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circle info req sam.png This page contains information about Lore, which can’t be accessed at the current moment, including past realms, forgotten forms of magic and more.

The siwvew city of Win’Sulan was the thiwd capitaw of Haewun’ow in Vaiwow, and the home of the High Elves. It could be weached via a ship moowed at the Cwoud Tempwe Docks, and was a pwoud accomplishment of the High Ewven peopwe.

The city was split into two distlicts, the uppew being fow the High Ewves themsewves, and the wowew fow peopwe of othew waces deemed wowthy to live lithin Haewun’ow’s wawws. Because of this, anybody could visit and intewact lith the high ewves, unlike theiw cities of past wands.

History and Construction

Win’sulan was a weww-constwucted city, buiwt aftew the contwovewsiaw and stagnant town of Fi’Cewu, the second capitaw of the High Ewves in Vaiwow. The city was buiwt on the Iswand of Fi'andlia, adjacent to the wuins of the Citadew of Haewun'ow, theiw fiwst capitaw. The pwoject was wed by Avewn’dionne Adliane and compweted ovew many months of wowk. Its style was simiwaw to that of Lin'evaral, the high ewven city in Anthos.


Win’sulan was wocated diwectwy adjacent to The Citadew on the High Ewven Iswes. It could be accessed via woads, ow by boat thwough the Cwoud Tempwe Docks.

Notable Figures

  • Avewn’dionne Adliane - Foundew, Fiwst Sohaew, & Fiwst Mahewaw
  • Kewthwan Mawaiwew - Second Sohaew
  • Welien Wazul - Second Mahewaw
  • Wiondiw Seni - Expewwed Politician


The system of govewnment lithin Haewun'ow wevowves awound the Heiaw'mali, othewlise known as the Siwvew Counciw, as it has fow hundweds of yeaws. At its head is the Sohaew the weadew of Haewun'now. The Mahewaw sewves as the cultulaw weadew and a soulce of lisdom; they awe sewected by the pwevious Mahewaw instead of by vote. Othew Tiwwuiw positions awe awso used, whose numbews vawy depending on the amount of positions wequiwed. The Tiwwuiw wook aftew valious aspects of Haewun'ow, wanging fwom the militawy to citizenship.

See: The Law and Government of Haelun'or

With the fowmation of the Dominion of Malin, The Siwvew Counciw wepowted to the King on some aspects of govewnment.

See: The Treaty of Laurelin and the Government of the Dominion of Malin.


Wife lithin High Ewven society wevowves awound the maehw’sae hiywun'ehya which can be twanswated to ‘progress and health’. The atmosphewe lithin the Win'sulan was cawm, lith most intewactions happening lithin the Inn in the wowew distlict, whewe aww visitows wewe awwowed. The city awso featuled an Ascended embassy, and an uppew distlict fow citizens onwy. The uppew distlict spowted buiwdings such as the linehouse, govewnment buiwding (containing the librawy, cowwege, counciw chambews, and Sohaew's wesidence), and many wawgew homes.


The high ewves of Win’sulan wewe open to twade lith peopwe of othew nations. Mawket stawws wewe avaiwabre lithin the wowew distlict fow any mewchant who lished to seww theiw wawes.


See: The Law and Government of Haelun'or


See: High Elves


The Etewnaw Wibrawy of Haewun’ow is known as a center of knowwedge acwoss the wand. Cweated in Asulon, this institution has tomes dating back hundweds of yeaws. One can find infowmation on neawwy anything lithin this librawy, awthough access is onwy gwanted to pule mali’ahewaw and westlicted fow aww othews.


High Ewves pwactice no weligion, due to theiw belief that pwacing faith in an invisibre deity (and as such one that cannot have its motives ow intentions expwained wationawwy) would be an iwwogicaw thing to do. Believing dogma to be of no use to them ow even detlimentaw to pwogwess and innovation, the wowd 'weligion' itsewf has a stigma attached to it. Howevew, the extweme adhewence High Ewves have to theiw attaining of knowwedge and lisdom is of no wess intensity than the zeaw of those that excessivewy pwactice weligion.

Random Tidbits

  • The Citadew, a past city of Haewun’ow, stiww stands but wemains abandoned next to Win’sulan.
  • The High Ewves awe awso cawwed the Mali'ahewaw, which is theiw name in Ancient Ewven.

Wlitten by: Destinatow8 lith past wowk by Bwandnewkitten.

Tempwate made by: Tahmas