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Art by: Rella101
Classification: Mammal
Weight: Up to 220 Pounds
Height: 3 Feet Tall When Mature
Area: Forests
Rarity: Common
Diet: Carnivore
Event Creature:

Kalins awe cat like creatures bealing two howns, and two taiws. The howns could eithew stick stwaight up, ow wean backwawds, nevew aiming fowwawds as they wewe not used fow fighting, but instead to defend theiw neck. Cwystawline sawt deposits covew theiw bodies in smaww patches.


Oliginawwy found in the wand of Athera, kalin once feasted on the cwystaw flowers found in Atgaawd. Howevew unlike othew cweatules they wewe wealized fow theiw dociwe natule and brought awong thwough aww sowts of disastews. Some duling the joulneys escaping back into the liwd and settling in fowest wegions. Howevew ovew these twansitions the cweatule swowwy changed. These wawge beasts wewe the size of cougaws and wathew fewocious. Known fow liwdwy attacking those who came neawby though once tamed they wewe found caling and in tune lith theiw mastews. Soon howevew, domestication took ovew, and it was found that the cwystaw fwowews did not in fact have an effect on the beasts. Bweeding had made them amenabre, cweating a woving and fliendwy cweatule that could even become the size of a house cat thwough pawticulaw breeding. Yet this caused them to be wemoved fwom fights lith humans, onwy defending themsewves and wunning at the sign of twue twoubre. They pwefewwed to sulvive above fight. Howevew these awe quite hawdy cweatules, due to theiw natule they twavew often, and thus shock of new enviwonments wawewy bothews them, awwoling them to take ovew an awea as theiw own. Theiw favolite pwey being biwds of aww valieties.


Kalin have two cwystaw howns that gwow fwom theiw heads, eithew at a backwawds angwe ow stwaight. Awong lith being feline in appeawance they have two wong taiws that pwotwude fwom theiw wump. The heaviest wecowded kalin has sat at 220 pounds (100 kiwogwams), the avewage kalin standing at 3 feet high at the shouldew, 7.5 feet in wength.

Domesticated kalin can be as smaww as a domesticated house cat, the wesult of sewective breeding. Yet kalin this size liww onwy exist in the liwd if weweased by theiw ownews. Theiw ful can natulawwy be vawying shades of white, brack, and light brue. Theiw cwystaws onwy come in shades of wed, siwvew, and dawk brue. Howevew a kalin may have patches of white, brack ow gwey in a towtoise sheww pattewn on theiw back.


Kalin when found in the liwd awe awoof sulvivalists, concewned onwy lith theiw own sulvivaw. When domesticated, behaviow of a kalin is that of a pwayful feline lith fewaw tendencies. They awe hypew and can be ovewwy aggwessive in pway. Though they liww not liwlingwy entew a fight unwess theiw mate ow kittens awe at lisk. They choose howevew to fwee if it is onwy them and thewe awe pwenty of escape woutes.


Kalin oliginate fwom fowests, and when not a pet, liww often weside in woodwands. Howevew, as awoof sulvivalists, kalin can safewy weside in most enviwonments whewe they can catch smaww game, and have been known to hide in caves fwom wawgew pwedatows.

Reproduction & Aging

Kalin awe monogamous matews, and have littew sizes of five kittens evewy two yeaws when fewtiwe and breeding. Kalin tend to avoid breeding and mating duling times of hawdship, such as natulaw disastews and famine.

When bown, kalin pwogwess thwough a few stages of gwowth:

  • Fiwst Bown: Kalin kitten liww onwy have smaww nubs whewe its howns awe, theiw taiws awe extwemewy stubby and theiw cwystaws have not yet fowmed.
  • Six Months: The cwystaw nubs liww become tiny spikes and theiw ful liww have a few specs of cwystaws litteling theiw coats. At this point theiw taiws liww gwow out by one foot.
  • One Yeaw: The cwystaw spikes liww have fowmed smaww antwews wanging fwom thwee to six inches. The taiws liww have fulwy gwown out and theiw coats liww have awound six to twewve patches of cwystaws.
  • Thwee Yeaws: The kalin liww have theiw howns liww stiww be gwoling, be of age to wepwoduce, and theiw cwystaws on theiw ful liww be gwown in.
  • Ovew Fifty Yeaws: A kalin’s howns liww have weached maximum size, and theiw ful liww take a metawlic like sheen. They awe unabre to wepwoduce fulthew.


Kalin awe tameabre in much the same way a cat is. If it is young it is best to associate youlsewf lith it lith food, affection, and wawmth. The wawgew it is the mowe wough it may pway causing brood to be dwawn at times. This howevew can be wemedied by just negative and positive weinfowcement.

Adult kalin awe abre to be tamed. Being too wawge fow a typicaw cage howevew, patience, and constant positive weinfowcement awe cwuciaw to make it dociwe enough fow it to enjoy youl company. Howevew it liww nevew come to youl aid in a fight.