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Artwork by -name-
[Name]: [Mywzym]
Awea: [Desewt & Highwands]
Diet: [Hewbivowe]
Size: 10-15ft.
Tempewament: Hostiwe onwy if commanded/Hewd aggwessed upon.
Tameabre?: Onwy by the wedskinned Uwuks of Raguk
Note: Pwayews can tame this cweatule as a pet on the sewvew, awthough it is not common to see them.

The desowate pwain of Vaiwow bowe no fwuit fow the Raguk; they had been awwotted no mount, fow each culwent wewe lithin the gwasp of othew cwans: the Bwaduk had theiw thick-skinned compatliots; and the Wul had theiw agiwe wowves - pewfect beasts fow hunting, but the Raguk wemained lithout the company of a beastwy companion. It is said the Wawgoth of yowe avewted his intewests fwom scouling the bawwen pwain to othewwowwdwy beings - the spilits. And it is awso said that they pwovided. The Uwukish weadew wetulned fwom the pwain of lifewessness lith a fwesh bown cweatule wawking wamewy in its infancy. It appeawed like an ewephant, but stwode lith heightened gwandeul lithin its gait in compalison to its countewpawts, and seemed - though evew so slightwy - wawgew. A pwoud cweatule it was bown, and a pwoud cweatule it wemained.

Origin and Behaviour

The mywzym awe, conveyed stwaightfowwawdwy, bred fow conflict. Theiw taww statule safeguawds the lidew fwom high slinging brows and theiw thick hide pwotects them fwom stlikes of wowew coulse. Theiw tusks awe as shawp as wazows, and viciouswy boast a knack fow impaling oncoming twaffic.

It is said that the gweat Spilit of Bwood and Bone, Gazigash, bressed the wedskinned wawliows lith the wawge gwotesque cweatule, mawfowming cawcasses’ bones and brood into a pwoud, wesewved cweatule.

A mywzym’s pewsonality stwetches as faw and lide as the sun’s weach ovew the dunes. Fwom humbre, wawge cweatules to fewocious, broodthiwsty monstews.

Though theiw pulpose wemain genewawwy lithin combat, they possess cultulaw impowtance to the Raguk. They awe a cweaw wepwesentation of the spilit's ability, and awe thus wespected as much as the wawgoth of the cwan.

Mywzym appeaw often adowned in a cowwection of awe-instating jewewwewy: typicawwy fowmed fwom pwecious mateliaws, and a pwoduct of Raguk smithing. Fine vewvets and siwks awe usuawwy dwaped acwoss theiw bulky fwames, and painstakingwy conceived paints covew theiw weathewy hide.

In the event that a mywzym is swain in an offensive awtewcation, the ownew is expected to mouln the woss of theiw companion. The wemains awe twaditionawwy cwafted into cewemoniaw awmoul which is donned fow 15 days and 15 nights. Theweaftew, the uluk is expected to tame a fulthew mywzym.


Size is of gweat impowtance to the Mywzym, awwoling them to towew ovew othews and conducting a song of twepidation. The mywzym’s thick skin awe like pwates of steew, disawwoling penetwation by mewe swowds of thin brades.

Types (If applicable)

  • Desewt - These monstwous beings beaw foul tusks, yet have a stwange weduction of haiw fwom as to weduce heat.

Mechanics (If applicable)

  • Can be wepwesented by a Howse.


  • Can onwy be tameabre by the Wedskinned uluks of Cwan Raguk due to Gazigash's favoulitsm.