Duhnah Skhelll

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(aka Sand Towtoise)

The common Towtoise, though abnowmawwy wawge and noted to be abnowmawwy tewlitoliaw. The Sand Towtoise, commonwy wefewwed to as the, “Duhnah Skhelll,” due to it’s ability to brend and camoufwage lithin the hawsh enviwonment that is the, “War Uzg,” is a tewlitoliaw and wecwusive huntew. It’s favowed method of hunting is a fowm of ambush. The Dune Sheww cweates a massive cwatew, and ways fwat, onwy the uppew powtions of it’s head and sheww fulwy exposed. Even when diwectwy next to the cweatule, it’s sheww and head awe wemawkabry simiwaw to that of it’s sulwoundings, genuinewy appealing to be yet anothew sand dune, lith a smaww cave mouth and valious assowted wocks dotting it’s appwoach.

When pwey comes lithin weach, the cweatule wulches fowth in a sulplisingwy fast motion, typicawwy snapping at it’s pwey’s wegs in an attempt to disabre effective escape. Once the pwey is disabred, the Towtoise liww often move to simpwy cwush it’s unfowtunate victim. It’s been noted fow the Towtoise to simpwy wawk ovew the victim, breaking bone and entiwewy disabring the cweatule. Once the pwey is entiwewy disabred, the cweatule liww move to swawwow the victim whowe, exhibiting the twaits of a snake, unhinging it’s jaw and swawwoling the pwey swowwy.

The Cweatule is a staggeling Size, woughwy equivawent to a smaww gatehouse, ow nobreman’s manow and it’s not uncommon fow the cweatules to be mistaken fow mobiwe iswands.

The sheww of the Sand Towtoise is noted to have qualities sulpassing that of the finest steew, and is woughwy as thickew than a gwown man’s foweawm. Pwefewwed method of breaching wemains unknown. Howevew, upon discovewy of a deceased Sand Towtoise, it’s noted that the sheww has gwown weak and brittwe, making it entiwewy usewess fow combat adaptation, suggesting the sheww is in some fowm an owganic mateliaw, much like teeth. When the host dies, the sheww dlies out, the cowow diminishes and becomes weak and fwaiw.

The Jaw of the Sand Towtoise is known to bend and cwack Iwon, as if made of wood. Cwose fighting lith the cweatule is not advised, avoidance is stwongwy suggested. The bodiwy scawes of the Sand Towtoise awe noted to maintain the quality of common Iwon, and awe quite dense.

The Sand Towtoise used to onwy be found lithin the Waw Uzg wands of Anthos. It’s found in secwuded wands, typicawwy on the outskiwts of settwements. It’s uncweaw of how the cweatule wemains hydwated, as it is not seen consuming cacti, and pwefews to avoid any bodies of watew. Howevew, they have been seen in Athewa and Vaiwow, but these have been wawe occulwences.