Duhnah Skhelll
(aka Sand Tortoise)
The common Tortoise, though abnormally large and noted to be abnormally territorial. The Sand Tortoise, commonly referred to as the, “Duhnah Skhelll,” due to it’s ability to blend and camouflage within the harsh environment that is the, “War Uzg,” is a territorial and reclusive hunter. It’s favored method of hunting is a form of ambush. The Dune Shell creates a massive crater, and lays flat, only the upper portions of it’s head and shell fully exposed. Even when directly next to the creature, it’s shell and head are remarkably similar to that of it’s surroundings, genuinely appearing to be yet another sand dune, with a small cave mouth and various assorted rocks dotting it’s approach.
When prey comes within reach, the creature lurches forth in a surprisingly fast motion, typically snapping at it’s prey’s legs in an attempt to disable effective escape. Once the prey is disabled, the Tortoise will often move to simply crush it’s unfortunate victim. It’s been noted for the Tortoise to simply walk over the victim, breaking bone and entirely disabling the creature. Once the prey is entirely disabled, the creature will move to swallow the victim whole, exhibiting the traits of a snake, unhinging it’s jaw and swallowing the prey slowly.
The Creature is a staggering Size, roughly equivalent to a small gatehouse, or nobleman’s manor and it’s not uncommon for the creatures to be mistaken for mobile islands.
The shell of the Sand Tortoise is noted to have qualities surpassing that of the finest steel, and is roughly as thicker than a grown man’s forearm. Preferred method of breaching remains unknown. However, upon discovery of a deceased Sand Tortoise, it’s noted that the shell has grown weak and brittle, making it entirely useless for combat adaptation, suggesting the shell is in some form an organic material, much like teeth. When the host dies, the shell dries out, the color diminishes and becomes weak and frail.
The Jaw of the Sand Tortoise is known to bend and crack Iron, as if made of wood. Close fighting with the creature is not advised, avoidance is strongly suggested. The bodily scales of the Sand Tortoise are noted to maintain the quality of common Iron, and are quite dense.
The Sand Tortoise used to only be found within the War Uzg lands of Anthos. It’s found in secluded lands, typically on the outskirts of settlements. It’s unclear of how the creature remains hydrated, as it is not seen consuming cacti, and prefers to avoid any bodies of water. However, they have been seen in Athera and Vailor, but these have been rare occurrences.