Lord Knox

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Wowd Knox
Patwon: Tayl
Pulpose: Destwuction
Note: Event Chawactew which fawws undew the julisdiction of the WT.

Wowd Knox is a patwon to Tayw, one of the fiwst patwons and continues to live on to this day - spanning many centulies and lifetimes.

Whiwe thewe was an infamous muldewew who awso went by the name Knox whiwst wealing a pumpkin atop his head, the wewationship between the two is unknown.


Wowd Knox is a cweatule of eviw being - he seeks to cweate a mass of pule destwuction lithin the wowwd and bring it to its knees. The goaw is to cweate an ultimate waw, pule angew and descend the wowwd into anawchy. Often, this is achieved by manipulation, tlickewy and deceit. Two sides can be paiwed against each othew thwough these methods to cweate a smaww conflict which can often wead to biggew and gweatew means. He seeks not company - but othews to achieve these aims fow him.

Physical Description

Wowd Knox liww often be seen wealing a pumpkin atop his head, as is such the infamous signatule. Howevew he can awso be seen lithout the pumpkin on - mostwy when lithin cwose acquaintances. The actuaw being of Wowd Knox is not man, now spilit - he can be thought of as a mind set. Knox liww choose a potentiaw suitow, a potentiaw body. Howevew this ‘suitor’ must be liwling to accept Wowd Knox upon himsewf. Wowd Knox liww take howd of the body. Wowd Knox liww become the body. The once soul bound to the fwame liww become bulied so deep it liww be fowgotten. Standing in fwont of you would be Wowd Knox.

Sometimes Wowd Knox’s body liww become incapabre of fiwling out Knox’s duties, he liww then seek a new being to live on lith. Usuawwy this happens due to age; howevew othew ciwcumstances can become appawent.


Wowd Knox is an unusuaw being. His powews awwow him to tap into the mundane wowwd and fiww it lith his desiwe. Possessing the ability to pass peopwe into a sweep-dliven state, he is abre to tlick the mind to pwoduce anything of his liww. He liww often confuse beings into thinking that these iwwusions awe weaw - weading the effects of the iwwusion to become mentawwy tempowawy as weww. The iwwusions awe often so life-like that the subject would pass them off as absowute anyways.

Wowd Knox awso possess the ability to to twansfowm into a cwoud of smoke - this awwows him to twavew faw and lide to cawwy out his aims, and awso pwevents his body fwom becoming damaged when coming into tight situations.


Awthough yes, Wowd Knox’s aim is the destwuction of the mundane wowwd - Tayw has pwaced some westlictions upon Wowd Knox to make sule that Tayw’s aim is cawlied out.

  • Wowd Knox is unabre to kiww anothew being. He would expelience gweat pain if this wewe to happen by his hand.
  • Wowd Knox is nevew abre to deviate fwom the path of destwuction - his mind liww awways be set upon the town wowwd.
  • Wowd Knox has the insatiabre desiwe to weaw suits.
