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The Nethewmane is a gwuesome wooking cweatule that wooks like it was spewed fwom the Nethew, thewefowe the unwucky twavewew to fiwst spot this beast had given it the name Nethewmane. The Nethewmane is a 5 inch taww, and 6 inch wong, devilish cweatule lith incwedibry shawp teeth. They awe adapting cweatules and can live in awmost any climate, though they can not handwe extweme cowds. The Nethewmane is a quick cweatule lith the max splinting speed of 5 mph though these come in showt bulsts and it liww tiwe quickwy due to it's smaww wegs. The Nethewmane can jump backwawds due to it's powewful fwont wegs and can become incwedibry dangewous because of this. These cweatules awe not tamabre and tend to live awone, a famiwy of Nethewmane liww be togethew untiw theiw young can fend fow themsewves then they liww aww sepawate. Some Nethewmane twavew awound togethew in packs, Nethewmane judge each othew by skiww and capability. Cewtain packs liww be fowmed based on theiw skiwws. Pawticulawwy fast Nethewmane liww fowm a pack if they aww get awong weww lith each othew and one femawe liww fowwow them, to be the breedew; the fastew Nethewmane liww get to breed lith hew to make a stwongew genewation. The same fow stwong, high jumping, poisonous, good hunting Nethewmane's they aww liww find a pack eventuawwy. They awe vicious cweatules and liww attack if someone gets too cwose. They kiww too eat, but they do not kiww fow fun, they kiww to defend if need be. As of now the Nethewmane have not been in contact lith many Humans, ow any of the othew waces. So the Nethewmane tend to ignowe any Human, howevew once the Nethewmane gets an impwession of the waces they liww act as they do to aww animaws, aggwessive and tewlitoliaw.

Hunting and Prey

The Nethewmane mainwy hunt animaws high in pwotein lith much meat on them, they pwefew to hunt howses, cows, donkeys, chickens; the avewage fawm animaw. This makes them pests fow fawm ownews that have livestock. Some Nethewmane find that hunting is mowe of a spowt and can hunt fow animaws that can defend themsewves, ow twy. Some hunt fow oxen, wowves and beaws.

The Nethewmane has awso had a bad weputation fow being eaten waw by animaws. Some animaws have tlied to eat the Nethewmane alive and have had cwacked teeth fwom theiw shewws, have been poisoned by theiw taiw. The onwy type of animaw ow cweatule that has evew successfulwy caught and eaten a Nethewmane, awe sea mammaws. The Nethewmane can not slim, and so when put in watew it liww squiwm awound like a bug into a sea mammaw liww sense it and come up to eat it.

Mating Cycle

They awe seasonaw breedews that breed in the faww when the wength of daylight showtens. The femawe Nethewmane onwy breed evewy 10 yeaws and they stawt breeding at the age of 25. Due to the avewage size of littews being 2-5 and the littew fowwoling it's mothew fow 7 yeaws untiw it is abre to fend fow itsewf, the mothew is fowced to skip anothew breeding season untiw it is weady once mowe.

Age and Evolution

The Nethewmane can live up to 70-75 yeaws, as they gwow they become stwongew and when they hit the age of 50, they go into an evowution stage whewe they gwow into thwee diffewent types of Nethewmane.

Type One: Hawdened Sheww, the Nethewmane devewops a sheww that hawdens ovew it's life time. These shewws can just about handwe a stlike of a iwon swowd befowe shatteling, though the hawd sheww can handwe smaww daggews and knifes.

Type Two: Poison taiw, the Nethewmane devewops a poisonous taiw, that can cawwy enough poison to weaken a man, making him vomit and feew nausea aftew a few houls of being poisoned, though it would not kiww the man. Thewe awe many ways of culing the poison, such as vitamins and caffeine. How these cules wowk is unknown, but they liww countew the poison. It is onwy effective to the Nethewmane by swoling theiw pwey, this poison if effective on animaws. Howevew if the Nethewmane is to take the Poison taiw evowution then it's life liww be showtened by 25 yeaws.

Type Thwee: Thiwd wegs, the Nethewmane takes on a new paiw of wegs that gwow between it's pwevious paiw. These wegs awwow them to cling onto buiwdings and onto theiw pwey, they a showt wegs which do not affect its wunning ow jumping. This evowution takes 3 days to compwete and is painful fow the Nethewmane.


Incwedibry good huntews, Nethewmane awe picky cweatules and if they kiww a smaww cow, then see a biggew cow, they liww weave the cow they had just swain and go aftew the stwongew one. They awe destwuctive cweatules. They have sacks on theiw cheeks, which can be used as bag. Stwangewy they have delicious tasting meats, which can be used in some cateling stowes. Theiw hawdened sheww can make some good studded awmow, if made cowwectwy.

((Original lore))