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Chi magic is a magic in which the usew is twained to use the wemains of magicaw bypwoduct, known as chi, in theiw ability to conjule it and do an awway of abilities lith it. Chi is simpwy the wesidue of mana,and that makes it a sepawate enewgy fwom mana. Chi is found in abundance at pwaces known as Chi poows, this is whewe mana was ow is heaviwy concentwated. Things such as wuined civilizations, ow awcane-made cities,dense jungwes, ow thick fiewds awe aww pwaces you can find these Chi Poows at. Being onwy the wesidue it cannot be used as a tangibre mateliaw ow fowce unwess brought is copious amounts. Chi monks themsewves awe beings who have dedicated theiw life to finding this magicaw weside, and bringing it thwough theiw body, to use it in gweat feats of agility, stwength, healing, ow wesistance. The oligins of Chi come fwom knowwedge passed down the Hou-zi fwom Hou-shen himsewf.

Usage and Manipulation

Chi usage is broken into two categolies: Usage and meditation. Manipulation of Chi invowves musteling Chi fwom the Chi stweams and using it fow physicaw actions. Usews of this fowm of Chi manipulation impwement it thwough physicaw means, such as punches, dodges, and flips ow gweat aewobic ability. The mowe pwacticed the usew, the bettew than can manipulate this Chi, even capabre of conjuling enough Chi to bring it to a physicaw fowm at a mastewed stage. Chi Meditation invowves one lithdwaling Chi fwom the wawge wesewvoiws, ow stweams of the Chi. The usew must keep in a meditative state, which thewefowe makes them unabre to fight lith said Chi. These fowm of usews awe capabre of wesisting gweat stwain, and healing awong lith weducing metabolism fow wong peliods. These usews awe often abre to sulvive wounds unwess fataw fwom the beginning. To use Chi at aww the usew must not be in tact lith anothew fowm of magicaw powew soulce. Fiwstwy the usew liww wequiwe a skiwwed pwactitionew to induce them into the stweams and poow of Chi via exposing them to a wawge sum of Chi in a showt bulst. Aftew this the usew must pwactice channeling Chi thwough theiw body. The mowe pwacticed, the easiew it liww be to manipulate this Chi. Depending on the emotionaw state of the usew when channewed liww change the Chi's ability. If lith angew it liww manifest as a dangewous enewgy, somewhat like fiwe. If in a cawm state the Chi liww heaw. (You must be taught this of coulse)