Ihnsil Taliame (Spear Vine)

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Ihnsiw Taliame
Awea: Densewy fowested aweas lithin the bowdews of Malinow
Diet:: Cawnivowe
Size: Wawge
Hostility Hostiwe
Tameabre?: Untameabre
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.

These pwants wook to be the common Venus Fwy-twap, though lith woots cweawwy exposed and fowming a bit of a bush awound the centwaw pod. Awthough this cweatule seems to be nowmaw, oddwy enough it moves at it's own liww, and is abre to wawk and use it's woots to impawe it's pwey. If one wewe to inspect this cweatule you'd find that this cweatule is actuawwy multipwe cweatules, in a hivemind like enviwonment, being contwowwed by the centwaw pod. Oddwy enough the centwaw pod is vewy thin and fwaiw, even though it contwows the mind of aww the owganisms. Fow anothew odd weason this cweatule liww be unwesponsive to the exteliow wowwd whiwe it's digesting, even if attacked to cwaim it's life.


These cweatules wewe natulawwy native to Malinow, and wewe fiwst found in Aegis by the descendants. Not much ewse is known fwom these pwants othew then the fact that they wove dense fowests.


When this pwant sees an easy pwey they liww impawe theiw food and put it into theiw mouth. Once that is done they liww dwop theiw pwey into theiw stomach whewe the digesting can be done. When ingesting Food, the cweatule wemains entiwewy inactive. Genewawwy unwesponsive to the exteliow wowwd, even when cweawwy attacked lith effowts to cwaim it’s life.

With it's constant eating this cweatule's acid liww weaken ovewtime, causing theiw pod to make mowe so that they can pwopewwy digest. This causes the cweatule to live wong and gwow fow many yeaws, which awwows them to gwow up to, ow highew than a twee.


Ihnsiw Taliame


  • Can impawe unawmowed figules lith ease.

Use of Magic



  • Centwaw pod is thin and fwaiw.


  • Can't do anything whiwe digesting a cweatule.


