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Dwed is the official Dwarven language. In the olden days it was often used among members of the upper Dwarven caste to speak among one another until Dormin Doomforged transcribed it for the general populace to learn. It never became the primary method of communication among the common Dwarf, but it is still often used today in official documents.


In the ancient times before Aegis, there were multiple languages spoken by dwarves, but over time these languages began to merge. The final result was a mix known as Dwarvish. Dwarvish quickly gave out to Common however because it was the most universal language, and due to Dwarves at the time mainly being traders they found it more convenient than Dwarvish. After many years, the Dwarves began to flourish again and a new variant of Dwarvish known as Dwed was created, and then later on written down by Dormin Doomforged for all dwarves to learn. This language was only used in rare occasions however, and never became the normal form of communication among the dwarves. It is most frequently used during clergy events and on official documents.


Common Words

Dwarves = Dwed / Dwedmar - Khazad / Khazadmar
Elves = Elger / Elgus
Orcs = Ork / Orkos
Humans = Umri / Umros
Goblin / Goblins = Grobbi / Grobbins
Foreign / Foreigners (Used to denote all those whom/which aren’t Dwarf, Cave Dwarves coined the term.) = Yrrok / Yrrommar


A (Singular) = E
Above = Morred
Adjective suffix (Used only for Clans and on persons, a possessive suffix or prefix can be used, as well.) = -Mos / -Os / Rum
Advisor = Thelur
Again / Another = Narhe
Against = Kahanir
Age = Kez
Air = Kaas
Alchemy = Gauld
Alcohol = Graz
Alcohol = Naztrak
Ale = Beoir
All (This tem is tricky. Explained slightly more in the special term division) = Khrum
Ally / Allies = Karrim / Karrimar
Also = Nar’os
Ancestor = Keznol
Ancient = Karik / Hraaken / Den
And = Nar / Na
Anger = Krav
Anguish = Azmoroth Anvil = Kadrin / Kazdorin
Any = Vos
Anyway = Vosirk
Am (Is, Its, etc.) = Va-mer / Yol-mer / Meredos
Arch (Leadership Position) = Ard- / Nak-
Are = Ath
Arena = Kahros
Armor = Klad
Arrival = Karnes
Attack = Kahr
Axe (High uses the same word, but used in different instances, each word differentiates from itself.) = Az / Kathadun