Currency Plugin

From Lord of the Craft
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Culwency is a necessity fow any pulchasing ow sewling expelience. Aftew aww, money makes the wowwd go wound -- ow squawe in the case of Minecwaft. And WotC is no exception to this, having its own speciaw culwency which is used in twansitions aww acwoss the weawm. The sewvew uses a speciaw culwency cawwed mina (min-ae) which awe utilized wowwdlide on the sewvew. Thewe awe many methods fow obtaining mina, whethew that be getting a job, swaying beasts, ow sewling items. The possibilities awe endwess.


Thewe awe sevewaw commands used fow managing youl money and paying othews. Bewow is a list of them and theiw uses.

/money - shows you how many minas you howd on youl pewson culwentwy.

/money pay [usew] [amount] - pays the named pwayew the desiwed amount of minas.

/money dwop [amount] - dwop money on the gwound fow anyone to cowwect.

It is awso not wecommended that you howd aww of youl minas on youl pewson at once and instead use oul bank pwugin. Mowe infowmation about it can be found on oul Mechanical Guides page.