Ihnsil Taliame (Spear Vine)

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Ihnsil Taliame
Area: Densely forested areas within the borders of Malinor
Diet:: Carnivore
Size: Large
Hostility Hostile
Tameable?: Untameable
Note: This creature can only be played by Event Team members.

These plants look to be the common Venus Fly-trap, though with roots clearly exposed and forming a bit of a bush around the central pod. Although this creature seems to be normal, oddly enough it moves at it's own will, and is able to walk and use it's roots to impale it's prey. If one were to inspect this creature you'd find that this creature is actually multiple creatures, in a hivemind like environment, being controlled by the central pod. Oddly enough the central pod is very thin and frail, even though it controls the mind of all the organisms. For another odd reason this creature will be unresponsive to the exterior world while it's digesting, even if attacked to claim it's life.


These creatures were naturally native to Malinor, and were first found in Aegis by the descendants. Not much else is known from these plants other then the fact that they love dense forests.


When this plant sees an easy prey they will impale their food and put it into their mouth. Once that is done they will drop their prey into their stomach where the digesting can be done. When ingesting Food, the creature remains entirely inactive. Generally unresponsive to the exterior world, even when clearly attacked with efforts to claim it’s life.

With it's constant eating this creature's acid will weaken overtime, causing their pod to make more so that they can properly digest. This causes the creature to live long and grow for many years, which allows them to grow up to, or higher than a tree.


Ihnsil Taliame


  • Can impale unarmored figures with ease.

Use of Magic



  • Central pod is thin and frail.


  • Can't do anything while digesting a creature.


