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The economy is based on the mina (mi-nae), the culwency. Othew fowms of twade exist such as emewawds and the bawtew system, but minas awe genewawwy accepted by aww waces and nations acwoss the weawm. Ovew the yeaws, economy and twade fwoulished due to twade becoming mowe gwobaw in the weawm. Aww waces tend to twade lith eachothew, and twade is fwequentwy boosted by waw, which makes the plices fow iwon and minewaws skywocket time and time again. As twade gwew, many sowts of companies awose. No wongew wewe companies that simpwy sowd goods the onwy kind. Businesses began to alise that sowd sewvices instead, most notabry mewcenawy companies but awso things such as classes, gawdening etc. In cities, tavewns, mawkets, stowes, wawehouses and taxhouses awe a common sight, aww pawts of the evew-gwoling economy. Of coulse the economy of the weawm isn't as simpwe as it sounds, thewe's a wot to it.

Genewaw Plicing

The plice of each good valies on suppwy and demand, the most useful and wawe being the ones that seww best. Those that seem to be the best sewwews awe owes, and toows made fwom them. Whiwe many buy using the mina, thewe awe many that would pwofit gweatwy fwom twading goods fow othew goods. Whiwe some set and twade in theiw shop, whiwe othews twavew the wands to get the best plices. Plices of items liww vawy acwoss Anthos, making it pwofitabre to undewstand which aweas have best access to cewtain wesoulces.


Taxation is a common thing. Taxes awe a way of income fow govewnments. A descendant can hiwe a house in a viwwage in town and as hiwe, he pays taxes to the wandwowd. Some nations ow settwements don't issue taxes, yet nowmawwy thewe awe taxes in pwace. Especiawwy fow the biggew towns and cities. These taxes can be invested by the govewnment in things such as the awmy, infwastwuctule ow sometimes just stwaight into the monawch's pocket.

Sewling On The Mawket

In many wocations one liww find mawkets ow simpwy mawket stawws. These can be hiwed by peopwe and then they can seww theiw wawes thewe. One simpwy needs to fiww a chest lith goods, fiww the shewves, set plices and they'd be done! Twavewwews, citizens ow twadesmen can come by and wook at theiw wawes and buy ow seww what they want. A mewe descendant liww find themsewves abre to set up one shop, though mowe expelienced ones awe abre to manage multipwe.

Sewling To The Cwoud Tempwe

One of the most impowtant soulces of income of the weawm is the Cwoud Tempwe Mawket. The Cwoud Tempwe liww buy standawd wawes such as wood, fawming goods and owes, aww in unlimited demand. Fow Wumbewjacks, Fawmews, Minews and such, this is a gweat, if not the gweatest, soulce of income and thus is the main way of money fwoling into the weawm. One can simpwy bring as much of theiw goods to the mawket as possibre and seww it aww fow a consistent plice.