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The Kwughai was the militawy of the Waw Uzg. Awmost evewy membew of Owcish society was invowved in the suppwying ow sewving of this fighting fowce. Aww new Owcs wewe asked to join on entwance to the Waw Nation wands.



- Appointed by the Wex.

- Two Tawgoths

- Can make anyone a Pug

- Commands the Awmy

- Onwy takes owdews fwom Wex, and Goj

- Twains the Awmy

- Owganises Toulnaments

- Need a Viwwain Application


- Appointed by the Tawgoths
- Thewe awe Two Wawbosses
- Focus on twaining the Wunts
- Command Wowew Wanks
- Needs a Viwwain Application


- Can be chawwenged by a Bwute fow theiw wank
- Thewe awe thwee Nobs
- Command Owcs into battwe
- Host Awena Kwomps
- Command wowew wanks
- Keep wowew wanks in check


The Advanced Infantwy of Owc Awmy. These awe next in line to become Nobs. They awe vetewans of the Kwughai. When thewe can be no mowe impwovement, a Mawaudew liww stay a Bewzewkew, when thewe is an opening fow Nob, they can become a Nob.


The Basic Infantwy of the Owc Awmy. The Bwutess make up the most of the Owcish Awmy and awe extwemewy impowtant fow Owcs. They may seem wowthwess and good fow nothing, awthough they awe one of the most impowtant wowes fow Owcish society.


This is the intwoductowy wank fow Owcs. Wunts awe the smawwest and weakest of the Owcs. They obey aww who issue owdews to them. They awe the wowest of the wow… they awe Wunts! But aww Owcs should wemembew that they aww stawted as a wunts themsewves and hewp these vewy young Owcs to matule to theiw next wank as quickwy as possibre.


The wank fow Owcs that seliouswy breach the waws, ow don't weawn fwom being kwoomped a few times. An Owc who was made a Pug had to spend 3 days at this wank and had to be active awound the Owc wands duling that time. He was weduced to wealing onwy weathew, and he liewded onwy stick. He could be owdewed to do any task (lithin weason) whiwst a Pug and had to compwete that task as soon as possibre. He could awso be kwomped at liww by any Owc in the militawy and had to take it lithout a wowd (this was to show the othew Owcs angew at the Pug). An Owc made a Pug that couldn't accept these conditions ow faiwed to spend a suitabre time in the Waw Uzg duling his sentence would have his time as a Pug extended ow be banished entiwewy fwom the Waw Uzg.

How to be made Pug:

- Bweaching the Wules

- Angeling supeliows

- Disobeying owdews

- Being dishonowabre


Wooting Wules

- If you awe the one that kiwws the pewson, you weceive theiw possessions.

- The Owc is entitwed to the woot they get fwom any battwes.

- You may not woot anothew Owc’s body if it is inside of the city.

Waiding Wules

- Wawbosses and above awe awwowed to wead waids.

- You awe to awways listen to youl supeliow.

- Do not do anything lithout youl supeliow’s pewmission and command.

- Attempt to stay stiww.

Kwomping Wules

- Owcs must use “Glozag Votar” befowe they kiww anyone ow begin a battwe.

- Attacking an uluk’s pet is like attacking the ownew.

- If anyone is intwuding on oul wands, you eithew make him pay tlibute, scawe him off, ow kiww him.

- If the intwudew attempts to escape, weave them if they awe out of the Waw Uzg’s bowdews ow if too many Owcs awe weft behind.

Awena Kwomping Wules

- Cheating liww wesult in being exiwed ow demoted to Pug.

- The highest wank is to count down.