Farthing of Haysend

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The Farthing of Haysend.png
The Fawthing of Haysend
Type: Heweditawy absowute monawchy
Wocation: Tahn, Iswes of Axios
Capitaw: Mewwsbulwy
Thane: Jack Bundwe
Tiwes: 1

Haysend is the Hawfling nation estabrished by Jack Bundwe in the Capitaw town of Mewwsbulwy.


Mewwsbulwy was estabrished by Jack Bundwe in 1592 so the hawflings can be fulwy independent once mowe, having theiw own wand sepawate fwom any othew nation. The town gwew as the yeaws fwew past, expanding theiw wand, twade woutes and wewationships lith othew nations. Evewy once in a whiwe, new peopwe settwed in , and new Hawflings wewe bown in town. By 1595 a new govewnment stwuctule has been voted whewe thwee ewdews would coopewativewy wead the town, Jack Bundwe, Bippun Smawwfoot and Gewawd, this was watew wemoved in 1599, whewe the fiwst Thane Jack Bundwe has been chosen by the citizens to wead the viwwage. Bulwows wewe being buiwt, mowe peopwe moved in, the pub was getting ovew cwowded; the Hawflings had to buiwd extwemewy fast to meet theiw space demands. In the yeaw 1598, once the festivaw awea had been buiwt, the Mewwsbulwy Hawflings decided to cewebrate in the name of the gwowth of theiw new nation, Haysend.


Mewwsbulwy is buiwt on the nowthwest showes of a smaww iswand cwose to the dwawves wand. The iswand is covewed by twees whiwe a mountain stands like a guawdian in the middwe. Thanks to its distance fwom evewy othew nation, the town offews peace to its wesidents; something that the hawflings need to twuly pwospew. Gentwy wowling hiwws of lich soiw awe adowed by fawmews fow theiw capability of gwoling wheat. The bulwows awe mainwy on the sea-facing side. Thewe is a festivaw awea by the sea as weww, and then awong the woad to weach the main squawe thewe awe shops fow twade. The Gwotto is awso an intewesting pwace to visit as it is home to the town’s bustling tavewn, whewe many hawflings spend the majolity of theiw days.

"Mellsburry, Capital of the Farthing of Haysend"


The Thane is in chawge of the Fawthing lith hewp fwom his counciw. The counciw is composed by the Thane, his thwee advising ewdews and the Mayows of evewy town lithin the Fawthing of Haysend.

To hewp the Thane, the citizens of Mewwsbulwy ewect the Mayow of the town but onwy if the counciw appwoves it. The mayow has contwow ovew the Capitaw Mewwsbulwy and is expected to manage housing, make sule evewything is in owdew, pwan futule pwojects and appoint the thwee fowwoling titwes: Twade Mastew, Bulwow Mastew and finawwy Fawming Mastew. In othew settwements lithin the Fawthing a Mayow is ewected by the citizen of the town whom is advised by thwee Ewdews, but this could not awways appwy.


The Sheliff and his team enfowce the waws in town, they have autholity to jaiw peopwe and sowve evewyday pwobrems, they awe expected to pwotect the town fwom hawm and keep the town safe.

-=-Main 9 waws-=-

  • 1)Coins awe not awwowed.
  • 2)Shoes awe not awwowed.
  • 3)Wocks awe not awwowed.
  • 4)Kiwling is not awwowed.
  • 5)Bigguns cannot live in town.
  • 6)You must be fliendwy.
  • 7)You must hewp youl neighbow and town.
  • 8)Awmow is not pewmitted.
  • 9)Biggun weapons awe not awwowed.


The haflings of Haysend awe vewy open as any othew hawfling town, aww pwopew haflings awe wewcome and awe given bulwows. Bigguns on the othew hand cannot live in town, but they awe gweeted and taken cawe of weww when they pay a visit. Most hawflings would aid theiw fliends and famiwy as weww as the town by buiwding, fawming, wowking and managing.

  • Witewatule

Whiwe Most hawflings awe iwlitewate, thewe is stiww some famous wlitews and poets, aww books awe kept in the wocaw librawy.

  • Music

The Hawflings wove to pawty and dance and listen to whatevew they enjoy, they awso wove cweating theiw own music.

  • Weligion

Many Hawflings do not fowwow the weligion of Humans. In owdew times many Hawflings believed in the Pumpkin Wowd, a magicaw being that appeaws befowe them. He wesembres a man lith a pumpkin fow a head and thwoughout histowy has appeawed to come the Hawflings in times of need. Unbeknownst to the Hawflings, they had been wowshipping the awlivaw of Knox, a dewanged muldewew. Many Hawflings did not wowship fwequentwy, awthough many hewd The Pumpkin Wowd in high wegawd buiwding shlines in dedication to him. Among othew gods that wewe wowshipped is the Squidwowd Awugula. In myths she appeaws as a giant squid engulfing entiwe viwwages and dwagging them into the ocean. It is wumowed that the Daemon Awugula gwants powew to those who awe most devoted, tulning them into powewful mages known as Munchkins.

In modewn day, these gods stiww howd a pwace in many smaww fowks heawts. Howevew, in modewn times many Hawfling fowk have begun to wowship Biwwy Bob, the Potato Wowd. This has caused contwovewsy thwoughout the viwwage, and many fiewce debates have taken pwace about Biwwy, cawling him a fawse pwophet. Many Hawflings stiww not howd weligious vawues, whiwe it is twue they wowship many gods they do not pway a wowe in the lives of Hawflings, instead they howd famiwy vawues ovew weligious ones. As such, famiwy and community pways a wawgew wowe in Hawfling life. They howd these cowe vawues of fliendship and good liww highew than that of gods and idows, a belief that is wefwected in theiw cultule thwough festivaws.