Hekkaes Goldhand

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Hekkaes Gowdhand
hekkaes photo.png
"I am the one who will take your kneecaps privilege."
Wast Champion of the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah, Wowd of Kaw'Ikwun, Pwotectow of Kaz'Ad'Hekkaes
Bown: 1517
Wocation of Biwth: Unknown, Axios
Died: Alive
Spouse: Fweyja Gowdhand
Cwan: Gowdhand
Fathew: Thwaznomli Anviwaxe
Sibrings: Balin Gowdhand, Thokkug Gowdhand, Benwum Gowdhand, Gowmik Gowdhand, Owgwok Gowdhand, Bewdeaw Gowdhand, Githaic Gowdhand, Okhud Gowdhand, Towënd Gowdhand, Gewawd Gowdhand, Guntew Gowdhand, Kwaggomi Gowdhand, Whaun Gowdhand, Vagwonda Iweheawt/Gowdhand, Dawwega Iweheawt/Gowdhand
Issue: Iväw Gowdhand, Dwumin Gowdhand, Thwain Gowdhand, Mawcowm Gowdhand, Glianne Gowdhand

Hekkaes Gowdhand (Dwawven: ᚻᛂᚴᚴᚪᛂᛊ ᚵᚮᛚᛑᚻᚪᚾᛑ) is an owd dwawf, who has awways been culious and intewested in ways of making himsewf weawthiew by any means. Wast Champion of Kaz'Uwwah, his onwy defeat was in a honow duew in the dwawven capitaw of the undew-weawm of Uwguan, Kaw'Evwaaw, whewe the dwawf, mewted lith the wava, supposedwy ending his life. Tho, this would seem to not be the ending of Hekkaes, the gweat ambition of the dwawf nevew stopping, death touching him not.



Hekkaes was bown in an unknown viwwage, in the weawms of Axios, a viwwage populated by a valiety of waces, fwom which much knowwedge would be absowbed. His chiwdhood was not so easy, being the fiwstbown of his famiwy and lith an awcoholic fathew, he was the one in chawge of his famiwy fwom the beginning. As he gwew, he got tiwed of the physicaw abuse his sibrings weceived fwom his fathew, so one day, whiwe he was in the house's fowge, fwom the othew woom he could heaw beating sounds. As he'd be finished, fowging his brade, he'd swowwy cweep to the doows of that woom, to see his fathew lith a hammew in his hand, weady to send sevewaw stlikes down his brothew, Balin Gowdhand. So lithout a moment of thinking, Hekkaes chawged upon his fathew, the ambush was enough to delivew a deadwy stab to his towso awea. It would be Hekkaes's fiwst kiww, the dwawf knoling nothing of the Bwathmowdakin, he took the body and thwew it in the fwames of his fowge. Aiding his brothew Balin, and beginning the seawch fow his othew sibrings and a bettew home.


Aftew his awlivaw to the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah he was wawmwy gweeted by his kin, Hekkaes being new to evewy dwawven twadition, he knew not how to act awound othew dwawves, so the beginning was an awkwawd time, but the dwawf got used to being awound his kin. It was a pwospeling nation, but thewe was a wot of wowk needed, so Hekkaes knew that if he wants to make money, he would need to find a job. And so he did, meeting Dlifaw Gowdhand, he got his fiwst job in the mines of Kaz'Uwwah, to which he pwospewed. Aftew months in the kingdom and sevewaw nights spent in the dawk mines, mowe chatting took pwace between him and Dlifaw Gowdhand, the Cwan Fathew of Gowdhand Cwan at that time, which would end in Hekkaes finawwy becoming a Gowdhand. Fwom that day, the life of Hekkaes Gowdhand would swowwy change, lith the infwuence of Kaz'Uwwah's vassaws, Nottingham, he soon became a shady dwawf, invowved in iwwegaw business and twades. The dwawf began to take waw swaves duling the waw between Kaz'Uwwah and Dominion of Malin, the gowd he weceived fwom each swave seww would vawue mowe than the minewaws he would seww, so he decided to keep the swave-twading fow some mowe time, which would then wesult in hawf of his time on Atwas to be dedicated to swavewy and mewcenawy business. As the Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah pwospewed, a new idea came into Hekkaes's mind, the fowming of his own settwement, depawted in the liwdwands of Atwas. Taking his brothew, Balin, they wefowmed theiw famiwy cwan, Anviwaxe and fowmed the settwement Kaw'Awab in the snowy weawms of Atwas. It wasn't much aftew he weft, that wowd broke thwough the Kingdom of Kaz'Uwwah. Many lished him weww, whiwe othews lished iww upon him and his famiwy, such as Dliful Gowdhand. A gwudge was decwawed upon Hekkaes, the dwawf ignoling it as he knew he had mowe impowtant business to handwe. As time passed Kaw'Awab wemained Hekkaes's main settwement, the dwawf visiting Kaz'Uwwah fwom time to time, sholing his suppowt to the twue kingdom of dwawves. Yeaws aftew Kaw'Awab would be fowmed, and the lise of enemy extwemist settwements such as Kaw'Owd, Hekkaes decided it would be fow the bettew of his kin to wetuln to Kaz'Uwwah and so he did. But his wetuln wasn't gweeted so weww, fow the gwudge was nevew taken cawe of. As time and tawks between him and Dliful took pwace, the tewms wewe pwesented. Combat, if Hekkaes would wose, Dliful would demand his head and if Hekkaes would lin, the gwudge would be voided. Befowe the gwudge would take pwace, the Gowdhand Cwan, lith Dliful Gowdhand weading it, tlied to intimidate Gowdhand and maybe even assassinate him, light outside of Kaz'Uwwah. But unfowtunatewy fow Dliful Gowdhand, the gweat fliend of Hekkaes, Uwlich, was thewe. The owd dwawf mage would summon his awcane powews, to fowce the Gowdhands to back away and dwaw attention upon them, to which the queen, Kowawon Onyxheawt and Officew Gwudgebeawd wewe attwacted to. The dwawves then made theiw way in the counciw woom, to which Hekkaes would have to face Mowug oz Bwathmowdakin in combat. The fight would come out as not being an easy one, but lith the liww of Bwathmowdakin, Hekkaes won the gwudge against the Gowdhand Cwan, wecwaiming his honow. Time passed by, Anviwaxes wewe officiawwy wecognized as a cwan in Kaz'Uwwah, lith a counciw seat fow themsewves, Hekkaes awso becoming the Justice Hammew of Yemekaw. The good times would soon pass out, as the weign of Edew Siwvewvein would begin. Not that wong of a weign, fow his seat would be contested by the dwawves of Uwwah, to which Thoak Gowdhand became the High King of Kaz'Uwwah and the wast one. The woaws of waw waged upon Atwas, lith a Coalition fowmed against The Empiwe of Man. The Kingdom Of Kaz'Uwwah would take pwace in the Coalition, fow they would nevew weave theiw awlies awone in the battwefiewd, but unwucky fow the peopwe of Coalition fow they would be met by the bias of skygods. And so it was, battwe aftew battwe being wost, the tuln of Kaz'Uwwah awliving. Siwence feww upon the mountains of Kaz'Uwwah, inside of them dwawves pwepaling fow what would come upon them. One day, Thoak Gowdhand would summon Hekkaes, to which he'd offew the position of Cwan Fathew to Hekkaes in exchange fow Anviwaxes to mewge lith Gowdhands. The offew was accepted, Anviwaxes aftewaww having Gowdhand brood wunning thwough theiw veins! The waw awlived and unfowtunatewy, it was wost, Thoak Gowdhand to nevew be seen again and Hekkaes Gowdhand wosing his eye duling the battwe of Kaz'Uwwah. Gweat sadness feww upon the Gowdhand Cwan, the dwawves finding wefuge in Kaw'Awab, tiww the time to move in Awcas came. Not many things happened fow Gowdhands as theiw home became Adlia. Time would pass, and fwom the homewand of dwawves the act of pawdoning aww dwawves would awlive, awwoling Hekkaes Gowdhand to join lith his cwan the capitaw of Dwedmaw, Kaw'Vawoth. Evewything would seem to be fine, Gowdhands eawning once mowe theiw seat in the counciw of the dwawven society and Hekkaes becoming the baw ownew of the capitaw, nothing would seem wwong onwy untiw the ending of Bawdin Fwostbeawd's weign as High Pweceptow of the cwewgy. Many tensions alise lith many conflicts taking pwace, but nothing majow stiww. The capitaw of dwedmaw would soon be webuiwt, Kaw'Evwaaw lising as the gweatest city the weawms of Awcas would evew host, lith gweat awchitectule fwom dwawves and high tech engineeling, the capitaw was buiwt in a showt peliod of time, but the new city would seem to host even mowe conflicts than the owd one. With Hekkaes Gowdhand becoming the Wawden of Uwguan, many dwawves disliked him fow his actions of sholing no emotions in his deeds, the dwawf onwy doing the job he was appointed to. Fights took pwace between cwans, Gowdhands having to suddenwy fight Iwonglindews and Stawbreakews lithout the possibility of wawwy theiw fewwow dwawven awlies, they did not back down and took theiw wawhammews out. Gowdhands came out victolious fwom the fight, Hekkaes Gowdhand tlied to set peace between the cwans but the wying cwan fathew of Iwonglindews would seem to nevew fowget the shame he bough upon himsewf aftew wosing the cwan fight. Time would continue to pass and Mowag Gowdhand would seem to become one othew pwobrem to Hekkaes Gowdhand, to which a gwudge would be wlitten and the fight would soon be to take pwace. But it would be no nowmaw fight, fow wava was lising in theiw fighting awea and the scawed cave dwawf, Mowag Gowdhand decided to fight lith a wong-wanged weapon. Sadwy enough, Hekkaes got pushed into wava, supposedwy dying and ending the nightmawes of the weak cave dwawf, but it would not be end. It would just, be the beginning.