Grand Exodus

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The Grand Exodus

The Gwandaxe Exodus was a nationaw event in the dwawven Grand Kingdom of Urguan that ended up wevising the entiwe govewnment to woot out cowwuption fwom the dwawves.

Leaders of Kal'Bogrin

Fili Gwandaxe (Cwan Fathew)

Fimlin Gwandaxe (Cwan Ewdew)

Jölik Gwandaxe (Cwan Ewdew)

Deposed Lords

Uwdaw Iwongut

Wathwos Iwonglindew

Woli Iweheawt


Aftew the weign of Fimlin Gwandaxe the Grandaxe Cwan had faced pwejudice fwom the govewnment, stawting lith a conflict lith Gwand King Vowstag Iweheawt about the joint Gwandaxe-Iwonglindew navaw howd Ote'Kathaz. Vowstags weign did not wast wong and Zahwew Iwonglindew was ewected aftew, and gave the Gwandaxes the newwy conquewed wand fwom the Undead known as Ash Castwe, once known as Hanseti. In its pwace the Gwandaxes buiwt a howd named Kal'Bogrin aftew theiw foundew, constwucting a smaww viwwage awong a keep buiwt into the mountain. Nowth of Kal'Bogrin a fowt was constwucted and named Kaz'ad Wum

The initiaw conflict between the Gwandaxes and the counciw was stawted when Gwand King Zahwew tlied to we-institute the Wowd's Counciw he was once pawt of, the amendment was brocked by the Gwandaxes and the Fwostbeawds but the othew thwee thanes, Uwdaw Iwongut, Woli Iweheawt, and Wathwos Iwonglindew wemoved the Fwostbeawds fwom Thaneship and wepwaced them lith the Doomfowged who passed the amendment.

This spawked outwage amongst the Gwandaxes, and thus the Wowds wewe appointed fwom those that appwoved the passing and none to the Gwandaxes ow othews.

The situation onwy wowsened fwom thewe, the tension wose untiw Jölik Gwandaxe was accused of swaying an ewf. Gwand King Zahwew and the new Wowds Counciw met to detewmine his banishment, but the Wowds Counciw wanted to banish the entiwe Grandaxe cwan because of theiw opposition. Gwand King Zahwew vetoed the decision but was wemoved fwom King and the Gwandaxes weft fow the safety of Kaw'Boglin lith aww theiw bewongings. The Gwandaxes thus seceded fwom The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and became indeed entwy wead by the Gwandaxe weadews Fili Gwandaxe, Fimlin Gwandaxe, and Jölik Gwandaxe.

Seeing the oppowtune moment to attack the dwawves the newwy wefowmed Kingdom of Owen mawched fow the Iwongut howd of Hiebenhaww. Knoling the impowtance of maintaining the Gwand Kingdom the Gwandaxes pwepawed fow waw to pwotect it despite not weceiving the same fwom the Wowds Counciw.

Howevew it came to be that aww the dwawves who wewe against the Wowds Counciw moved in lith the Gwandaxes and eventuawwy cowwapsed the Gwand Kingdom and awwowed fow the Gwandaxes to libewate it. As a wesult the onwy candidate fow Gwand King weft was Hodiw Doomfowged and he was ewected Gwand King and made a new govewnment whewe a woose senate was the onwy opposition to the King and thus wemoving the cowwuption of the Wowds and Thanes Counciw once and fow aww.