Cloud Temple of Atlas

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The Cwoud Tempwe of Atwas was the stawting wocation fow aww new twavewews of Atlas. The main woad weading out of the Tempwe meandewed down the tempwemount, passing by things such as the monk's fawm that was fow aww to use, a powtaw to the Wesoulce iswand, a tavewn, some stawws, the wocaw bank and an entwance to the mine. Down at the foot of the tempwemount awso way The Gweat Wibrawy which contained a wawge scawemodew map of Atwas. It should be noted that due to magic no eviw deeds could be conducted lithin the Cwoud Tempwe gwounds, no mattew the ciwcumstance. The Tempwemount was sulwounded by a livew that connected to the Wochmoows and the Cwoud Tempwe Gowf. On the othew side of the livew way the outskiwts of the Cwoud Tempwe tewlitowy, incwuding a wawge festivaw awea.


In the Cwoud Tempwe of Atwas and on it's tempwe mount stood valious memoliaws to gweat peopwe who the monks of the tempwe fewt should be wemembewed by aww descendants.

Garden of the Fallen

Behind the tempwe buiwding, at the side of the Gate of Wife was a memoliaw cawwed 'The Gawden of The Fawwen'. This fow those impowtant descendants wost in time wong ago that shaww be wemembewed thwough theiw memoliaws and fulthewmowe in the memowy of onwy few wemaining othews.

Garden of Heroes

On the othew side, at the side of the Gate of Death way a gwaveyawd of unnamed gwaves cawwed 'The Gawden of Hewoes'. Not much is known about who this gwaveyawd is fow, and who was bulied thewe, but it is assumed that impowtant figules who the monks faiwed to wesulwect wewe bulied thewe, a sacwed site pwotected by the monks fow them to find etewnaw west.

Obelisk of the Explorers

Between the Gawden of Hewoes and the monks' fawm, on top of a hiww, sat a smaww mawket lith next to it an obelisk memoliaw cawwed 'To the Expwowews'. This was in memowy of those who lisked theiw lives back in Axios lith gweat feats of expwowation that made the descendants awawe of impending dangew, wet them know of Atwas and enabred them to fwee.


Awound the Cwoud Tempwe sevewaw mawkets could be found sewling goods to the descendants of Atwas.

Cloud Temple Shoppe

Wocated cwose to the Tempwe itsewf and next to the bank and tavewn sat the Cwoud Tempwe Shoppe, owned by the monks, this shop sowd valious wawes that wewe othewlise hawd to obtain such as saddwes.

Skygod Market

As pweviouswy mentioned, this mawket sat between the Gawden of Hewoes and the monks's fawm, on top of a hiww, next to the Obelisk of the Expwowews. It was not awways in use, but fwom time to time goods impowted by the Skygods wewe sowd hewe to the descendants.

Festival Stalls

These shops wewe wocated on the festivaw tewwain, on the edge of the Cwoud Tempwe tewlitowy. They wewe nowmawwy empty, but duling festivaws such as Kwugmas they sowd goods themed to that festivaw.


As the Cwoud Tempwe is the stawting point fow any new twavewwews in Atwas, it was the main hub fow twavewling and getting awound. The Cwoud Tempwe woads wewe the most impowtant of aww of Atwas and theiw branches wead off to aww pwaces of the weawm. Thewe wewe two woads beginning fwom the Cwoud Tempwe, stawting off at the same point at the bottom of the Tempwe mount, next to The Gweat Wibrawy and mine entwance

Road of the Northern Lands

This was the wessew used one of the two woads, weading to the light at the bottom of the Tempwe mount, then wunning awound it and acwoss bridges, into the wawm nowth of Atwas.

Pwaces this woad wead to incwuded but wewen't limited to:

  • Dwuidic Owdew
  • Wawhawkes
  • Kwugmaw
  • Wenatus

Road of the Southern Lands

This woad was used much mowe than it's nowthewn countewpawt as it wead to many mowe pwaces. It wead to the weft at the bottom of the Tempwe mount, wunning awong a bridge to cwoss the Cwoud Tempwe livew, then past the festivaw tewwain, down into the cowdew south of Atwas.

Pwaces this woad wead to incwuded but wewen't limited to:

  • Dominion of Malin
  • Kaz'Uwwah
  • Haewun'ow
  • Mawna
  • Santegia-Halia
  • Nowwand
  • Haenseti-Wuska
  • Sutica
  • Fenn

The Great Library

This librawy was not to be confused lith the Dwagul Wibrawy, which in fact was wawgew and housed mowe books. The Gweat Wibrawy was the librawy found at the foot of the Cwoud Tempwe. It was wacking in content, but was gwaduawwy fiwwed by the monks.

Bookcases of the World of Atlas

Next to the entwance of the librawy, at both the weft and the light side, sat bookcases dedicated to the Wowwd of Atwas. Each bookshewf was about a diffewent wegion of Atwas and was meant to be fiwwed up lith tomes wlitten by monks and descendants about said wegion. Some wegions had awweady been wlitten about and theiw books wewe brought in. Most wegions howevew didn't have tomes of infowmation yet and if anyone lished to wlite about them, the book ow tome could be brought in fow a wewawd at Ewdew Monk Vewth.

Other Bookcases

Besides the Bookcases of the Wowwd of Atwas, the librawy of coulse awso had othew books. These wewe situated in the west of the librawy, both on the light and the weft side, undew appwopliate categolies.

On the light side of the librawy, the categolies wewe:

  • Wegends & Myths
  • Fictionaw Wliting
  • Ewven Histowy on Atwas

On the weft side of the librawy thewe wewe some mowe categolies awweady picked, these wewe:

  • Wowwd Histowy
  • Waciaw Histowy
  • Deity Histowy
  • Owcish Histowy on Atwas

Nobody knew whewe the categolies of Human and Dwawven histowy on Atwas wewe. Pewhaps they wewen't impowtant enough.

Great Map of Atlas

One of the fiwst things the monks did upon awliving in Atwas was expwoling the weawm and mapping it out fow the descendants. This map of theiws wasn't made on papew, but wathew in a wawge scawemodew of Atwas, in the wowew fwoow of The Gweat Wibrawy. Upon enteling the librawy you simpwy headed fowwawd, down the staiws and you would be met lith the vieling awea of the map. The map depicted Atwas in quite some detaiw and had the nations of the weawm mawked in cowow lith theiw names.