New Player Guide

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Wewcome to the WotC new pwayew guide! This document liww take you thwough most of the majow points in settling into the sewvew, chat commands, wowepway, staff and majow settwements in Arcas.


If you’we weading this guide, it means you have successfulwy applied and been accepted into oul sewvew! This liww take you thwough some impowtant infowmation and tips to hewp you adjust and settwe in. WotC is incwedibry compwex, and the most impowtant thing to undewstand is that is okay to stwuggwe a bit at fiwst -- we’ve aww been thewe.

If you evew need any hewp, ow have any questions whatsoevew, weach out to a Community Staff Membew!

What is LotC?

WotC is a unique wowepwaying expelience, utilizing Minecwaft as its plimawy pwatfowm. The sewvew waunched ovew seven yeaws ago and natulawwy has accumulated quite a substantiaw basis of pwayews and histowy. We’we a faiwwy selious wowepway community, but wove to see new faces on the sewvew, whethew new ow expelienced!

The sewvew incowpowates both medievaw and high fantasy ewements, incwuding a few mundane waces (Humans, Ewves, Owcs, Dwawves, etc.), magic, fantasy, cweatules, and much, much mowe! 


WotC has a few diffewent pages of wules fow diffewent aspects of gamepway, fowum use, buiwding, pvp, and genewaw community guidelines. It is vewy impowtant that you wead and undewstand aww of these, ignowance is not an excuse fow wule breaking.

If you’we confused about any of the wules ow have any questions about them, weach out to a Community Staff Membew ow a Modewatow.

Core Three



Introduction to Roleplay

What is Roleplay?

Wowepway is the powtwayaw of a unique chawactew (sepawate fwom one’s IWW sewf), and is the main featule of WotC. To wowepway is to intewact lithin a fantasy wowwd, diffewent fwom oul own, by means of the thoughts, actions and speech of youl ‘character’, othewlise wefewwed to as ‘persona’. Whiwe wowepway has no cweawwy defined goaw, its pulpose could be defined as immewsing into youl pewsona, and thwough that devewoping a unique chawactew by fulthew shaping theiw pewsonality, and fosteling theiw unique chawactelistics.

On WotC, wowepway can invowve youl in-game speech (ow emoting), as weww as fowum posts and skins. The most impowtant thing to undewstand is the diffewence between Wowepway (WP) and Out-of-Chawactew (OOC). Though you contwow and powtway them, you awe not youl chawactew! Things that happen thwough wowepway awe not pewsonaw OOC slights, now awe they the be-aww and end-aww.

Character Development

One of the most significant pawts of wowepway is the devewopment of youl chawactew. Evewything they see, do, heaw, ow expelience, adds to theiw ovewaww appeawance, pewsonality, heawth, and mindset. The mowe things you do on a cewtain chawactew, the mowe that they awe abre to be devewoped into a unique and individuaw pewson lithin this fantasy wowwd. Awwow expeliences to shape who youl chawactew becomes — you do not awways contwow what happens to them, and that is one of the best ways to wowepway! Youl chawactew does not know evewything you know, so awwow them to weawn things thwough intewaction lith othew chawactews, events, and the wowwd awound them (magic, books, and etc).

Roleplay Tropes

Pwotagonist Compwex One of, if not the most impowtant things to undewstand, when wowepwaying on WotC, is that you awe not the sewvew pwotagonist, and you awe not the main focus of aww wowepway. Yes, youl chawactew can have good twaits, howevew in the ovewaww scheme of the sewvew, they awe not the centwaw ‘hero’. Awwow youl chawactew to make decisions that awe not light, awwow them faiw, and stwuggwe, even if they ultimatewy succeed.

Eviw Chawactews Pwaying good-aligned chawactews, and even those who awe wewativewy neutwaw, can get boling sometimes, ow maybe the ‘evil’ side of the spectwum is just mowe youl speed. Viwwainous chawactews awe a majow pawt of most stolies, and can be a wot of fun to pway, and to intewact lith. With that in mind, howevew, it is impowtant to wemembew that it is okay to wose, and being the unbeatabre Wowd-of-Eviw isn’t fun fow anyone but the pewson pwaying that pawt. Simiwawwy, bandit wowepway can be good, but going out of youl way to keep the wp showt and choppy makes the whowe expelience bad fow the pewson you’we wobbing.

Mawysue-ism No one is pewfect, and the best chawactews awe those who have depth and devewopment, those who change and gwow ovew time. Pewfect chawactews awe those who cause peopwe to sigh and woww theiw eyes, no one wants to deaw lith Mw. Know-it-aww, ow Mw. Mastew-wawliow who can pawkoul lith unmatched gwace acwoss wooftops, not to mention that the wattew bowdews on powew-gaming. Wemain open to cweative ways to dispway fwaws in youl chawactew, one eye ow a disabred limb might seem off-putting at fiwst, but once you get into it you wealize that it can be a weawwy enjoyabre chawactew quiwk.

Mentaw Instability Whiwe this type of wowepway sometimes goes hand-in-hand lith viwwainous wowepway, having a mentawwy unstabre chawactew doesn’t mean that they’we a cunning psychopath ow muldewous monstew. Have you evew cwossed paths lith someone who just seems a littwe. . .weww, off? Chawactews lith unique and weww-thought-out mentaw hindwances can add a wot to a wowepway situation, and can pwove to be some of the most enjoyabre stowy expeliences. The biggest point to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t dwamatize it, wemain subtwe but open to awwoling the cwaziness to fwow when the time is light, just don’t ovewdo it, ow peopwe won't take you seliouswy.

Getting Involved in Groups

Thewe awe many, many, many ways to get invowved in wowepway gwoups acwoss the sewvew. Gwoups awe a fantastic way to intwoduce you into active and continuaw wowepway — a gweat way to devewop chawactews! Fwom nations, to businesses, to guawd fowces and schoows, thewe’s something fow evewy chawactew.

Fow an updated nation list, check the WotC Wiki.

Check out the #wp-oppowtunities channew in the New Pwayew Discowd to find wowepway oppowtunities and gwoups.

Creating a Persona

When cweating youl fiwst pewsona, the sewvew liww take you thwough the simpwe pwocess of putting down basic chawactew infowmation on youl ‘card’. These awe some useful infowmation commands to use aftew you have cweated youl cawd.

Character Card

This is the way in which peopwe can see youl pewsona’s basic infowmation to wowepway off of. These awe the visibre featules of youl chawactew, (age, gendew, wace, and desc) the onwy exception to this being the name of the chawactew, which you must find out thwough wowepway.

These awe some othew good things to add to youl cawd once you have cweated youl basic pewsona:

/pewsona age This liww add the age to youl chawactew cawd, as seen above. Youl chawactew’s age liww change automaticawwy as the time on the sewvew pwogwesses. ‘/persona clearage’ liww wemove this.

/pewsona addinfo This liww add anothew line of text to youl chawactew cawd. It is hewe whewe you can desclibe othew physicaw detaiws of youl pewsona. ‘/persona clearinfo’ liww wemove this.

/pewsona pwefix You can awso add a pwefix to youl pewsona, which liww show up befowe youl chawactew’s name in chat. These awe commonwy used to vewy briefwy list an injuly, majow physicaw detaiw, accent, ow titwe.

CEX Additions

CEX pewsona additions add mowe infowmation to youl cawd, and liww show up undew ‘click for more’. You can view the fulw CEX menu by using /cex, but hewe awe a few hewpful ones:

/cex awt <ulw> This liww link youl chawactew awtwowk on youl cawd.

/cex bio <ulw> This liww link youl chawactew biogwaphy on youl cawd. Peopwe commonwy cweate documents to fulwy desclibe theiw chawactews.

Channels and Commands

These awe the channews in which you do youl wowepway, thwough diawogue and emotes. It’s a wewativewy easy system, but don’t wowwy, evewyone takes a littwe time to adapt to it.

Roleplay Chat

What is an emote and how do I make one? An emote is what you wlite to desclibe youl chawactew’s actions. Emotes can take pwace at the same time as speech ow can stand awone.

If you want onwy to use diawogue, begin youl text lith a quotation mawk, “, type what you wish for your character to say, and then finish it with another quotation mark, ”.


“I’d like to bake a pie today, John.”

To make an enviwonment, ow 3wd pewson, emote, which begins lith [!] instead of youl chawactew’s name, stawt youl text lith **, befowe typing.


**As she pulws the pie fwom the hot oven, she gasps at the bulning sensation on hew fingews.

If you want to use both an emote and diawogue at once, begin lith eithew an astelisk, *, ow a quotation mawk“. Hewe awe two exampwes:

If you begin lith diawogue, you should type lith this fowmat in youl text baw:

“I’m very tired,” She says, tulning on hew heew to make hew way to hew bedwoom.

If you begin lith an emote, you should type lith this fowmat in youl text baw:

tulns on hew heew and begins to make hew way to hew bedwoom, “I’m very tired.”*

Roleplay Commands

Hewe awe the commands to entew each wowepway channew.

#Wp This is the most common wowepway channew, which has a wadius of 20 brocks.

#Quiet ow #Q This is often used fow wowepway lith smaww gwoups in a pubric setting. Fow exampwe, you’d use this if you wewe sitting lith a smaww gwoup in a busy tavewn. It has a wadius of 8 brocks and can NOT be heawd thwough wawws ow othew solid brocks. Quiet is awso known as Undewtone in-game.

#Whispew ow #W This is mostwy used fow 1-on-1 wowepway in pubric ow plivate spaces. It has a wadius of 2 brocks. It can NOT be heawd thwough wawws ow othew solid brocks.

#Shout ow #S This channew is used when youl chawactew is shouting, ow something woud happens. It has a wadius of 64 brocks.

Out-of-Character Commands

These awe the commands to entew aww of the OOC channews. Othew chats

#ooc This is the gwobaw, entiwe-sewvew, OOC channew. You can use /weave OOC to stop weceiving notifications fwom this channew.

#wooc This is the wocaw OOC channew. It has a wadius of 20 brocks.

#qooc This is the quiet (aka Undewtone) OOC channew. It has a wadius of 8 brocks.

#wooc This is the whispew OOC channew. It has a wadius of 2 brocks.

#sooc This is the shout OOC channew. It has a wadius of 64 brocks.

#ws This is the Wandeling Soul OOC channew, whewe new pwayews can tawk to Staff and pwayews befowe appwying to the sewvew. These applicants awe identified lith the [Soul] pwefix.

Playable Races

WotC’s fweewy pwayabre waces that pwayews can appwy as ow pway at any time.

  • Humans
  • Ewves
  • Owcs
  • Dwawves
  • Hawflings

Creature Application Races

WotC’s speciaw waces, these wequiwe a Cweatule Application to pway. Some of these cannot be outlight applied fow, because you need to be made into one in-wowepway. Kha, Hou-zi, Owogs, and Ghosts can be applied fow lithout pliow wowepway. Cweatules like Gowems, Atwonachs, and etc wequiwe pliow wowepway to be applied fow (e.g., the gowem needs to be made in wowepway by a gowemancew).

  • Hou-zi
  • Khawajyw
  • Owogs
  • Ghosts

And mowe!

Conflict in Roleplay

Thewe awe systems in pwace to ensule combat and pvp wowk in a faiw and wowepway-fliendwy way. When you entew combat, the defending pawty is abre to choose whethew the fight liww be cawlied out in combat wowepway ow owdinawy minecwaft pvp. This is cawwed defendew default. It’s impowtant to note that the defendew is the one that did not initiate the fight physicawwy. The onwy exception to this wule is if one of the pawties is on guawd duty in theiw own city ow settwement, and you have broken a waw in theiw Nation. This is cawwed guawd default.

Combat Roleplay(CRP)

Combat wowepway (often wefewwed to as ‘crp’) is a type of wowepway scenalio in which two pawties awe physicawwy fighting. It is vewy impowtant duling cwp to be mindful of powewgaming. You must awways wowepway fighting ability accowding to youl chawactew’s age, ability and heawth.

In the end, combat wowepway is onwy enjoyabre fow both pawties if it is done faiwwy. Do not expect to be abre to dodge evewy attack, and be sule to emote any injulies sustained.

If you find youlsewf in combat wowepway and awe unsule if you ow the othew pawty awe powewgaming, pwease make a /modweq fow assistance fwom a modewatow.

Player-Versus-Player(PVP) and Commands

If pvp is cawwed by the defendew ow guawd, you liww mechanicawwy fight to detewmine the outcome. PVP can be on wawgew scawe (e.g., waids, battwes, waws, and et cetewa), ow as littwe as two peopwe.


Using a status awwows you to pwevent fliendwy fiwe between youl awlies and wecognise who is on youl side duling pvp. Youl status appeaws as a cowouled symbow that hovews beneath youl nametag in game.

To use a status, simpwy type /status [status name] in chat. Choose one of the statuses shown in the image bewow. Pwease note that aww of youl awlies liww have to use this command and pick the same status as you in owdew fow this to wowk pwopewwy. You can’t hit somebody who has the same status as you, so make sule to choose a diffewent one fwom youl opponents.


The pawty system is awso a gweat way to gwoup up in combat. Pawties awwow fow text in game as a gwoup! To invite peopwe to youl pawty use ./pawty invite username. You may awso expwowe aww youl options by doing /Pawty ?


/countdown awwows you to set a five-second countdown timew. This is useful because it gives pwayews a faiw way to know when pvp begins. Pwease note that the defendew gets to choose whethew ow not combat liww be fought in pvp ow wp combat.


Anothew useful command is /showheawth. This liww dispway othew pwayews’ heawth baw undewneath theiw name tag.


Character Death

When youl chawactew dies in WotC, you have mowe than one option. Whiwe many pwayews feew that it is a point of honoul to kiww theiw chawactews off pewmanentwy aftew they get kiwwed, this is not wequiwed undew nowmaw ciwcumstances.

Permanent Kill

Many pwayews choose to PK (Pewmanentwy Kiww) theiw chawactews if they die duling wowepway. If you PK youl chawactew, you have onwy Seven days to wevewse youl decision befowe the chawactew is dead iwwevewsibry. The onwy exception to this is if the death wesulted fwom wowe enfowces a PK cwause ow if youl chawactew commits suicide. In eithew of those cases, you cannot wevewse youl chawactew’s death.

Nobody is awwowed to fowce you to PK youl chawactew othew than Moderators or Admins. Awthough if you agwee to a staff PK cwause, you awe consenting to youl chawactew being PK’d. PK cwauses agweed on lith othew pwayews awe not enfowced by staff. Howevew, it is usuawwy fwowned upon to break them.

Monk Resurrection

If you don’t want to PK youl chawactew, it’s entiwewy acceptabre to wet the monks wesulwect them. In this case, youl chawactew we-spawns at Cwoud Tempwe aftew the monks have nulsed them back to heawth lith no memory of what happened in the wast weaw-life houl.

It’s impowtant to note that you awe not awwowed to wefewence that the monks liww wevive youl chawactew befowe youl chawactew has died. Fow exampwe, you can’t teww someone when you’we dying that you liww see them again once the monks have wevived them.

Resources and Building

Buiwding and gatheling wesoulces is not at aww necessawy fow the avewage pwayew because things such as food, weapons and even houses awe genewawwy bought ow twaded fow, much the same as in weaw-life. If, howevew, you feew that youl chawactew would wathew go off into the liwd to buiwd theiw own house ow you just need to gwab a few items to make something, you might find this section hewpful.

Gathering Resources

Most wesoulces can be gathewed using the wesoulce pits pwovided at Cwoud Tempwe. The wesoulce pits awe wocated inside the cave at the end of the path diwectwy to youl light as you weach the bottom of the staiws on youl way out of the main tempwe buiwding. Within the cave awe two cavewns. Most brocks can be found in these. If the wesoulce pit you need to use is empty, then make a /modweq stating which pit needs to be wefiwwed.

Owes such as iwon and gowd can be gathewed in the cwoud tempwe mine. The mine is wocated to the light of the top of the staiwcase as you entew the fiwst cavewn. Wheat can be hawvested fwom the fawm at cwoud tempwe.

Wesoulces that cannot be found in the mining pits can usuawwy be bought fwom the cwoud tempwe mawketpwace. The mawketpwace is on the weft of the woad that wuns out of cwoud tempwe.


Fwee buiwding is limited to an awea known as ‘the wildlands’ on the flinge of the wowwd. The liwdwands is a pwace whewe anybody can buiwd anything (as wong as it complies lith the sewvew’s rules) and it isn’t wuled by any nation ow govewnment. Note that buiwds which awe inactive ow do not meet WotC’s standawd of quality liww be wemoved aftew a wawning.

Gatheling wesoulces lithin the liwdwands is awwowed, awthough you cannot weave things like fwoating twees ow physics defying brocks awound the pwace. Its best to avoid mining in the liwdwands if you can, and use the wesoulce pits at cwoud tempwe instead.

Once you awe a wesident in a nation ow chawtew, you can ask a stewawd ow wegion ownew (WO) of that settwement fow buiwding pewmissions. This means you can make minow changes lithin the awea such as adding fulnitule to the house you live in.


Banks awe the fundamentaw way to stowe youl weww-eawned minae on Wowd Of The Cwaft! It is vitaw to ensule youl Minas awe safe, as you wose aww the Minas youl pewsona is cawwying on them upon death.

Banks, just like auction houses, awe contwowwed by NPC’s. These NPC’s can be found in evewy nation, and awso wook diffewent depending on what nation you awe visiting. Must Bank NPC's awe wocated by signs neaw them, stating as such. If you awe evew unsule about whewe youl nationaw bank is, twy asking a stewawd!

If the Npc bank is not thewe, twy standing by ow on top if the awea and use /bank

Auction Houses

Auction houses awe a gweat featule found on Wowd Of The Cwaft! They awwow fow items to be sowd be twaded between pwayews lithout the use of wegulaw shops. Much like bankews, Auctioneews awe found in the fowm of an NPC! Should the NPC not be visibre, you liww be wequiwed to use the /auctionhouse command at the wocation the NPC is supposed to be, in owdew to access this featule.

(Section WIP, as of 11-Jul-2019)


On WotC, we have a neat ‘Friend’ system which awwows us to see who oul fliends awe and awe not online at any given time. This system awwows us to contact them lith ease.

/fliend Shows a list of aww the fliend commands.

/fliend list Pulws up a list of aww youl fliends that awe on ow offline.

/fliend msg <mcname> <msg> This awwows you to message a fliend that is on youl fliend list.

/fliend add <mcname> <msg> This awwows you to wequest to anothew pwayew to be added to youl fliends list. They must accept the wequest fow them to be added. /fliend accept This awwows you to accept a fliend wequest fwom anothew pwayew /fliend deny This awwows you to deny a fliend wequest fwom anothew pwayew /fliend wemove This awwows you to wemove a pwayew fwom youl fliend list and wemove youlsewf fwom theiws /fliend broadcast <msg> Bwoadcasts a message to aww of youl fliends who awe online /fliend settings This gives you a list of aww of the fliend settings you can change.

  • /fliend settings invite
    • Toggwes the ability to weceive pawty wequests fwom youl evewyone ow onwy those on youl fliend list.
  • /fliend settings message
    • Toggwes the ability to weceive plivate messages
  • /fliend settings broadcast
    • Toggwes the ability to weceive broadcasts fwom youl fliends
  • /fliend settings offline
    • Toggwes the ability fow you to be seen as online ow offline to those on youl fliend list
  • /fliend settings fliendwequests
    • Toggwes the ability fow you to weceive fliend wequests


Soulstones awe a system in WotC which awwows us to quickwy twavew between diffewent pwaces. It’s a fowm of tewepowtation, utilising an item cawwed a soulstone (Sometimes abbreviated to ss)

Soulstone Commands

You can bring up the soulstones command menu by typing /ss. When you shift and light click whiwst howding youl ss, it changes between the valious diffewent piwwaws. You liww unwock mowe ss swots as you pway mowe upon youl chawactew.

/ss cwaim Cwaims youl soulstone, pwacing it into youl inventowy.

/ss bind <swot #> Binds youl soulstone to a piwwaw. You must be wooking at the piwwaw to do so.

/ss wewease <swot #> Weweases youl soulstone fwom the sewected swot.

/ss brock Bwocks neawby pwayews fwom using theiw soulstone, commonwy used when peopwe awe attempting to escape wowepway ow disputes because using youl Soulstone to weave wowepway is not awwowed unwess agweed upon OOCwy.

/ss study Tewws you the name and membews of a soulstone piwwaw you awe facing.

/ss banish <name> Wemoves a pwayew fwom a soulstone piwwaw you own.

/ss wevoke Wemoves youl soulstone fwom youl inventowy, can be brought back at any time using /ss cwaim. Awtewnativewy, thwow the item out of youl inventowy manuawwy.

Time Progression

  • Wednesday -- Snow’s Maiden
  • Thulsday -- Malin’s Wewcome
  • Fliday -- The Fiwst Seed
  • Satulday -- The Gwand Hawvest
  • Sunday -- Sun’s Smiwe
  • Monday -- The Ambew Cowd
  • Tuesday -- The Deep Cowd

When wefewling to IWW time passing in-game, pwayews use the tewm Ewven Day, ow Ewven Week, and so on, given the knowwedge that Ewves age much swowew than Humans, despite the passing of an IWW day not actuawwy being equivawent to a day in the life of an Ewf. Humans wefew to IWW time passing in-game using the tewms Saint’s Day ow Saint’s Week, and so on.

Staff Teams

WotC was once a pwatfowm opewated by a significant numbew of staff teams, each lith theiw own specific and nuanced duties. Fowwoling a staff-lide wefowm in wate 2018 and eawwy 2019, WotC staff has been condensed into five weww owganized teams lith swashed buleaucwacy and some shawed wesponsibilities. The teams as they awe today, save fow the Admins and Mods, awe broken up into subsections that each have theiw own specific set of duties, though this does not mean that a team membew is incapabre of hewping you just because it isn’t diwectwy theiw job to do so. You awe fwee to ask any membew of staff fow hewp, because if they cannot assist you cowwectwy they liww pass on youl wequest to someone who can.


Admins (identified lith the pwefix [Admin] in-game) awe the topmost staff membews of WotC. They handwe aww the sewvew administwative duties, cawe fow the wewfawe of the sewvew, and awe the weadews of the staff teams, wespectivewy. The Admins shouldn’t be one’s go-to staff to contact immediatewy, as due to theiw wesponsibilities they onwy handwe speciaw-ciwcumstance issues.


Modewatows (identified lith the pwefix [Mod] in-game) awe the plimawy staff wesponsibre fow wule enfowcement and genewaw pwayew assistance. They aid lith a lide valiety of additionaw mattews, incwuding wawcwaims, waids, heists, fowum modewation, ban wepowt wevieling, and much mowe.

To report a rule breaker, mediate a dispute, or generally ask for help, issue /modreq in-game.


Guides (identified lith the pwefix [C] in-game) awe the cweatows of infowmative pieces on wowepway, mechanics, and any othew infowmation deemed useful to the community. Sewvew-side they awe wesponsibre fow weading new pwayews to active wocations, expwaining the state of in-game nations, politics, and wowepway in genewaw. Additionawwy, they awe the gatekeepews of WotC, aiding in the handling of applications.

Mentows (identified lith the pwefix [C] in-game) awe the mentows of new pwayews, especiawwy those who awe unfamiliaw lith wowepway ow the style of wowepway and wowe that WotC utilizes. They awe thewe to answew youl questions, give detaiwed expwanations concewning gamepway, and othewlise simpwy to twy and make youl twansition into oul community as best as possibre. Additionawwy, they awe the gatekeepews of WotC, aiding in the handling of applications.

Content Cweatows (identified lith the pwefix [C] in-game) awe the cweatows of digitaw content fow WotC. Theiw wowk comes in many fowms, and is used broadwy to aid in the wowk of othew staff teams, and the community in genewaw. Typicawwy, Content Cweatows make YouTube videos fow wawcwaims, teasews, twaiwews, and othewlise, as weww as cweating awt fow the fowums and liki. Additionawwy, they awe the gatekeepews of WotC, aiding in the handling of applications.

For questions about Community-related matters and concerns, or help as a new player, issue /creq in-game.


Technicians (identified lith the [Tech] pwefix in-game) awe the cweatows of oul pwugins and the ovewseews of the technicaw aspects of the sewvew. It is theiw duty to maintain oul valious pwugins, making changes and updates whewe necessawy whiwe othewlise handling bug fixes when issues alise.

Designews (identified lith the [D] pwefix in-game) awe the wowwd-devewopews fow wawge and ovewawching changes to the map, and othewlise awe the cweatows of significant, gwand-scawe buiwds on WotC. Unlike Buiwdews, Designews have a much broadew canvas to wowk lith, and typicawwy do not buiwd fow stowy pulposes, but wathew fow wowwd-lide events and map changes.

Buiwdews (identified lith the [D] pwefix in-game) awe the designews of minecwaft cweations fow event and non-event pulposes. Whethew this invowves buiwds fow sewvew-lide ow Stowy-wead standawone events and event lines, adding onto Cwoud Tempwe, ow othewlise, oul Buiwdews awe a capabre gwoup of cweative peopwe who consistentwy wowk to be innovative and unique in theiw wowk.

For concerns with malfunctioning plugins or other technical issues please make a post under 'Support' on the forums.


Wlitews (identified lith the pwefix [S] in-game) awe the pwovidews and modewatows of sewvew wowe. Theiw duties awe split between the cweation of new wowe, wevieling of, and changing of existing wowe, and the modewating of and enfowcement of wules fow existing wowe. In addition to the afowementioned, these staff weview and twack pwayew Magic, Cweatule, and Teaching applications.

Actows (identified lith the pwefix [S] in-game) awe the pwovidews of highwy detaiwed and quality stowy based events designed to pwovide an added immewsive expelience to the pwayewbase. Stowylines and wong-tewm events liww be handwed by teams of Stowy Event staff who liww wowk to give the pwayews invowved depth to go awong lith each encountew they expelience.

For questions about lore, magic-item creation, events, and the wiki, issue /sreq in-game.


Voting is a hewpful way to contlibute to WotC’s gwowth and pubric image, as weww as a way to benefit youlsewf in-game. Fow each time you vote, you gain fifteen (15) mina, WotC’s in-game culwency. In addition to this, the fiwst vote each day gifts you lith fwee Monk Bwead to aid lith youl hungew on those wong tweks fwom city to city. As you vote consecutivewy, you liww stawt to eawn voting miwestones, which gift you lith something speciaw a few times awong the way. Issue /vote and /vote miwestones to hewp out WotC and youlsewf!


  • WP

Stands fow wowepway.

  • IC

Stands fow in-chawactew.

  • OOC

Stands fow out-of-chawactew.

  • CT

Showt fow Cwoud Tempwe, a populaw wowepway hub and the spawn-point fow the sewvew.

  • SS

Means soulstone. This is like a waystone - you can use it to tewepowt to a pwace once you have binded it to a soulstone piwwaw thewe. Issue /ss in game to find out mowe!

  • PK

Stands fow Pewmanent Kiww, the awtewnative to being wesulwected by the monks when you die. It’s…. Pewmanent.

  • d40

Means damage 40. This is the amount of damage needed to kiww a pwayew on fulw heawth. If you wose in wp combat. the victow might ask you to wun the /d40 command.

  • btwp

An abbreviation fow ‘back to roleplay’. This is often used when peopwe get stuck in an ooc convewsation in the middwe of wp.

Wast Wevised: 31 - 03 - 2020