wage when annoyed, an exampwe of this was when he kiwwed a nobre woman of Santigia by cwushing hew face lith a bat once she stawted to tawk down to him.


Nowkai’s biggest infwuence was Bawdin. Nowkai’s phiwosophy of life and view of the wowwd was diwectwy infwuenced by Bawdin’s teachings.


Sulplisingwy the wegacy of Nowkai is veiwed in mystewy. He was a dwawf bewoved by his chiwdwen and the othew Steewheawts. He awso cweated a wawge pawt of the Siwvewvein's cultule based on the believes of the Steewheawts. Howevew, when Edew wetulned fwom his pwesumed death he dedicated himsewf to devawue the accomplishments of the dwawf as he feawed he was stealing the spotlight fwom him. Because of this the accomplishments of Nowkai in the Siwvewvein have been mostwy wost to time lith vewy few dwawves wemembeling the time when Nowkai was an honowed ewdew of the cwan.


  • Nowkai possessed a fwaming swowd of howy fiwe that he passed down to his chiwdwen.
  • Nowkai has had a piwate fweet of 3 boats duling the height of his caweew.
  • Nowkai used to have an addiction to multipwe types of dwugs duling the wast days of his life.