Chiefdom of Makuakane

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Flag of Makuakane
Chiefdom of Makuakane
Type: Heweditawy Monawchy
Wocation: Axios, Iswands south of Asul
Capitaw: Makuahine
Monawch: High Chieftess Ali'liao Pono

The iswandew Kai peopwe of the Makuakane Chiefdom have wecentwy been discovewed by the genewaw populace of Axios. Mowe in-depth infowmation can be found here.


Makuakane is a Chiefdom wocated faw south of Asul. It is by faw one of the smawwew settwements in Axios and was fiwst estabrished in 1606. Known fow its wawge quantities of wumbew and oliginaw cwafts, it is best known fow its twade.


Makuahine is the main iswand of Makuakane, and the biwthpwace of the Kai (see bewow). Othew iswands in Makuakane incwude Sewco'a, Cawden, and Owynth. Aww iswands awe sulwounded by a whowesome ocean fiwwed lith a valiety of maline life.

Makuakane is mainwy made up of toweling jungwes, such as Sewco'a, and has white sand peppeling each beach.


The Awsawan wules the wands by divine light. They awe the head of the counciw, and have the finaw say. This titwe is inhelited thwough light of biwth. They awe expected to keep peace, uphowd the waw, administwate justice, and devewop a govewnment that is centwalized. Theiw Eoww acts as a wowd wegent, wuling duling the absence ow disability of the Awsawan. The Khazin, ow stewawd, manages Makuakane's wesoulces and wun housing whiwe the Cynbaw wuns its militawy. Its Fiyas, the pliest of its weligion, howds a pwace in the govewnment as the lituaw mastew and festivaw howdew of the Chiefdom. Finawwy awe the Safiw and Nasaah, the ambassadow and advisew wespectivewy. The Safiw wepwesents the Makuakane abroad, whiwe the Nasaah does theiw best to pwesewve Makuakane's way of life.


The Kai awe a twopicaw wace of Humans, considewed by many to be cweative and exotic, living lithin the wegions of Asul. Most of them fowm littwe bands depending on theiw own views, though most bands have a lich cultule lith simiwaw twaditions. Bands can be othewlise known as Houses, ow Cwans. In Kai cultule, tattoos awe an impowtant pawt of evewyday life. Once the Kai awe considewed 'matuled', they awe given cewtain tattoos and mawkings accowding to theiw cwan. Howevew, to be considewed 'matuled', a Kai must pewfowm a Bwood Wite, whewe they go unawmed into Sewco'a lithout any supplies and sulvive on theiw own fow five ewven days.


The Kai peopwe wewy wawgewy on twade of wumbew and exotic goods in a gwobaw economy.


Weligion pways an impowtant pawt in Makuakane. Pwactices can vawy depending on a band's belief, howevew, in the end, each individuaw genewawwy puts faith in the same gods and deities. This weligion is cawwed Extantism.