The Jyoist Church of Thyra

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The Jyoist Church of Thyra

The Jyoist Church of Thyra (Ghanwua: Kaniisadda Ag Jyois) is the apostolic see of Seyam, headed by an apostle titled the Sayin-Alufa.


Eons prior when the Farfolk kindred were all but disjointed, disparate communities flourished with a success unbeknownst to others. But they were tactless and self-centred. They wished not to associate themselves with broodings akin - though, trade alliances were formed, but were inaugurated for one’s own betterment, opposed to overall advancement. Therefore, ties were thin, which made war all the more wonted for some. Ghanyah was a formidable Farfolkian nation, however, their destructive habits caused them to fall under the control of another - and for almost a hundred years they assimilated and all of their tribes simply broke apart. As foreigners plagued their lands, many families simply left - however old beliefs died out - and with influences from two very dominant beliefs mixed with their own strongwilled beliefs and the inability to find sanctuary in their attempted assimilation - the religion of Jyoism was formed. First known as Jyoist Canonism.


The Church of Thyra adheres to strict principles of monasticism. What separates this religion from other human religions is the belief that the sun is the embodiment of Alaha; or God. Five pillars are to be strictly followed so that Jyoists may ascend to Semayata; or paradise.

The Five Pillars

Amr-bil-Maroof and Nahil Anil Munkar


The Amr-bil-Maroof and Nahil Anil Munkar, is the principle of enjoining what is good and just, and recognising what is permitted and not. Most Seyami Jyoists know of what is wrong and what is right, and typically adhere to these guidelines. Those who are witnessed sinning are encouraged, through penance, to stop in their wrongdoing and continue the thoroughfare to paradise, or Semayata to where they may meet Alaha and reside within his kingdoms if they lead the rest of their life well.

“The sun- Alaha -has the ability to give warmth and life to all beneath its glower, to grow crops and raise animals, but it also has viciousness in its principles. But it is not viciousness; it is correction of sin, for the sun can also take life, shrivel your crops, remove water from its bed, and scorch the skin from your back. This is how The Almighty corrects the sin of humanity. Lead a life of goodness and Alaha will repay you, do not, and you will experience hellfire.” - Damiabi the Prophet



Adura does not possess a definitive translation, it is rather a principle of prayer, and how Alaha should be praised. Based on environmental and tangible factors, the Religious leaders of the Seyami determine how and what Alaha should receive: whether it be oral prayer, or sacrifice, or an offering of food. Prayer is to be performed thrice per day: once in the morning to encourage the Sun to rise, once in the afternoon so that the sun may sustain its fullest glower and once in the late afternoon to ensure that the day lasts its fullest.



Recognition by Alaha or the Sayin-Alufa is an ultimate goal for Seyami, but requires a painful and extensive ritual for it to occur. Idanimo is undertaken close to death, and includes a dyad of dubious practices which only the most strong-willed are able to complete successfully:

The elderly man or woman will lock himself or herself within a chamber stowed deeply in the confines of the Mescit (Place of worship) and pray from day break to noon. They will then consume a meal of seeds and dates, swallow a quick sip of poisonous hemlock and rest briefly. When they awaken they will continue in their worship, repeat the aforesaid doings and sleep once more. These actions will be performed until the hemlock had taken its toll and the practicer had succumbed to its toxicity. It is said that once the ritual had been completed, the individual was going to meet Alaha and live with him in his Golden Kingdom upon the clouds, swathed in his radiance. Many believers who have done such a ritual are considered saints within the religion and all it’s followers.



Jehad means, in a literal sense, to ‘struggle’ or to ‘strive’ against non-believers and dark beings.

Jehad is an ideology divided into twain: Lesser Jehad and Greater Jehad. Typically Greater Jehad is the preferred method, wherein the individual takes arms against the aforesaid dark creatures and heretics, though Lesser Jehad is equally esteemed. Lesser Jehad is the practice of conversion through preaching and writing, a comparative favoured by pacifists and scholars for its diplomacy.

Ecclesiastical Hierarchy



The Sayin Alufa is upon the highest rung of the religious and social hierarchy: they are the wisest, most reputable individual, and importantly the foreman of the Seyami sodality. It is stated that they are the handpicked prophets of Alaha, messengers of the Almighty Sun and protectors of the Sunmen, who are tasked with preaching important Sermons and performing funerary rights on deceased Seyami. Above all, however, they must give the word of God. When death is an imminent prospect for an elderly Sayin, Alaha will decide through them who his next prophet shall be. If the Sayin is killed before a decision can be made, Alaha will, through external means, present his choice. Like the High Pontiff, the Sayim-Alufa holds high religious authority on earth - for a ruler to have close relations, their reign affirmed by, and to be crowned by such a being would mean that Alaha himself has blessed and vindicated them. Sayin-Alufa's also hold the power to ascend a venerated person that has passed to sainthood.



The man closest to the Sayin-Alufa, whom is enjoined with scribing what the Sayin preaches, preaching sermons himself, healing the sick, and most importantly learning from his superior, as it is possible that he will surpass him when the Sayin-Alufa joins Alaha in heaven.

Imam Alharb


Meaning A well-versed Imam who has been personally noticed by the Sayin-Alufa, giving him the power to crown, marry and divorce, lead blessings, etcetera. Most large cities have a designated Imam alharb.



A man well versed in the teachings of Alaha, who preaches wonted and ordinary sermons within the Mescit. The Imam also teaches Apostles the ways of Alaha and his preachings.



Students of the Imam, who are learning the fundamentals of religion in Seyami society - men who wish to advance spiritually, opposed to monetarily or otherwise.