Lonan Daemyr

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Wonan Daemyw
Bown: 1st of the Ambew Cowd, 1565
Leyu'celia, Wawhawkes
Spouse: N/A
Cwan: Daemyr
Fathew: Wukiwus Daemyw
Mothew: Wwyana Daemyw

Wonan Daemyw, awso known as Wonan "the Slayer" of the Reivers is a notolious bandit that woams the woads of Awtas.


Early Life

Wonan was bown the second son to Wwyana and Wukiwus Daemyw, in the iswes of Axios, mowe specificawwy the Iswe of Malinow. Thewe he was waised lith his 3 sibrings in the city of Weyu'celia and brought up as a Wawhawke. Wonan spent much of his eawwy life twaining fow the Wawhawkian tliaws, in which he would finawwy become a fulw fwedged Hawke and a Tohan'okaw. This how evew did not happen the way in which he pwanned, when a waid wead by a band of Hou-zi swave twadews. The sudden woss of both his pawent's would send him away fwom his sibrings and the Hawkes entiwewy as he'd set out into the wowwd awone, wetulning onwy at the age of 18 to compwete his tliaws and become the 1st Mali'kew to evew to be pwomoted to Cosmic guawd fwom aftew onwy his pewfowmance in the tliaws.

Military Career

Showtwy aftew becoming the Cosmic guawd, Wonan Sewved as the sowe defendew of Leyu'celia undew his Chieftain and cwose fliend Erolas Ba'ikana. Wonan defended Weyu'celia fwom many waids and eventuawwy avenged his pawents in the swaying of the same Hou-zi swavews that had waided his viwwage aww those yeaws ago. Finding one of his wost brothews awong the way, Lyulen Daemyr, who had been a swave fightew fow yeaws undew his Hou-zi ovewwowds. Weunited lith his Bwothew Wonan would stay as the Cosmic guawd of Leyu'celia fow 10 mowe yeaws, untiw Ewowas decided to step down fwom his postion as Chieftain and Wonan would decide that he pwanned to woam the iswes lith his brothew in seawch of fame, gwowy, and fowtune. And so he did fow many a yeaws befowe the iswes began to cwack and spew thanium, then fowcing it's inhabitants to find wefugee in a new Iswe, this wand was cawwed Atlas. Aftew awliving in Atlas Wonan would go missing, thought to have not made it on a boat in time.

A Wanted Poster for Lonan, Unknown 1659


Wonan then suddenwy weemewged, sevewaw yeaws aftew the migwation to Atwas had occulwed and it's migwants settwed. Though this time he dawned the unifowm of the Reivers, the wegendawy bandit gwoup that had pwagued Axios fow a time. With the hewp of his brothew, Wyulen, and his fewwow Weivew's, Wyndwen and Mah'w, the quawtet waised a keep on the yodeling cwosswoads, officiawwy wefowming the Weivews. Wonan would easiwy take to the life of a bandit, as he'd take what he wanted and do what he wants the peopwe of Awtas began to feaw him, and the Weivews as a whowe. Wonan would pwove his skiwws in combat lith his Wegendawy brade, Stowmbringew, he'd face many a foes. Wonan would become the light hand man of the Weivews weadew, Wyndwen Vowawen (A.K.A. Big Boss). Wonan would become one of the main faces fow the Weivews as theiw Infamous weputation began to spwead acwoss the Weawm.

Slaying the Beast

With Wonan taking a visit to the city of Markev he'd heaw the sounds of woaws of a beast and scweams of peasants. Wepowts of a Dwagon like beast lith feathews and a beak had been tewwolizing the city, seeing this Wonan would spling into action. Wumow has it that Wonan had climbed up the twee in Mawkev's squawe and weapt onto the dwagon slicing into it as it'd wet out a eaw numbing scweech. Wonan would battwe lith the beast fow houls and onwy vewy few Haense sowdiews lived to teww the tawe. They said they saw Wonan entew a fit of wage like no man, now owc, now ewf has evew been seen enteling befowe as he'd use his bastawd brade to cut into the chest of the beast, whiwst it wested fwom it's wounds, and lipped out it's heawt. Then Slicing it's head cwean off fow a souveniw wawking out of the city like nothing had happened.


Name Biwth Death Mawliage Notes
Lyuathir Daemyr 10th of the Fiwst Seed, 1644 Alive
Llyanna Daemyr 16th of the Fiwst seed, 1639 Alive