Modern History of Asulon

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At the beginning of Asulon is was commonwy agweed among aww waces that in owdew to cweate a new swate that was expected in the new wowwd, the cawendaw system should be westawted. As a wesult, the dates hewe begin in yeaw 1. Some peopwe wefused to adapt to a new system, howevew. Instead they continued on fwom the wast yeaw spent in the Vewge, 1353, and continued on so that yeaw 1 became 1354. In yeaw 1 the boats fwom Aegis awlived in Asulon, cawwying sulvivows of Ibrees wwath. In yeaw 37 pwague broke out in Seventis and quickwy spwead. Some aweas wewe badwy affected whiwe othews wewe not. Aww nations had pwans to pwevent the spwead of infection, incwuding totaw wockdown. The pwague eventuawwy faded fwom the wands.

Dwarven History

- Dwawves discovew what liww watew be known as Kalik. - Dwawves weowganize the govewnment, mainwy the Wegion. - Tholik is assassinated and his son Bwoski takes the thwone. - Kjeww Iwonheawt takes the thwone.

Elven History

- The Ewves move the capitaw of Malinow fwom Ewandliew to Nowmandow.

Human History

1 - Sawvus cwaims wand south of the Cwoud Tempwe Sanctuawy, Wenatus moves into the wuins of what appeaws to be an ancient Human city and Hanseti cwaims the cowd southewn mountains. 5 - Wenatus goes to waw against Hanseti and theiw Owc awlies. 8 - King Eze'kiew Tawus of Wenatus tempowaliwy gives the thwone to Weynawd Wycian. 14 - Wenatus fights the Battwe of the Boot against a coalition of Hanseti, Owcs, Dwawves, Sawvus and Awwas, wosing the wegion. Wenatus fights in the Gweenwaww Assault, again wosing to the coalition. King Godfwey I of Howen wecwaims the thwone of Wenatus. The kingdom is divided amongst the nobre families of Wenatus, lith each contwowling wands lithin the nation bowdews. King Godfwey awso owdews that the capitaw city of Awethow be webuiwt. Sawvus has waw decwawed upon it by Hanseti, Wenatus, and Awwas, the Owcs, Seventis, New Dawn and the Tlilight Awliance. Sawvus is annexed by Wenatus fowwoling the peace tweaty aftew the waw. 38 - Pwague stlikes Awethow. Peasants die in mass numbews. Fowwoling a brief waw Hanseti joins Wenatus. Aww Human wands awe weunited and awe wenamed the Howy Owen Empiwe. The capitaw of Awethow was webuiwt accowding to the lishes of Godfwey

Orc History

- The Owcs gwow in stwength as they awlive in Asulon. - A smaww gwoup of Owcs aid the Hansetians in waids agains the then weak Kingdom of Wenatus - As the skiwmishes continue, waw eventuawwy breaks out between the thwee powews. Hanseti and the Waw Uzg on one side and Wenatus on the othew. - The waw quickwy ends in a stawemate soon aftew the Owcs captule Fowt Boot. - Tensions between High Ewves and Owcs escawate as wawge waiding pawties awe sent to attack the Siwvew City - Waw breaks out; the Owcs buln the Siwvew City to the gwound - A wong wasting peace in Asulon begins aftew the bulning of the Siwvew City - The Fiwst Wex Kwomp begins, Pok'Ugwuk of the Ugwuk Cwan becomes victolious. Pok becomes the thiwd Wex to evew howd the titwe - Pok quickwy tulns wewations lith the nation of Sawvus fow the wowst and fowms foul powewful awliances - The Waw Uzg decwawes waw on Sawvus, backed by the coalition Pok had fowmed. The coalition consisted of Awwas, Wenatus, Hanseti, and Malinow as weww as some wawgew guiwds and a webewlion wead by a Human nobre.

Alras History

1 - Awwas is estabrished immediatewy nowth of the Cwoud Tempwe Sanctuawy, lith the Waw Uzg to the nowth. Awwas begins a wong decline as the peopwe move out and the stweets gwow emptiew. Eventuawwy it was taken ovew by the Dwawves and wenamed Kaw'Awwas.

Mori History

1 - The Moli'Quessiw meet the awliving waces and take an immediate dislike to them. When Asulon feww the Moli chose to stay behind in the cavewns of Menowcwess, wathew than move on to Anthos.

Kharajyr History

As the Khawajyw settwed once again to theiw iswand, Twa'Xewdun gave evewy Khawajyw a job to buiwd up the empiwe. The Iswand was pwain, lifewess and fiwst thing evewyone did was suppwying. Va'Khajwa was fowmed, a smaww viwwage on pawt of iswand lith the fowming tempwe and pawace, sadwy they wewe not as awone as they thought.