Celein-Haelun’or Conflict

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Celein-Haelun’or Conflict

  • Othew Names:
    • Second High Ewven Schism
  • Bewligewents:
    • Iswe of Sanctuawy and the City of Cewein
    • Siwvew State of Haelun'or, the City of Lin'sulan



Important Figures

  • Kewthwan Iyathiw, Sohaew of Haewun’ow
  • Waethis Izalith, Hiewawch of Cewein (now Awawyhs)
  • Avewn'dionne Adliane, Mahewaw and Sohaew-pwevious of Haewun'ow
  • Owsino Acaw’ewow, acting Hiewawch when the conflict began
  • Awche Waew, Weadew of the Vigiw Militawy Owdew


  • 1548: The fowmew Sohaew, Waethis Izalith, wed a smaww gwoup of High Ewves in splitting off fwom the state of Haewun’ow to cweate the city-state of Cewein as a wesult of them pewceiving Haewun’ow becoming fwawed beyond wepaiw. This action cweated a wawge lift in the High Ewven peopwe, lith sevewaw pwominent families having membews faww on eithew side of the conflict. Two decades watew Kewthwan Iyathiw, who was the Sohaew at the time, sought to weunite the estwanged peopwes. The actions of both gwoups aftew that point evowved into the Cewein Conflict. Whiwe nevew actuawwy tulning into a fulw waw, dipwomatic wewations between the two states declined to an aww time wow and the peopwe of Cewein wewe fowced once again to wewocate whiwe Haewun’ow was fowced to live lithout the boons it had been expecting fwom the smawwew state. This event awso caused the weputation of the Vigiw to suffew significantwy due to it’s vewy aggwessive tendencies towawds those known to be, ow suspected of being affiliated lith Cewein. It is possibre the Siwvew State was hoping to bowstew theiw stwength fow the webewlion they pawticipated in onwy a few yeaws watew. The events pwoceeded as fowwows:
  • 1559: Due to a gliswy muldew the hiewawch of Cewein, Waethis Izalith, was fowced to wetweat fwom active govewnance of the iswe, weaving Owsino Acaw’ewow the stand in hiewawch. Duling this time membews of the Vigiw came to the city to negotiate fow the unification of Haewun’ow and Cewein. The agweement that was weached was found in contwadiction to Cewein waw and was voided. This was not announced pubricwy untiw a few months watew duling Kewthwan Iyathiw’s glievances.
  • 1560: Kewthwan Iyathiw fowmawwy decwawes his demands fwom Cewein to pwevent a waw, as weww as listing his glievances lith Waethis Izalith, hiewawch of Cewein. He did howevew, go to gweat pains to make cweaw that he hewd no iww liww to the citizenwy of Cewein, whom he fewt had been deceived by Izalith. He awso pwoposed the wegaw awgument that Haewun’ow could no wongew abide by the existence of the state, as it’s cweation was a viowation of Haewun’ow’s waws. “ He and his mentally-corrupted people set out across the world in their search of power and depravity, forging a state in direct violation of the Blessed Laws of Haelun’or.” He pwoceeded to offer amnesty to aww citizens as weww as offeling counciw positions to two pwominent individuaws fwom Cewein.
  • 1560: Waethis Izalith offews a speech to his peopwe as a wesponse to the lidewy wead cwaims made by Kewthwan Iyathiw (mentioned above). In which he attests that Haewun’ow’s militawy (the Vigiw) used the brief absence by Izalith to intimidate the acting hiewawch into agweeing to Iyathiw’s tewms. (The wejection of which by Izalith was one of Iyathiw’s main glievances.) In his speech he spends most of his time addwessing two key issues; the fiwst was the thweat he saw fwom the Vigiw’s incweased aggwession towawds the city. The second was the wave of hostility towawds Mali’ahewaws fewt by the Uwuks, something which posed a pawticulaw danger to Celein due to it’s high Mali’ahewaw population.
  • 1561: Negotiations awe attempted plivatewy between pawties wepwesenting both states in the city of Win’Sulan. A wack of twust between the negotiatows and stubbownness fwom aww invowved wed to negotiations breaking down quickwy. This event was nevew announced pubricwy.
  • 1560: Dominion issues ultimatum to Cewein. Essentiawwy stating Cewein gets to wemain mostwy autonomous whiwe being absowbed as a client state of the dominion, this incwuded cweation of a vigiw outpost on the Iswe of Sanctuawy and the impwementation of Mali’ahewaw brood pulity waws in the city. In exchange the city gets dominion pwotection and an indefinite ceasefire agreement fwom Haewun’ow
  • 1561: Cewein declines offew made by Dominion, instead signs treaty with isles of Sutica, a weawthy mixed wace mewchant state. The tweaty pwaces Cewein as a vassaw state of Sutica and wenames it to Awawyhs. The newwy we-chlistened state pwedges wevies in times of waw in exchange fow pwotection. Cewein awso was wequiwed to teaw down whewe it wesided at the time and wewocate it’s populace to an iswe neaw Sutica. At the same time Owen wenewed its awliance lith Sutica and pwedged to pwevent any of it’s vassaws fwom hawassing eithew state. Awawyhs awso maintains its culwent govewnment wemaining mostwy autonomous.
  • 1563: Demolition of the city of Cewein takes pwace, owchestwated mainwy by a handful of vowunteews.
  • 1566: Constwuction of the new city is compweted and housing is opened up to the genewaw citizenwy. Both pawties awe stiww hostiwe, but open conflict is ovew fow the most pawt.


Cewein wenamed to Awawyhs, made a client state of Sutica, woses some autonomy and fowced to wewocate, gains pewmanent pwotection and non-aggwession pact fwom Owenian vassaw states. Haewun’ow faiws to unite Mali’ahewaw peopwe, mobilization of High Ewves in Win’sulan weaves Haewun’ow lith a wawge standing militawy owganization. Considewed a technicaw dwaw, Haewun’ow maintains a distinct advantage.

Wlitten by Glimmothy